Chapter 291 Counting Her Gems
Seeing Qi Fangying weeping silently, Lord Xie felt extremely guilty.

The guilt-ridden Lord Xie Hou comforted Qi Fangying: "Then Menghe Shizi is gentle and will treat you well. You are a noble daughter of Daxuan. Even for the sake of Daxuan and Beihou Mansion, the Meilin tribe will not let you down." I dare not treat you badly. And they have already promised me that next year they will bring you together for hunting, and then I will let your aunt come too, and your mother will definitely come too, so we can talk about it if we have anything to say."

"This time... it was a bit hasty. You have to bear it. It's only a year, and it will soon pass. Next year, my uncle will definitely give you a generous dowry."

Qi Fangying bowed her knees to Xie Hou Ye, choked up and said, "Thank you uncle for your troubles! It was my fault, but who knows that I caused uncle to lose face. Uncle doesn't blame me, but also plans for me in every possible way. I can only feel grateful." All! If there is no uncle, I, I don’t know what would happen.”

Lord Xie was distressed and moved: "You are so sensible! Don't worry, Uncle will definitely negotiate with the Meilin Tribe and will not let you be wronged. Although there is no formal dowry right now , you can’t be short of money, your uncle will think of a way.”

Qi Fangying was even more moved, with tears streaming down her face: "Thank you, uncle!"

Xie Yunshu ate a live melon through the melon-eating system. She ate it with gusto and complained to the system while eating.

This big cousin of hers is really not a mortal product. The number of white lotus flowers is fine, so it must be a high-level one.

Crying children get candy, and crying beauties get money!

It's just that Xie Yunshu didn't expect that this melon turned a corner and ate it on her body. It's so big that it doesn't smell good immediately.

Qi Fangying set her mind on Xie Yunshu, and through calm inducements and tearful hints, she finally succeeded in making Xie Houye look thoughtful and then suddenly realized: his eldest daughter is rich.
The melon-eating system gloated: "Shu Shu, your cheap cousin has taken a liking to your gem! Oh my, who told you to be so wealthy? I would want it too!"

Xie Yunshu: "."

Are all Bai Lianhua so shameless?
When Mr. Xie came to see Xie Yunshu and asked her to add makeup to Qi Fangying, Xie Yunshu agreed immediately.

Xie Houye, who had planned to have a "reasonable and well-founded" conversation with her, was stunned for an instant, and nodded in relief: "That's right, even if there is a little pettiness between you cousins ​​and sisters on weekdays, Contradictions are nothing, and you can't be confused about major issues. No matter what, Aying's accident has something to do with you to some extent, so you can feel at ease if you do something for her!"

"Give her all the gemstones you bought at the trading market a while ago!"

Rao Xie Yunshu expected that her scumbag father would not be polite to her, but she never expected him to be so rude.

She spent 5000 taels of silver on those gemstones, even if the Qi family prepared a dowry for Qi Fangying, they would definitely not be able to prepare 5000 taels.

So she adopted a daughter?

Xie Yunshu smiled and said, "Does Dad know how much those gems are worth?"

Mr. Xie was immediately displeased and his face darkened: "You still care about this at this time? No matter how much it is, it's nothing for you. Is it that you can't bear to part with it?"

"That's tens of thousands of taels. Even if I have to spend it, Dad must let me spend it worth it. I have a condition"

Mr. Xie was originally going to reprimand her, but after hearing what she said, he raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"Just say yes or not, why don't you gamble with me? I can't spend tens of thousands of taels casually. I just want to prove something."

Lord Xie Hou said angrily: "You can't have a good time? You have to be so petty!"

Xie Yunshu smiled: "I am born with such a nature, so I have no choice but to invite Daddy Haihan!"

Lord Xie: "."

He didn't want Haihan, he felt bored.

But seeing her like this, as if he had misread her, made him very uncomfortable.

"Only this once!" Saying this seems to save some respect.

"Okay, Dad!"

Xie Yunshu agreed wholeheartedly and didn't care at all.

As for the box of gems, does Qi Fangying have the ability to take it away?
Qi Fangying has been hiding in her room for the past two days, perfectly portraying the image of a poor and weak woman who is helpless and weeping silently, mourning herself.

I don't know, but I still think how wronged she is!

For a huge sum of 5000 taels of silver, she finally approached Xie Yunshu.

"I don't know what my cousin has to say."

In fact, it wasn't Xie Yunshu's explanation, but she sent a message to Qi Fangying: If you want her gems, yes, she will say it in person!

Qi Fangying came here sooner than she thought—it really is money that touches people's hearts.

Qiu Shuang couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "They are also cousins ​​after all. They have been here for so many days, and they have not even taken the initiative to visit and care about us. They have treated our ladies as who they are."

Xie Yunshu looked at Qiu Shuang: "Go out, I want to talk to my cousin alone."

Qiu Shuang don't murmur and complain, even if she jumps up and scolds Xie Yunshu, she won't even move her eyelids, because Qiu Shuang is not worthy of letting her move.She would only order Qingqing to throw her out to make the world clean.

Qiu Shuang froze and couldn't help but look at her master.

Xie Yunshu: "Qingqing, ask her to go out."

"Yes, Miss!"

Qingqing clasped Qiushuang's wrist casually, and while pulling it out, said, "Sister Qiushuang, go out, did you hear the master's order, Sister Qiushuang?"

"You let me go!"

Qiu Shuang screamed and struggled while being pulled out by Qing Qing involuntarily.

Bi Qiao blessed her body and went out too.

No one else was around, the two cousins ​​looked at each other, and the fire crackled.

There is no need to pretend.

Qi Fangying smiled: "Is my cousin reluctant to part with those gems?"

Xie Yunshu: "Would you be willing to change you?"

Qi Fangying's smile became even wider, and she shook her head honestly: "I wouldn't be able to bear it if it were me."

"Oh! You are a good means."

"What did my cousin say? My uncle wanted to give it to me, and it was what my uncle told my cousin. What does it have to do with me?"

"Come on, let's not speak secretly in front of people. You and I know what kind of temper my father has. If you hadn't made explicit hints and repeated inducements, my father would never have thought of targeting me. You pretend It seems that my father is crying and chasing and insisting on giving it to you."

Qi Fangying was so angry that she couldn't speak, her face sank, she was really ashamed.

Although she did it, did she not want to lose face?Who can stand being said this in person?It's embarrassing even when no one else is there.

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(End of this chapter)

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