Xie Yunqian curled her lips, thinking to herself that I would be happy for her to keep it a secret.

Save yourself the embarrassment.

"Mother, don't let her be proud! Otherwise, other people will laugh at me!"

Qi smiled and said, "Silly girl, this is not a bad thing."

Xie Yunqian was taken aback, a little confused.

But she soon understood.

Mrs. Qi went to find Lord Xie Hou, and soon, Lord Xie sent someone to call Xie Yunshu.

Seeing Qi Shi and Xie Yunqian were there, Xie Yunshu understood.

"Father is looking for me! I don't know what's going on?"

Lord Xie Hou coughed, and said lightly: "Your Qingyun Food Shop should also bring Qian'er with you. You two sisters can also pick up the plane and get closer. Multiple people can help. If there are places you can't take care of, you can have her." You can rest easy!"

Xie Yunqian said triumphantly: "Yes, sister, don't worry, I won't feel tired or troublesome, and I will definitely take care of Qingyun Gourmet Square. After working hard these days, my sister must be exhausted, so I can just stay at home and have a good time." Take a rest and spend more time with grandma and auntie! There is me at Qingyun Food Shop, sister can rest assured!"

Qi Shi also smiled softly, with a bit of intimacy in her smile: "Qian'er is right, Shu'er, you have been exhausted for a while, and with your sister here, you can take a rest. After all, your body is more important, If you work too hard and damage your body, then the loss outweighs the gain. Besides, Qian'er knows the capital better than you. With her in charge, she just makes up for many things that you can't think of, or finds ways to improve it. Improvement, Qingyun Gourmet Square will definitely be better than the original!"

"That's natural!"

The mother and daughter Qi and Xie Yunqian were all smiles, they had already made plans in their hearts.The first thing to do when you get the Qingyun Gourmet Shop is to check the account books, and the second thing is to replace the person in charge and the account room with your own.

Why is Xie Yunshu cheaper?
Xie Houye listened to their words and nodded deeply: "That's it! You sisters will work hard together in the future. Even if our family does not lack this little money, it's good for you to practice your hands."

Qi smiled and said, "By the way, Shu'er, how much money can you earn in a month?"

Lord Xie wanted to ask but he was not ashamed to ask, but when he heard Qi asked, he also listened carefully.

He is not greedy for this little money, but curious.

Xie Yunshu had already sneered a lot in her heart.

They are really awesome, one by one, helping her arrange clearly.

"It's not much, just seven to eight hundred taels."

Xie Yunqian stared in surprise: "So many!"

Seven 800 taels, Xie Yunqian thinks this is a huge sum of money, but Xie Yunshu can actually earn seven 800 taels a month as private money, which is definitely a huge sum of money.

Qi frowned slightly, a little in disbelief: "How could it be possible for the huge Qingyun Food Shop to be so small in a month? I'm afraid Shu'er, you were tricked by those cunning servants below. I'll just say it, you alone The little girl who just came to the capital, how can she know the tricks here? Those scumbags don’t look honest on the surface, but secretly know how to watch people order dishes. A few words test out what kind of temperament you are, understand If you don’t know how much you have, you will have some calculations. It’s a good thing to ask you one more question now, otherwise, you don’t know how long you will be deceived by them!”

Xie Yunqian was stunned, and gritted her teeth secretly, seven or eight hundred taels is still less?Well, that shitty place just sells some cheap snacks, even if there are more people, can it really make so much money?
"Mother is right, sister, you are so true! Why didn't you tell mother earlier? If you had told mother earlier, mother would have taught you, and you wouldn't have been taken advantage of for so long!"

"Er Niang misunderstood." Xie Yunshu smiled: "The Qingyun Gourmet Shop is not my business alone. I only occupy [-]% of the business, and Mu Liu and Xuezhi each account for [-]%. I only have a few guys here. It’s all about doing errands, shopping and other odd jobs, usually it’s Xuezhi and the others who make up their minds. This money is just my share.”

Qi was stunned, in disbelief!
She accounts for 800% of the 600 taels, so in fact, the gourmet shop can earn [-] taels a month?

Also, Xie Yunshu, a dead girl, has always been cunning, so she may not be willing to tell the truth in front of her, I'm afraid the money is less, and she may have a net income of 3000 taels a month.

3000 taels a month. Qi's heart couldn't help but tremble violently.

How much is that a year?

She had to admit that she was heartbroken.

Xie Yunshu sneered silently, and continued: "I don't make decisions about the food court. The three of us were joking around at first, but who knew it turned out to be a joke. It was agreed at the beginning, I just take the bonus and don't care about things. They are in charge of all affairs, after all, I don't understand these things either. So, I'm sorry father and mother, I'm afraid my sister can't go."

She only took a few hundred taels of silver as a profit, but she didn't believe that her father would let her give Xie Yunqian half of it.

Why?Is the family too poor to open the pot?
Qi's face is very ugly!

However, this is not over yet, Xie Yunshu continued to smile and said: "My luck is really good. The money I scraped together at the beginning was just to start a small business to earn some private money, but I didn't expect to make a lot of money. Opportunities are everywhere here! My sister, why not find a few sisters to partner with, and do something when it suits you, maybe you can earn more than me!"

Mrs. Qi was still smiling, but her eyes were cold: "Look at what Shu'er said, since you also occupy a part of the food court, why should the two of them have the final say? You have to take your sister together , who can have a reason to object? Unless you don't want to!"

Xie Yunqian was furious, and felt wronged: "I also want to help my sister with good intentions, but my sister doesn't like me like this? Dad!"

Lord Xie frowned, and gave Xie Yunshu a displeased look, forcing her to bow her head with silent coercion.

Xie Yunshu just pretended not to see it: "That was agreed at the beginning, and a man can't go back on his word! Besides, the food shop is operating normally now, and he doesn't need anyone's help. I don't know if my sister really wants to help if she insists on helping." Well, what else do you want to do?"

Xie Yunqian became angry from embarrassment: "Of course I really want to help, otherwise? Is it possible that I still covet your several hundred taels of silver? What a joke!"

Xie Yunshu: "Since it's helping, I only call it helping if I need it, and I don't need it. What kind of help can my sister help?"


"Presumptuous!" Marquis Xie couldn't help but lower his face: "As a sister, you speak so excessively!"

Xie Yunqian covered her face and choked with sobs, imperceptibly setting off Xie Yunshu's ruthlessness.

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