Chapter 1 A Bowl of Poison

"Drink it!" Xie Yunshu held the medicine bowl and handed it to the maidservant Zi He, her sickly pale and thin face was cold and aggressive, "Drink it!"

A look of panic flashed across Zi He's eyes, and she subconsciously backed away and shook her head: "What's the matter with you, Miss? Don't make trouble, this is your medicine, drink it quickly, you will get better if you drink it!"

Xie Yunshu sneered: "I'm fine now, I don't need this. Miss Yaoben rewards you with this bowl, drink it quickly!"


"What? How dare you, a servant, disobey your master? Drink it!"

Zi He's heart skipped a beat, subconsciously stepped back, and shook her head desperately.

Xie Yunshu looked at her fixedly, then put down the medicine bowl with a contemptuous smile: "You don't drink it because you know the medicine is poisonous, right?"

"Ah!" Zi He exclaimed and changed color.

Xie Yunshu said again: "What good did the Qi family promise you? You idiot! You are my maidservant who is close to me. If something happens to me, will my father and grandma spare you? Do you think the Qi family will protect you, or Why don't you just kill me? She even dared to kill me, so what are you?"

Zi He was frightened, her knees gave way and she fell to the ground, "No, no"

Xie Yunshu continued: "If I deliberately let Mrs. Qi think that you told me not to drink this medicine, will Mrs. Qi have the patience to listen to you as a servant?"

Zi He naturally knew what kind of person Qi was, and she went "hum!" in her head, and her heart was completely chilled!

She looked at Xie Yunshu like falling into an ice cellar!

"Understood? You are an abandoned child, no matter what I do, you will not escape death!"

"Miss, help! Miss, help!"

Xie Yunshu twitched at the corner of her mouth, and threw a bag of money in front of her: "Run away! Don't appear in front of me again! Instead of betting on whether the Qi family will forgive you, it's better to run away and bet on the future, you say What? I don't mean well, I just don't want to get my life on my hands, get out!"

Zi He was stunned, the despair in her eyes getting deeper and deeper.

In the end, she grabbed the purse abruptly, got up and staggered out.
Xie Yunshu swayed slightly, dizzy before her eyes, took a few breaths, and then slowly stood still.

The original owner died of illness yesterday, and she was also a poor girl.From now on, she will cherish this life and protect what she wants to protect for her.

Xie Yunshu lifted her feet and walked to the Ruyi cloud pattern green gauze cupboard, as expected, she saw her mother, Mrs. Su sitting there blankly, tears streaming down her face.

"Mother..." Xie Yunshu felt a sharp pain in her heart, this may be the emotion left by the original owner, even she felt a little uncomfortable, she stepped forward and sat beside Su Shi, and gently shook her arm: "Mother, don't be sad. "

How can you not be sad?
Su Shi suddenly pulled her into her arms and hugged her tightly, tears poured down like rain, the suppressed crying was so painful that she almost cried blood.

"Shu'er, Shu'er, mother almost killed you! Mother almost killed you!"

I'm afraid that the servants will not be careful, she decocted the medicine herself, if her daughter died because of this, how could she live alone?
Xie Yunshu patted Su Shi's back lightly again and again, a feeling of intimacy that was connected by blood was born spontaneously, mother's embrace was so warm, Xie Yunshu, who was an orphan in the previous life, was so soft in her heart.

When Su's venting was almost done, Xie Yunshufang comforted her softly, and managed to persuade her.

Su wiped away her tears, her eyes were red and swollen, and she smiled sadly: "I thought we had finally made it through, as long as I thought that you are now the eldest lady of the Hou's mansion, and that you will have a good marriage, I can bear any grievances, and I can't bear anything." You can ignore it, but why, she is so vicious!"

Su Shi gritted her teeth, her eyes gradually went crazy.

Her daughter is her bottom line!

When her husband left his hometown to join the army, Shu'er was not yet born. Last month, when their mother, daughter and mother-in-law were given military meritorious service, and her husband, who was granted the title of Marquis three years ago, received this Pingbei Hou Mansion, Shu'er was already 17 years old. Years old.

For so many years, she had to work inside and outside the village, and she also had to support her parents-in-law and raise her daughter. In the past few years, her father-in-law died of illness and funeral was handled by her alone. One can imagine how much she suffered.

But she never regretted it.

Because she has a well-behaved baby girl, as long as she watches her grow up day by day and sees her smile on her little face and obediently calls her "Mom!", she will feel that everything is worth it.

Qi, but wants her Shu'er's life!How vicious!

Empress Su put her arms around Xie Yunshu in fear: "Shu'er, mother won't let anyone hurt you, no more"

Xie Yunshu breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that her mother was gentle and kind, but she was definitely not dough. She was a tough and reasonable person with a soft exterior and a strong interior. Otherwise, how could she support a family without her husband by her side for so many years?

Xie Yunshu smiled lightly and nodded: "Well, I will protect Mother too! Mother, we all need to be fine!"

Su Clan was in a daze, feeling that her daughter had changed a bit, but she felt relieved, coming to the Hou's Mansion in the capital from a rural village thousands of miles away, and such a thing happened again, how could there be no change?

"Okay!" Mrs. Su gently stroked her head, and smiled slightly, feeling a little more relaxed.

Xie Yunshu got up: "Let's go to Songhetang to see grandma. Grandma has always been in good health, but she became ill as soon as she arrived in the capital. I always feel, I always feel that I am not old at all. It’s not a matter of acclimatization.”

Grandma was very kind to their mother and daughter, and she kept talking about her mother as the first spouse. Even though Qi had been with her father for more than ten years at the border, even though Qi had been named the county head because of her father and brother's military exploits, She is also a flat wife, and she can't surpass her mother.

If Grandma hadn't been sick, maybe Qi wouldn't have had such courage and things wouldn't have gotten so bad.

Su's heart was shocked, and he felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai, and changed his color: "You, what are you talking about? Qi, she, how dare she."

Xie Yunshu hurriedly said: "I just guessed, anyway, there is nothing wrong with being careful. Qi may not dare to take Grandma's life, as long as Grandma is sick and unable to help us, it is enough. She is so vicious, she may not be able to do this."

(End of this chapter)

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