Chapter 100 Biased
Xie Houye stared, but the old lady Xie said: "What is such a small matter? I am not allowed to care about Shu'er?"

Qi hurriedly laughed and said: "The old lady misunderstood, but I just think that the old lady should not be worried, the old lady should be raised happily, and the Lord Hou will be the master when the sky falls."

Lord Xie Hou listened to these words very well, and nodded quickly: "Yes mother, there is a son here, how can you always make mother worry and suffer?"

"Shut up!" Mrs. Xie sat down and glared at her angrily, "I don't understand the other things, and I don't care, but I have told Su Shi about my Shu'er, no matter what Don't hide it from me! Hmph! Shu'er, come, come to Grandma, what's the matter?"

Lord Xie Hou sighed: "Since Mother asked, there is no reason to hide it from Mother! Mother knows how ignorant this girl is."

Xie Houye recounted what Xie Yunqian had said in a heartbroken manner, and the more he said it, the more angry he became.

In Xie Yunqian's description, Xie Yunshu deliberately mocked and humiliated her sisters and relatives' cousins ​​in front of the two most noble ladies in the capital. They are all offended.It was originally a chance to make friends, but she was forced to mix it up.Not only did she not know repentance, but she was also self-satisfied.
Su Shi was anxious and was about to speak, but seeing her daughter shaking her head slightly at her, she had to hold back.

Sure enough, as Xie Yunshu expected, Grandma became furious when she heard these words: "Nonsense! My Shu'er will never be so ignorant, I think you must have made a mistake!"

Qi was furious, and called out to Qu: "Old lady, is it possible that Qian'er will lie? What the old lady said, my daughter-in-law is wronged for Qian'er!"

"Grandmother!" Xie Yunqian bit her lip, called the old lady aggrievedly, and scolded the old lady a lot in her heart.

This old woman is still so eccentric!Why is she?

Old Madam Xie didn't expect Qi to say that, she was stunned, and said stubbornly: "I don't mean anything else, I trust Shu'er."

Qi, Xie Yunqian: "."

This does not explain the same as no explanation at all?

Xie Yunshu looked pitifully at the old lady Xie: "I knew that grandma believed in me, so dad should listen to me anyway, right?"

Old Madam Xie: "Of course you have to listen! Tell me, Shu'er, Grandma also wants to know what's going on. Second girl, don't be coaxed by others, and let outsiders coax you to wrong your sister."


The old lady Xie waved her hand: "You better be lied to! Shu'er, tell me."

Xie Hou Ye sneered: "Since your grandma told you to say it, then you say it. Shu'er, don't lie, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Don't worry, Dad, I will never lie! Whoever lies will be struck by lightning!" She would only hide something.

Xie Yunqian: "."

Xie Yunshu took a look at Xie Yunqian: "Auntie is right, I think my sister must have been tricked! Did my sister forget? The cousins ​​of the Qi family offended Miss Fang as soon as they opened their mouths. Let's go. She called me to come, how dare I not listen? Besides, the cousins ​​of the Qi family don't like me, and they will mock me when they see me."

Xie Yunshu spoke very fast, before Xie Yunqian could stop her, she had already said several malicious words of Qi Fanghui.

Xie Yunqian was very angry: "You are talking nonsense, there is nothing at all!"

The old lady Xie frowned: "Why is it Qi's family again? You wronged Shu'er before, but now you dare to laugh at Shu'er? Qi, you also take care of those in your natal family!"

Qi's face was ugly: "Old lady, what Shu'er said may not be the truth, Qian'er didn't say that. It wasn't such a big deal at first, it's just a matter of correcting mistakes, but if you have to be so serious, it's better for me Tomorrow, we will invite Fang Ying and Fang Hui to come over and explain clearly in person, so that our eldest lady will not wrong them!"

Xie Yunqian snorted: "Mother is right!"

Both her mother and daughter had the same thoughts, they could call their relatives to testify, could Xie Yunshu also call Fang Muliu and Liu Xuezhi to testify?Does she have the nerve?

Even if she was in the mood, she could invite Fang Muliu and Liu Xuezhi casually?
Xie Houye obviously believed Xie Yunqian's mother and daughter, "Mother, I don't think it needs to be so troublesome! No matter how you say it, it is a fact that Shu'er left her sisters behind! How can she act like this outside? It's ridiculous! Shu'er doesn't know According to the rules of the capital, the Fang family and the Liu family are the families of honorable officials. It is not easy to have the opportunity to make friends with them. Today is such a good opportunity, your sister warmly invited the two young ladies to play together. Instead of helping to say good things, instead of fighting with relatives, you really have no sense of the overall situation! Before you learn how to be a qualified noble lady in the capital, I think your second mother is right, so don't go out easily."

Su couldn't bear it anymore: "Master Hou, Shu'er has already made it very clear that it was the Qi family who offended Ms. Fang, and since Ms. Fang is so honorable, how dare Shu'er speak indiscriminately? It's fine if she doesn't anger Shu'er Alright!"

The old lady Xie was also furious: "Exactly! The Qi family offended someone, but they blame Shu'er? It's really unreasonable!"

Mrs. Qi was not happy: "Old lady, we are all relatives, we are all in the same spirit, one is prosperous and the other is hurt, the old lady's words are chilling. Besides, what kind of hatred can there be when a girl's family is playing around? Did you offend someone? If the eldest lady said a few words together, what would be wrong? The eldest lady added fuel to the fire instead."

Xie Yunshu: "I didn't add fuel to the flames. If Dad doesn't believe me, I'll go all out tomorrow and ask Miss Fang and Miss Liu to come face to face, how about it?"

Xie Yunqian sneered: "Okay, it's better to be like this, so as not to say that I wronged my sister!"

She didn't believe that Xie Yunshu could invite someone.

Just kidding, that domineering Fang Muliu, Xie Yunshu only met her today, how could she agree to such a boring thing?
If she didn't come, Liu Xuezhi wouldn't come either.

Qi obviously thought the same way: "Since the young lady has said so, Lord Hou, let's give the young lady a chance. The young lady should invite people here tomorrow, and don't shirk with such and such reasons. "

"No need!" Lord Xie Hou saw Xie Yunqian and Qi's saying so, and believed them even more. He decided that Xie Yunshu was a dead duck with a stubborn mouth and stubbornness. Speaking of this person. Shu'er, I have already said, don't cause trouble, you sisters should get along well, don't be aggressive at every turn, what is there for a family to fight for? What's the use of fighting for these idleness? Seriously!"

(End of this chapter)

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