His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 86 Let's find a time and place to have a fight

The little girl tilted her head and became unreasonable: "Hmph, I don't care, it's just scum."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

The little girl walked ahead bouncingly, she seemed to be in a good mood, she was completely different from when she came out just now.

Chen Xingyu stepped forward and grabbed her by the ponytail, "Isn't that unreasonable?"

The little girl was pulled so badly that her scalp ached, she was forced to stop, and hit Chen Xingyu's chest with her back.

The two are very close.

But neither noticed.

Lin Yuejian pulled her ponytail in pain, trying to free it from Chen Xingyu's clutches.

However, Chen Xingyu just let go of her ponytail and did not let go.

The little girl patted him angrily, "Let go!"

"If you don't let go, I'll hit you." The tone was fierce, without any threatening force.

Chen Xingyu was amused, "Can you beat me?"

Lin Yuejian: "..."

Girls are also competitive.

Hearing this, she immediately said: "Come here, let go, let's fight and see who wins."

Chen Xingyu let go, but he didn't intend to fight Lin Yuejian.

He just put his hands in his pockets, looked at her and said with a smile, "Tsk, you're so strong?"

Sure enough, the previous cuteness was all because of unfamiliarity.

Lin Yuejian straightened her torn hair and replied, "That's for sure, a woman from country Z who will be strong all her life."

Chen Xingyu was amused by her words.

"Don't pull my hair again next time, or I'll beat you up!" The little girl who had tied her hair up again was holding her fists fiercely.

Chen Xingyu looked down at her slightly, with a slight smile on his lips.

I thought to myself, that fist is so small, it probably feels like tickling when hit on the body.

Lin Yuejian saw the disdain in his eyes, "Why, you look down on my fist?"

Chen Xingyu nodded, very sincerely: "A little bit."

Lin Yuejian: "..."

How could this person look down on her fists!
She felt she was insulted.

"Chen Xingyu, let's find a time and place and have a fight."

The little girl stroked her unnecessary sleeves and said solemnly with her waist in.

It's a proper appointment, even if the person is small, he looks sweet and less imposing.

For so long, this was the first time Chen Xingyu heard the little girl call her full name.

...It's strange.

Back in the classroom, everyone is still there.

It's just that some are playing with mobile phones, some are doing quizzes, and some are sleeping.

Lin Yuejian returned to her seat, played with her mobile phone for a while, then picked up a pen to pick up her thoughts, and continued to do the unfinished questions just now.

Qian Tang glanced back and saw that Chen Xingyu was lying down, so he moved his chair to get in front of Lin Yuejie, laughing and gossiping.

"Yueyue, what did you and Chen Xingyu go out to eat?"

Lin Yuejian, "Fried rice noodles."

Qian Tang oh oh twice, her focus is not on this.

She noticed when the two came back just now, they were talking and laughing, which was not the same as when they came in the morning.

Although Lin Yuejian didn't say anything, she was not in a good mood this morning.

"Then did something happen between you and Brother Yu?"

Lin Yuejian raised her eyes.

Why do you ask this question... a bit like gossiping about a young couple?

Lin Yuejian was taken aback by the adjective she thought of.

He quickly shook his head to drive this thought out of his mind.

Then he replied: "Nothing."

Just eat a meal and go back to school.

But Qian Tang didn't believe it, "You were unhappy when you went out, and now you come back from a meal, and your mood has obviously improved, I don't believe it!"

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