In the days to come, the Qi family will definitely be very busy.Aunt Jiang will not let her idle.

Xie Yunshu discussed with her mother, let's go to Weiziling Zhuangzi to have a look.

Su Shi nodded in agreement.

Weiziling Zhuangzi now belongs to her mother and daughter, so it is only natural for them to go and see for themselves.It's enough for Mrs. Su to tell Mrs. Xie and Lord Xie.

Xie Yunshu acted like a baby again and begged Grandpa Hou to assign some guards to escort their mother and son.

This request is reasonable, how could Lord Xie refuse?He agreed with a smile, and handed over to the butler to make arrangements.

Steward Xie assigned six guards.

Now there is no need for even the coachman, let the guard act.The mother and daughter set off soon with the maid serving them.

Qi wanted to send people to follow him, but none of the servants, coachmen, and servants were needed.

Qi sneered, and said contemptuously: "I just said that bitch is not as honest as he looks on the surface, as expected, he has too many eyes!"

It's better if you can stare, but it doesn't matter if you can't.In her heart, Qi didn't like Weiziling Zhuangzi at all, and she didn't think what would happen to Su's mother and daughter in the past.

When Xie Yunshu's mother and daughter arrived suddenly, Tang Guanshi and others were startled. After confirming their identities, they hurriedly brought people to visit, and welcomed the eldest lady and eldest lady in.

Although no one from the masters of the Hou Mansion came here once a year, when the Zhuangzi was built, there were courtyard houses for the masters to live in.

Tang Guanshi, the main room in the main courtyard, has been cleaned and tidied up regularly. Although Xie Yunshu and her daughter came suddenly, they will not have no place to live.

"Did the eldest lady and the eldest lady come to live and enjoy the scenery? Now that the spring plowing has just passed, the weather is warm, the mountains are quiet, and the flowers and plants are growing very well. It is interesting! All kinds of self-produced bamboo shoots, wild Mushrooms, fish and shrimp are also available, you might as well try them when the lady is here, the taste is not bad.”

Su Shi nodded with a smile: "Guan Tang has a heart!"

Xie Yunshu couldn't help but glanced at him, praising him inwardly, listening to what he said, how understanding and pleasant it sounds?It makes people feel at ease after listening to it.

He deserves to be rich.
Xie Yunshu smiled and said: "Guan Tang doesn't know, does he? My father gave this Zhuangzi to me and my mother, and the deeds of sale of these people on the Zhuangzi are now in my mother's hands. Since this Zhuangzi belongs to us, we can't help it." Let's worry about it, walk around and look around, and take advantage of the good weather, this inconvenience will come over!"

Tang Guanshi was a little surprised, and hurriedly smiled again: "Yes, yes, from now on, the eldest lady and the eldest lady will be the masters of this old slave, and the old slave who should hand over the income of this village every year will definitely be sent to the Hou's mansion on time, and handed over to the old slave. Madam and Miss."

Xie Yunshu nodded.

Weiziling Zhuangzi is fifty or sixty miles away from the capital, and it takes half a day to come from the capital.

After a brief chat, Steward Tang asked the servants of Zhuangzi to come and kowtow to recognize the Lord, Su family let go of the reward, everyone dispersed, and the mother and daughter rested first.

For dinner, there were stewed chicken with spring bamboo shoots, fried meat with mountain mushrooms, pot of wild miscellaneous fish, fried small river prawns with leeks, fried eggs with shallots, etc., which were delicious, and both mother and daughter were very satisfied with the food.

After dinner, Steward Tang's daughter-in-law accompanied them around the Zhuangzi. Looking at the scenery of the mountains and fields, Mrs. Su couldn't help but think of her hometown, feeling a lot of emotion in her heart.

After breakfast the next day, Xie Yunshu smiled and asked Manager Tang to take her out for a walk.

Mrs. Su stayed in Zhuangzi, gossiping with the women and children in Zhuangzi.

As for the [-] mu of land, most of them are mountain roads, Xie Yunshu still thinks that going by herself is enough.Mom doesn't need to go.

Su Clan doesn't understand the Zhuangzi's matter, it was originally for the girl to make the decision.

Tang Guanshi was very reluctant, but the eldest lady was determined, and even changed her clothes and shoes to make it easier to climb the mountain. What can he do?
Xie Yunshu didn't even bring An Tong with her, except for Tang Guanshi, the two Zhuang Dings on Zhuangzi, Tang Xuyan's daughter Tang Xuyan, and Ding Cuixia, the daughter of Ding Jili Ding's second steward, who were the three guards who came with her.

The distribution map of the manor is clearly in Xie Yunshu's mind after the narration of the eating melon system.

Manager Tang wanted to take her to climb the undeveloped wild mountains, enjoy the scenery, and pick wild flowers. Xie Yunshu did not refuse, and nodded in agreement with a smile.

Manager Tang felt better now.

That mountain is not short, and he has heard about this young lady, saying that she came to the capital not long ago from her hometown.But Tang Guanshi thought, even in his hometown, this young lady must have never suffered much, right?Don't you feel tired after climbing a mountain?
When you get tired, it stops.

The mother and daughter stayed in Zhuangzi honestly for a few days to relax. If they dare to cut off their own money, then don't blame yourself for being rude
He didn't get rich alone. The whole village, including all the tenants, every household has a share. If the eldest lady and the eldest lady dare to mess around and the tenants riot, it's hard to say what will happen.
Tang Xuyan and Ding Cuixia are both 14 years old, and they are just playing. They usually do housework at home, do some work in the vegetable garden and orchard outside the house, and it is rare to have such a chance to have fun.

Now they are hiking and playing, the young lady from the Hou's mansion is still so kind to them, asking them a lot of questions, smiling all over their faces, the two of them are very happy, talking endlessly about various things in the village that the young lady is interested in. Tell her something.

Seeing beautiful wild flowers, I competed to pick them and gave them to the eldest lady.

Xie Yunshu smiled and praised them for their vision, and asked them to weave a wreath with a casual smile, "It looks so good!"

Tang Xuyan and Ding Cuixia agreed with a smile, so they started to weave the wreath.

Talking and laughing along the way, the atmosphere is brisk and lively.

Seeing this, Steward Tang couldn't help but smile and feel relaxed.

Perhaps, he was thinking too much.

Soon came to a large cave halfway up the mountain.

Tang Xuyan smiled and said, "Miss, this cave is very spacious. It's so cool in summer! The children in our village like to play here!"

"Really? Let's go in and have a look."

Xie Yunshu went in with great interest.

The inside of this cave is indeed very wide and tall, and there are several sub-holes and vents inside. It is estimated that the area is at least four or five acres.

Xie Yunshu's heart skipped a beat, and she finally found a breakthrough.

When she got out of the cave and sat down to rest, she said to Guanshi Tang: "Guantang Tang, this cave is so big that it is empty and wasted. How do you say it? You can rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to eat the water. Make use of it. Zhuangzi can also make more achievements!"

Steward Tang thought she was meddlesome, "I don't know what Missy's idea is?"

Xie Yunshu: "I think it's good to grow mushrooms in this cave, and the outside area is quite flat. If we build a few sheds, we can grow shiitake mushrooms, fungus, straw mushrooms, and enoki mushrooms. They can all be sold for money!"

Steward Tang was taken aback.

Sisters, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a collection!

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