Lord Xie Hou thought about paying homage to his father after everything was ready in a few days, but when he saw this, he simply didn't hide it, so he quickly said it, and then smiled: "This is what Yunniang reminded my son. Nian is really filial to your elders!"

The old lady Xie was a little happier when she heard the words, she wiped her eyes and looked at Mrs Su with a smile and said: "Okay, okay, Yunniang really has a heart, I was thinking about it too, but I just forgot about it when I was about to say it, Alas, I am old and have a bad memory, fortunately there is Yunniang!"

Xie Hou Ye also smiled: "Mother should feel at ease now!"

"Yes, yes, don't worry!" Mrs. Xie laughed.

Su Shi also smiled softly: "This is what I should do."

Qi Shi and Xie Yunqian glanced at each other, and the mother and daughter couldn't help but feel angry again.

Xie Yunqian gritted her teeth secretly, if she had known that Xie Yunshu called her father away today to talk about this matter, she would not let him go no matter what.

Mrs. Qi refused to let Mrs. Su steal the limelight by herself, so she hurriedly laughed and said, "If that's the case, then get ready. I'll prepare a present. Tomorrow, Lord Hou will find Qin Tianjian to watch over you for a good day! Yes! Now, it’s time for the old lady, Sister Su and Shu’er to buy some new clothes and jewelry. There are a lot of good materials in the warehouse that are suitable for the old lady. That’s right, pick some of them.”

When Chuntang went to Cuiweitang to invite Lord Hou today, Lord Hou was talking to the mother and daughter about buying clothes and jewelry. Even if she didn't mention it, Lord Hou would have mentioned it.

Although my heart is still shaking.
Sure enough, Master Xie laughed after hearing this: "I was about to tell you about this, but I didn't expect you to think of it too! Then you can arrange it, and I can rest assured that you do things."

Qi smiled shyly, "Don't worry, Lord Hou!"

Mrs. Xie also became happy when she heard this, and she gave Qi an approving look, and her tone was kinder: "You can think of this as the best, so I'll let it go, you can use whatever material you want. The ones must be good. Yunniang and Shu'er should choose some good ones. Especially Shu'er, the girls should dress up!"

Lord Xie Hou laughed and said, "Mother is right, I think so too!"

Qi had no choice but to endure the nausea: "I remember everything the old lady said!"

Xie Yunshu smiled sweetly: "Grandma always thinks of me, thank you grandma! Thank you father and second mother!"

Qi's smirk wasn't real, the smile on his face could hardly hold back.

The next day, Mrs. Qi specially invited Mother Qin from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who taught the rules, to arrive with her maid, Xiao Zhu.

When it comes to learning the rules, it is natural that the nuns of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are the most expert. The maids in the palace are all trained by them, and many high-ranking families in Beijing will also hire them to teach the girls in the house.

Marquis Xie's status is enough, as long as he can afford money, he can naturally invite people.

When Nanny Qin entered the mansion, Mrs. Qi brought her to Mrs. Xie, and sent someone to invite Mrs. Su and Xie Yunshu over to explain clearly in person.

Mrs. Xie saw that Nanny Qin was 45 and six years old. She was wearing an indigo silk thong, a double-breasted stand-up collar, narrow sleeves, and a tea-white long skirt underneath. She was wearing a flat bun. She was of medium build and not fat. He is not thin, has a long face and a high nose, and calm eyes. He is a clean and neat person at first glance. His words and deeds are rigid, which shows that the rules are excellent.

When talking to Mrs. Xie, she was also polite, neither humble nor overbearing.

Old Madam Xie was very satisfied. Knowing that this was a nanny from the Imperial Household Department, she was capable, so she treated people very politely, and said a lot of good things, and asked her to teach Su and Xie Yunshu how to behave.

Qin Nanny nodded and agreed, "Don't worry, old lady, I will definitely teach the eldest lady and the eldest lady well! The eldest lady, the eldest lady, learning the rules is hard work, and there is no room for contempt. It will be a little difficult at first." , I also ask the eldest lady and eldest lady to bear with it, and if there is any offense, I also ask you two Haihan."

Su Shi hurriedly said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mother Qin, you just discipline, say what you want, and do what you want, I know the seriousness."

If you don't learn well enough, if you make a joke when you go out to meet guests in the future, you will lose face to the Hou Mansion, and the Su family also attaches great importance to this matter.

Besides, if her Shu'er can't learn the rules and make people laugh at her, how can she find a good family to marry?

Nanny Qin nodded: "That's great!"

The old lady Xie said with a smile: "Okay, okay, go and learn quickly, go."

"Okay, mother!"

Su Shi and Xie Yunshu went with Mother Qin.

Qi's mother and daughter also took the opportunity to resign.It wasn't for staring at Xie Yunshu and Su's that they didn't bother to stay in front of Mrs. Xie.

After all, they still look down on Mrs. Xie, an old country lady, from the bottom of their hearts.

Glancing at the direction in which Xie Yunshu's mother and daughter and Nanny Qin left, a smug smile flashed across Qi's eyes.

You have to learn the rules, and of course you have to suffer.

She doesn't believe that Su's and Xie Yunshu's skin is still intact!
Mother Qin said: "I remember that the Purple Bamboo Hall in the garden of your mansion is very spacious, so let's study there."

Su Shi was about to say yes, but Xie Yunshu's wink stopped her, so she didn't make a sound.

The Purple Bamboo Hall is a rectangular pavilion in the garden, with no shelter on all sides, surrounded by many bamboos, a few plum trees, and rockery.

It is a place to enjoy the scenery, and it is also a shady place to rest in the summer.

It's really spacious there, and what's even better is that there are no shelters on all sides, so everyone can see clearly at a glance.

The eldest lady and eldest lady from the countryside are learning the rules in such a purple bamboo hall, let's just say, will the servants be curious?If you are curious, will you come over to see it?
Even if you don't dare to get close, it's okay to take a peek under the half cover that is not far or near, right?

If the learning was not so standard and not so serious at the beginning, and Nanny Qin severely reprimanded and corrected them, what image would Su Shi and Xie Yunshu have in the eyes of the servants?Where else is the majesty of being a master?

The servants made up the jokes behind their backs and spread the word, how respectable are the mother and daughter?
As soon as Xie Yunshu communicated with the eating melon system, she learned that Mrs. Qi had specifically asked Nanny Qin to choose this place. After thinking about it for a while, she knew Mrs. Qi's intention.

This woman is indeed vicious.

Xie Yunshu didn't talk to Nanny Qin, she directly expressed her concerns, and said with a smile: "So let's go to Cuiweitang, it's more comfortable to study behind closed doors!"

Su Shi couldn't help but change his face, and said decisively: "Shu'er is right, go to Cuiweitang!"

Qin Nanny's face was a little ugly, and she said forcefully: "Missy is a little exaggerated, there is no reason to say that. I don't know how many people are envious of learning the rules and etiquette. How can anyone laugh at it? How can Missy think so!"

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