His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 89 I have to be responsible for you

Chen Xingyu nodded without saying anything, took his schoolbag and went upstairs with Lin Yuejian one after the other, and went back to their respective bedrooms.

After a while, there was a knock on Lin Yuejian's door.

The little girl had just put down her schoolbag, and the stool was still hot, so she was too lazy to open the door and shouted, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Chen Xingyu put his hands on the lock and turned it open, but he didn't go in, he just stood at the door and shouted: "Where is your daughter?"

Lin Yuejian:? ? ?

She froze for half a second before realizing that it was milk tea, and immediately jumped up to look at the terrarium.

Sure enough, the push-pull door was somehow pushed open by milk tea.

There was no trace of the little guy in the box.

Lin Yue was dumbfounded seeing everyone, especially Chen Xingyu's "again".

Her milk tea has escaped from prison for the second time and ran to his room.

For a moment, I didn't know who to blame for not closing the door.

The little girl was slightly embarrassed, "I'll catch it right away."

Chen Xingyu hummed, and stood at the door of the room, waiting for Lin Yuejian to get the little thing away.

It's okay for Lin Yue to see it or not, but she was startled when she saw it.

What the hell, that rebellious girl with milk tea actually climbed onto the curtain and hung on it like a spider.

Immediately, a wave of anger rushed to her sky cap, "What the hell...how did you get on it?! Get down quickly, your mother won't be able to pay for it if you catch it!!!"

When Milk Tea heard the familiar voice, she turned her head to look twice, but her highly myopic eyes really couldn't see clearly.

And then climbed up to a higher place.

Lin Yue was afraid that it would damage the curtain, so she ran over to grab it.

However, an embarrassing scene happened. Lin Yuejian stretched out her hands and tiptoed to reach them, but she couldn't reach them!

This rebellious girl climbed as high as a ghost in the blink of an eye!

Lin Yuejian also saw the expensive and gorgeous curtains, which made them all pilled and snagged!

Chen Xingyu stood not far away, crossed his arms and looked at her lazily.

Anyway, I am not in a hurry, I am not afraid of the distance, and I am not distressed when my curtains are destroyed.

Lin Yuejian was a little embarrassed, "Well, let me borrow your stool."

Chen Xingyu raised his chin, signaling her to use it.

Lin Yuejian moved the stool over, took off her shoes and stood on it.

Chen Xingyu's chair had wheels, so it was easy to shake and run. Seeing this, he walked over and put his feet on the edge of the wheels to prevent her from falling off.

Lin Yuejian was so preoccupied with how to get the milk tea down that she didn't notice Chen Xingyu's actions.

The milk tea climbed really high, almost reaching the ceiling. Even with a chair, Lin Yuejian was still a little short of being able to reach it.

I never knew that her house mouse is so powerful.

"Milk tea, come down quickly, don't come down and break your cheese biscuits and goat's milk jelly."

Milk Tea: Shushu, I don’t understand what Mama is talking about!

Seeing the milk tea hanging motionless on it, Lin Yue felt angry and wanted to laugh.

It's just that the milk tea was hanging on Chen Xingyu's curtains, which made her unable to laugh.

At this time, the people watching the play behind him gave a "poof" laugh.

The voice was lazy: "You, can it understand?"

This unexpected sound startled Lin Yuejian, and she fell off the chair weightlessly with the soles of her feet empty.

Lin Yuejian: "Ah!"

Chen Xingyu was also taken aback, and quickly reached out to pick her up.

When Lin Yuejian was about to face the ground, she wrapped one hand around her waist and supported her with one hand.

The chair had rolled aside by itself, and Lin Yue saw that she was lying on Chen Xingyu's arm.

After Chen Xingyu helped him stabilize, a look of worry flashed in his eyes: "Are you all right?"

Lin Yuejian was a little shocked, almost, she was going to have an intimate contact with the floor tiles.

The floor tiles are so hard, if she touches the ground on her face, it will hurt even thinking about it!

After standing still, the little girl breathed a sigh of relief, "No, it's all right."

After she finished speaking, she raised her eyes to meet Chen Xingyu's gaze. Time seemed to freeze at that moment, and the two looked at each other.

The distance is very close, so close that you can see the little fluff on the opponent's face.

The originally steady heartbeat began to speed up, thumping... as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

Lin Yuejian blinked her eyes twice and came back to her senses, realizing that she was in Chen Xingyu's arms at this moment, so she quickly backed out.

"Hey, that thanked you just now."

Chen Xingyu, "You're welcome, it's a matter of little effort."

"After all, this is my territory, and I have to be responsible to you."

The young man's voice was low and hoarse, with a masculine magnetism, which aroused people's itch.

Lin Yue saw that this person was thin-skinned. Although the contact just now was forced, she still felt a little embarrassed and her face burned.

The mouth opened and opened again, but no words came out.

Milk tea didn't know when it ran down from the curtain, and went to Lin Yuejian's feet to rub it.

The little girl lowered her head and looked, it was a perverse mouse that she couldn't get down after a long time!

She was suddenly furious, and picked up the mouse by the back of the neck of the milk tea.

He said angrily: "Today's biscuits are confiscated!"

Milk Tea dropped her hands naturally without struggling.

But when Lin Yuejian said that the biscuits were confiscated, the four paws began to struggle, as if they were resisting.

"I know how to escape from prison every day. When I have money, I will replace the glass for you. I'll see how you escape!"

Milk Tea: I am Shushu, I will be locked in that little broken cage again from now on!

The little mouse glanced at Chen Xingyu, as if asking for help.

Chen Xingyu didn't know who was so cute, so he smiled lightly: "Let it go, let the whole third floor go with it."

This includes his room.

Lin Yuejian's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it: "Aren't you afraid of furry things, why do you let them run around?"

Chen Xingyu glanced at the little mouse in Lin Yuejian's hand, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a beautiful arc.

"It feels cute."

In other words, it seems that I am not so scared anymore.

Sometimes the little girl would leave the door open when she was in the room, and when Chen Xingyu passed by, she would occasionally glance in.

I often see her sitting in front of the terrarium teasing the little mouse, talking to the little guy there talking to herself.

Presumably to her, this little mouse is a very special existence!

Lin Yuejian, "Thank you."

But she will still avoid milk tea to escape.

Put the milk tea back in the cage, and it's time to go down to eat.

Lin Yuejian and Chen Xingyu were the only two people at the dinner table today, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

But after getting used to it, I didn't feel awkward, but a sense of harmony.


In late October, No. [-] Middle School will hold a school sports meeting.

For three days, there will be no classes during this period.

Wednesday is the opening ceremony, and each class needs to choose a person to raise a placard. Naturally, the most handsome or the most beautiful must be selected.

Cheng Liuyan was probably lazy. After looking around the class, she called the names directly: "Chen Xingyu will be the one to raise the placard for this school sports meeting."

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