A night without words.

The next day, Xie Yunshu went to the trading market with Fang Muliu, Liu Xuezhi and the others as usual.

When they set off, Qi Fangying, Qi Fanghui and Xie Yunqian followed, "Cousin, Miss Fang, Miss Liu, how about we go together?"

Xie Yunshu glanced over inadvertently, and both Qi Fanghui and Xie Yunqian showed a bit of displeasure on their faces.I don't know how Qi Fangying told them, but neither of them objected.

"By the way, let's go together!"

Xie Yunshu couldn't say no to letting them go.

Qi Fanghui and Xie Yunqian were not very happy and hummed softly, obviously dissatisfied with Xie Yunshu's words, Qi Fangying smiled and said "Okay!" but didn't mind.

When we arrived at the trading market, we walked around and were happy again.

Xie Yunshu, Fang Muliu, and Liu Xuezhi still had money in their hands to buy and sell generously. All kinds of new and exquisite ornaments, ornaments, and carvings were available. Xie Yunshu also specially bought a lot of precious medicinal materials, which cost 3000 taels.

What I like most is a set of Go chess pieces polished from sapphire and white jade, a pair of gold bowls inlaid with various gemstones, a pair of white jade horses inlaid with black gemstones as eyes, and a box of 36 finger-sized Yingqi stones. white pearls.

Xie Yunqian and Qi Fanghui's eyes almost turned red, and Qi Fangying, who was pretending to be calm, almost collapsed her smile.

Xie Yunqian and Qi Fanghui were so angry that they didn't want to go shopping with Xie Yunshu and the others anymore, they murmured and dragged Qi Fangying several times, but they didn't know how Qi Fangying persuaded them, but they didn't leave after all.

Wandering to another stall, Xie Yunshu immediately fell in love with a golden dagger with a scabbard inlaid with precious stones. She was overjoyed and grabbed it.

The other hand was only half a step slower than her, and it was empty.

The four eyes met, and both sides didn't like each other a little bit.

They were sisters Lu Mingyan and Lu Mingxin whom I hadn't seen for a while, several noble ladies from the capital, and two or three noble daughters from the tribes.

As soon as Xie Yunqian saw the Lu sisters, she subconsciously changed her expression like a conditioned reflex, and backed away involuntarily.

Xie Yunshu smiled and nodded at Lu Mingyan: "Certificate, Miss Lu."

Lu Mingyan also smiled kindly: "I want to buy this dagger as a gift. It is very suitable for my friend. I don't know if Miss Xie is willing to give it up? Why don't Miss Xie choose one of the things on the stall at random, and I will give it to Xie." How about Missy's compensation?"

Xie Yunshu felt disdainful, but she could speak nice words.

She said that she can choose things by herself to make up for it, but if she doesn't know what is good or bad and chooses seriously, what kind of reputation will she get if the word spreads?
Greedy, petty, calculating, ungrateful.
And what about Miss Lu?If you step on yourself, you will get a lot of praise for elegance, virtuous conduct, kindness and kindness.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Lu, I have a use for this dagger, so I'm afraid I can't give it to Miss Lu. Why don't Miss Lu randomly choose something from this stall, as my compensation for Miss Lu? Or two or three are fine!"

Lu Mingyan: "."

Lu Mingxin has never seen her sister being wronged, so she said: "Why is Miss Xie so mean? We saw this dagger first, and it was obviously you who snatched it. My sister talked to you nicely, but you will Run on people. I don’t know what Miss Xie wants this dagger for? Don’t you say that deliberately because you don’t want to give in, to deceive people, right?”

"Sister Yunshu!" The crown prince came accompanied by Princess Yilan.

Everyone greeted quickly when they saw it.

The crown prince nodded, his eyes only stayed on Xie Yunshu for a moment, and no one else paid attention.Is his family's Shu'er getting troubled again?It really made him feel distressed. Tomorrow, he will comfort her well and settle the marriage quickly to see who dares to bully her.

Princess Yilan held Xie Yunshu's arm affectionately, and said with a coquettish smile, "Sister Yunshu has good eyesight, this dagger is very beautiful!"

Lu Mingyan's eyes froze slightly and she kept smiling as if nothing had happened, Lu Mingxin's complexion became rather ugly.

When Princess Yilan said this, what else could Lu Mingxin say?She could speak forcefully to Xie Yunshu, but she never dared to embarrass Princess Yilan.

She wouldn't dare even if the crown prince wasn't standing here.

The noble ladies all wondered: When did Miss Xie have such a good relationship with Princess Yilan?Princess Yilan is very much loved and loved by the emperor, but she has a quiet and lonely personality, and she doesn't like to get close to people. It's not that there are no noble girls who try to get close to her, but there is no result.

How did Miss Xie do it?
In addition to this doubt in Sister Lu Mingyan's heart, she added another "why"?
Especially Lu Mingyan, she used to really want to have a good relationship with Princess Yilan. She has long seen that Princess Yilan is a simple-minded person. If she can make friends with her, she will be more obedient, which will bring great benefits.

It's a pity that even she, who is gentle, kind and understanding, couldn't do it.

Lu Mingxin did not dare, but it does not mean that no one dared.

Princess Sanya and her maid are also nearby.

When Xie Yunshu and the sisters from the Lu family fought secretly for the dagger, she was still contemptuous and contemptuous in her heart: Only the noble ladies of Daxuan would fight for that kind of flashy thing. They really have no vision and no experience!

However, Princess Yilan stepped in and made it clear that she was helping that Miss Xie, Princess Sanya burst into anger.

She suffered such a big loss yesterday, but after all, she was wronged, so she didn't say anything.

Except for the few involved, no one knows what happened in that flower barrier forest yesterday.

Keeping quiet doesn't mean that Yilan Princess doesn't care.

In fact she was quite angry and concerned.

She will never let go of the person who plotted against her!
She wasn't afraid that she wouldn't be able to find that person, as long as she held Princess Yilan for questioning next time, wouldn't she know everything?
This bastard actually dares to walk with the crown prince, so don't blame her for being rude!
Princess Sangya strode over and said with a smile: "I can see clearly that Miss Lu reached out to grab the dagger first, and Miss Xie deliberately reached out to snatch it quickly. It seems a bit out of place, right? Yilan Princess, it's not a good behavior to steal something that others like, what do you think?"

Princess Yilan's face changed slightly, subconsciously a little scared, "Sister Yunshu got it first."

Sister Lu Mingyan and all the noble ladies were a little stunned. They didn't understand why the Princess Sanya would take the initiative to interfere and even blatantly helped the sisters of the Lu family.

Lu Mingxin couldn't help but glanced at her sister admiringly: "My sister is so amazing, when did you make friends with Princess Sanya?"Princess Sanya is not afraid of offending others and speaks for her!You know, this delicate princess of the Taligu tribe is very proud, and it is easy to make friends with others.

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