Is she amazing?Compared with the girls who grew up on horseback, they are far worse!

How dare you brag and compete with her for the first place?She's going to order today's first!

The day before yesterday, she made a fool of herself in front of so many people, including the emperor, the crown prince, the empress concubines, and all the ministers, and her image was greatly damaged.

As long as he won the first place in the competition today and showed his strength, the emperor and prince will naturally look at him with admiration and admiration, and the previous things will not be worth mentioning.

She will never show mercy to anyone who dares to fight with her.

With an order, the competition started, Princess Sangya took the lead and rushed away, Fang Muliu and Meng Qige followed closely behind, and the other girls all shouted and rode their horses and whipped each other to chase after each other.

Of course, most of these were tribal girls.

In this respect, except for Fang Muliu, the girls of the Great Xuan Dynasty are far behind.

Xie Yunshu also rode away with a whip.

Glancing from the corner of his eye, he met Sun Fangfei's fiercely staring eyes, Xie Yunshu smiled slightly with his lips curled up, and focused on moving forward.

Sun Fangfei originally wanted to take revenge on Liu Xuezhi, but Liu Xuezhi did not participate, so she did not hesitate to target Xie Yunshu.

Anyway, she must say it.

The horse that Xie Yunshu rides seems to have been randomly selected from a large group of horses, but in fact it was arranged by the prince in a calm manner. Go, actually left Sun Fangfei behind.

Sun Fangfei was finally annoyed, she gritted her teeth and speeded up to catch up.

She can't compare to Fang Muliu, she recognizes it, if she can't even compare to Xie Yunshu, then she is really ashamed and will be ashamed.

Unexpectedly, Sun Fangfei chased with too much force, one of them couldn't hold back, and even passed Xie Yunshu and ran forward for a while. She quickly stopped her horse and trotted back, leaving Xie Yunshu about twenty meters away.

"Why did Miss Xie stop?"

Xie Yunshu showed vigilance and smiled secretly while taking precautions: "Why did Miss Sun stop?"

Sun Fangfei sneered and smirked: "Aren't I concerned about Miss Xie? After all, Miss Xie has never seen any big scenes, so I am nervous to participate for the first time."

"Thank you so much, Ms. Sun! There are some big scenes that everyone knows about, but I think it's good if I haven't seen it or gone through it."

Sun Fangfei changed her face and scolded: "What do you mean?"

Xie Yunshu screamed "Ah!", "My horse is frightened! No good! Help!"

While speaking, the horse under her raised its hooves and neighed, turned its head, and stomped towards the side of the road, stepping on a large area of ​​bushes and grass.

"Ah! Miss Sun! Help, help!"

Hearing Xie Yunshu's voice fade away, Sun Fangfei had a happy smile on her face, almost wanting to laugh out loud.

The place where they competed in horse riding was a hill, with valleys in the distance, overgrown with trees and bushes, and the terrain was uneven. Once the horses were startled, it was very dangerous, and it was very likely to cause bad luck, and even cause death.

Ordinarily, Xie Yunshu was out of luck, she just had to wait for the final result.

However, how could she not bear to appreciate Xie Yunshu's misfortune and embarrassment with her own eyes?

Sun Fangfei turned her horse's head without hesitation, and ran towards the direction where Xie Yunshu disappeared.

Seeing Xie Yunshu waddling out of control from a distance, Sun Fangfei was even happier, brandishing her whip vigorously, trying to catch up, as if it would be a big loss if she slowed down and couldn't see the excitement.

The mount stepped on a pit suddenly, and Sun Fangfei chased it too fast. She was caught off guard, and the castration continued. Her body leaned forward fiercely, and her head hit the horse's head heavily. He was only injured, and immediately threw it wildly.

Sun Fangfei couldn't control it, she fell heavily on the ground, screamed and rolled several times, and finally struggled to sit up, then she felt a sharp pain in her left leg, and when she moved a little, her eyes turned black with pain, she must have broken it .

She cried out in pain and fear, "Is anyone there! Is anyone here! Come on!"

The girls competed in horse racing, so naturally they couldn't reassure everyone. Therefore, there would be patrols from time to time to avoid any accidents along the way.

Another one is. On the day of the competition in the arena, the fierce scene of the girls fighting can be said to have refreshed many people's three views and gained knowledge. This time, I was afraid that there would be another such event if a group of people disagreed. It would be bad. up!
Sun Fangfei cried and called for someone to come, but she never expected that it was Hela who was called by her.

Sun Fangfei, who was overjoyed when she heard the footsteps, disappeared in an instant when she saw who was coming, and stared fiercely in her eyes: "Why are you? What are you doing here? Get out! Get out!"

Caiyue had already been sent to Haila, who was in the tent of the Houter Ministry, together with a large sum of "dowry". Seeing Sun Fangfei now, Haila was also very surprised.

Originally, he didn't want to do anything, but seeing Sun Fangfei's disgusting attitude and harsh words, he couldn't help but get angry.He is not a good person in the first place, otherwise he would not "accidentally" get a sachet from someone, and "accidentally" hear the people next to him jokingly joking after a few words, and then move evil thoughts and try to force him to marry, Although the calculation failed, at any rate, they got benefits and regained a bit of face. Both sides complained, but that's the end of it.

However, since Sun Fangfei bumped into her hand by such a coincidence, she has such an attitude. People like Haila can't bear it, and she can't help feeling evil in her heart. She walked up and said, "Miss Sun, don't look out like this. Your sister is married to Lao Tzu, we are still a family! Speaking of which, Miss Sun is still my sister-in-law hehe! This sister-in-law has encountered difficulties, how can I, brother-in-law?" Can you not care about it? Come, let brother-in-law see, where is the injury? Brother-in-law will take you back, okay hehehehehe"

Sun Fangfei was so frightened that she fell into an ice cellar and her whole body was icy cold, ignoring anything else, she screamed and moved back: "No! I don't want your help! Who is your own? Who is your sister-in-law? Shameless! You give I go, go away!"

"Yo, my sister-in-law has such a hot temper hehe! Is this called shameless? Then you have never seen anything called real shameless. Would you like a demonstration for you by brother-in-law!"

"Ah! Go away! Go away!"

Sun Fangfei was almost going crazy with fright, her heart was beating wildly, her eyes showed fear, "Ahhh!" she screamed and backed away desperately, the severe pain in her legs made her bean-sized beads of sweat roll off one by one, her face was as pale as a ghost.

However, there was no way to retreat after all, there was a dirt slope behind her, and her back was leaning heavily on the dirt slope, there was no way out.

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