Showing off in the martial arts competition will get countless admiration and praise, and there will be no less rewards from the emperor. If the emperor, princes, and dignitaries are caught in the eye, it is inevitable that they will become prosperous.

There was the young and handsome one who even solved lifelong events together.

The night before the competition, Concubine Shu, Concubine Xiang, and Concubine Jing hosted a banquet for all the female relatives.

At the banquet, everyone talked about tomorrow's game and expressed their anticipation.Among them, all kinds of words are aimed at the edge. Everyone is speaking for the warriors on their side, and they all feel that the warriors on their side will eventually come out on top.

The Taligu tribe is the most powerful, and Princess Sangya has a competitive temperament, and now she is getting more and more annoying, and she has to talk to anyone, unless she admits that they are the most powerful tribe in the Taligu tribe. Great, I will definitely win the first place tomorrow.

The noble ladies and wives of Daxuan were more or less reserved, at most they said one or two sentences, and some words were even particularly euphemistic, and they were snatched away by Princess Sanya, so they just laughed and stopped talking.

Princess Yanyun smiled and said: "Speaking of which, men compete every year. It's wonderful, but there are always some flaws in the ointment. Wouldn't it be more interesting if women also compete?"

It’s not necessary for others to say this, Suxi’s sharp and strong Princess Sanya’s eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands with joy: "Good idea, good idea, this is a good statement! Women in our tribe are not inferior to men at all, and men have competitions." , we women should also be talented! That's how exciting it is!"

Princess Yanyun laughed: "If that's the case, I would like to give you a Ruyi handle from the imperial palace as a prize."

Now it became even more lively, everyone chatted and discussed, and finally Concubine Shu, Concubine Xiang, and Concubine Jing smiled and said that they would play the Ming emperor tomorrow, and if the emperor allowed it, everyone would also compete.

Such a matter, the emperor would not refuse even if he thought about it, this matter was basically a deal, everyone was in high spirits, so they discussed with great interest what and how to compete.

Many tribal princesses and noble girls couldn't understand how the Sangya princess was domineering, arrogant, as if the champion was already in the bag, and they also joined in, chattering, choking with her intentionally or unintentionally, making a Sangya county The Lord choked and got angry and it was not easy to attack.

When Princess Sanya accidentally saw Princess Yilan leaving the table quietly, the angry Princess Sanya immediately followed without hesitation, cursing shamelessly in her heart!It is determined that the princess of Yilan who went out in such a sneaky way must be going to meet the prince in private.

Obviously she has warned her, how dare she!

That being the case, don't blame her for being rude.

She was upset, and was about to find someone to vent her anger on, but Princess Yilan bumped into her, wouldn't she deserve it?

Princess Sangya, who was not very smart at all, didn't care about anything when she was so angry that she lost her head. She only cared about following Princess Yilan, and didn't care about anything else, let alone where she went.

Suddenly, there was a blur in front of my eyes, and the princess of Yilan disappeared.

Princess Sangya said "Huh?", and hurried over to try to see what happened, but she didn't pay attention to a big hole under her feet, staggered forward a few times, and fell into the lake with a "plop!" involuntarily!

Covered by flowers and trees, and it was dark at night, she couldn't see clearly, so she didn't notice that she had reached the lake.

"Ah! Help, help!"

Fortunately, although this place is remote, it is a palace area after all, and there is a banquet tonight, and there are many people patrolling.

After a while, the patrol found someone falling into the water.

The situation is critical, so there is no need to pay so much attention. Two guards jumped down and rescued Princess Sangya.

Seeing her adornment, she guessed her identity, and when she was busy, someone rushed to report to the banquet hall.

All of a sudden
Princess Sanya is so embarrassed!

He fell into the water so suddenly that he was frightened to death. In panic, he drank a lot of lake water, choked up tears, and threw himself into the arms of his mother, Princess Taligu, crying to death.

Princess Taligu felt very distressed, the first concubine and the second concubine joined hands to comfort her, Concubine Shu and others also came, consoling and consoling her, and hurriedly ordered someone to bring the sedan chair and take Sang Princess Ya take it back
After changing clothes, Princess Sanya was supported by someone to sit down on the soft couch. When she raised her eyes, she saw Princess Yilan smiling at her. In her opinion, it was like a demonstration, and she was suddenly furious.

How could she bear the temper when she was wronged?

In addition, tonight's annoyance is a bit too much, and she can't bear it anymore after accumulating to this point, and she feels that she is a victim, and she doesn't need to bear it.

Princess Sanya pointed at Princess Yilan and gritted her teeth angrily: "It's her who hurt me! It's her!"

Everyone was taken aback.

Following her pointing to find the target, their eyes finally fell on Princess Yilan, and they were all stunned, making eye contact with each other.

Am I wrong?She was talking about Princess Yilan?

I think so too.
How is this possible.
Everyone found it inconceivable that Princess Yilan had a quiet temperament, and the eldest princess protected her very well. She never liked to socialize with people, let alone the spoiled and troublesome one.Recently, I heard that she has a good relationship with the eldest lady of the Pingbeihou Mansion, and there is nothing else, so how could she harm Princess Sangya so well?
To put it bluntly, compared to Princess Sanya, she is like a little white rabbit and a big bad wolf.

She harmed Princess Sanya?The reverse is more or less the case.

"Me?" Princess Yilan pointed at herself in astonishment, "Did Princess Sanya misunderstand?"

Princess Yanyun was also annoyed, and said with a sneer: "Princess Sangya, you should be cautious about what kind of enmity my daughter has with the princess, and the princess has slandered her so much! If the princess doesn't give you an explanation, Bengong will never give up! You must know that people's words are terrible, and my daughter can't let you ruin your reputation!"

Princess Sangya went crazy with anger: "I didn't wrong her! I just followed her to the lake, and then I fell. She must be plotting against me."

Princess Yilan was even more puzzled: "What lakeside? I don't understand what Princess Sanya is talking about!"

"You still dare to pretend to be stupid! I saw you sneaking out of the table, and I was curious, so I followed you out quietly. How dare you say so?"

"Of course not. I didn't leave the table secretly. I went to wash my hands and came back soon."

Princess Yanyun said coldly: "Many people in the palace that Xiaoya said can testify that she did go to wash her hands, and she did come back soon. Even your mother and concubine can't deny this. "

Many noble ladies and wives nodded one after another, echoing Princess Yanyun.

"That's right, I also went to wash my hands afterwards, and even greeted the returned Yilan princess."

"The Princess of Yilan is sitting next to me. Except for going out for a while to wash her hands, she is always there."

"Yes, I can also testify."

"I saw it too!"

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Before you know it, it's the end of the month!

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