Xie Yunshu: "I will guarantee that everyone's income will be at least 40 taels a year in the future. Does this count as not giving everyone a way to survive?"

There was an uproar!

"How much? How much did she say!"

"This--I heard it right!"

Now that his face was torn, Liu Shunzi didn't hide it anymore, and shouted loudly: "Do you believe this too? How naive!"

Several people in his group immediately booed.

Xie Yunshu sneered: "I am the eldest lady of the Pingbei Hou Mansion, what good is it to lie to you? To lose my reputation for such a trivial matter, and let people say that I have no faith in a word, would I do such a thing?" ?”

Liu Shunzi sneered: "How can you masters who are high above you and don't eat fireworks?"

"If I dare to say it, I will do it."

Seeing that Miss Xie Liu had basically controlled the situation, and the fight disappeared, she breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said loudly: "This is the Zhuangzi of the Pingbei Hou Mansion, and you are all tenants of the Hou Mansion. Our Marquis Lord, he has been on the battlefield, so he is not a good tempered person, you had better think carefully about the consequences before making trouble! Wouldn't it be better to be angry and explain things clearly?"

Xie Yunshu hurriedly said again: "Now my father gave this Zhuangzi to me and my mother, so I naturally hope that everything will be fine in Zhuangzi! You only earn two or thirty taels of silver every year for this huge Zhuangzi, don't you want to earn it?" More?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Liu Shunzi and others, as well as those who were hidden in the crowd but hadn't been exposed, changed drastically!
Normally, the tenants would never earn so much money in a year, and it would be considered good if they could open their stomachs and eat enough.

Can you still earn so much money?Is this still called a tenant?
Miss, she, she knows everything?
If she knew, what about Hou Mansion?Where is Lord Hou?

If Lord Hou knows everything.
No matter how good the temper is, it is impossible to tolerate it.

Immediately, someone retreated quietly, and quickly ran to report.

The tenants couldn't think so fast, so they didn't think there was any problem with this, and they were quite happy to hear it.

If you can make more money, of course everyone is willing.

"Miss said, but is it true?"

Xie Yunshu smiled: "Of course it is true! If you make money, I will make money too. Wouldn't it be good for us to make this village well together?"

"Don't worry, I already have a charter. I will discuss it with the stewards later and I will inform you."

When everyone heard this, it didn't look like a fake, and they all became excited.

"If so, that would be great!"

"Who said no!"

Suddenly someone said: "But, but today we are causing trouble today, won't the young lady and the eldest lady blame it? Will the Hou family not blame it?"

Everyone was shocked: Yes, why did you forget this!

Xie Liu and others couldn't help but secretly rolled their eyes, thinking to themselves that you are only now aware of fear?Only now do you think of the Hou Mansion?

To be honest, if something really happened today, even if the eldest lady and madam can't please, these tenants won't be able to please either!

Hou Ye's temper is absolutely impossible to just let it go.

We will definitely settle with them later.

The guards of the Hou Mansion pulled over 200 people, what can't be done?What scene can't be suppressed?

Xie Yunshu said loudly: "I know that you were all deceived by others and acted impulsively. You are all victims just like me. It was just a misunderstanding between us! If this is the case, why should I blame you? Otherwise, wouldn't it be Make the person behind the scenes happy? Besides, I have nothing to lose! Now I am the master of this Zhuangzi, and if I say I don’t care about it, I don’t care about it!”

"If I don't even have this kind of heart and mind, how can I lead everyone to make a fortune, everyone will say it!"

All the tenants couldn't help laughing, and echoed, "Yes, Missy is wise!", "Thank you, Miss, for your kindness!", "Thank you, Miss! Thank you, Miss!"

Xie Yunshu waved her hand and smiled easily: "Okay, let's stop here for the time being. In this way, you select ten or twenty people who are highly respected and you can trust to stay. After a while, the stewards will come and discuss things together, and everyone else will be together." Go back. There is a lot of farm work this season, don't delay here!"

"My mother and I will stay in Zhuangzi for a few more days. If you have any questions, just come to us. Okay, let's go!"

All the tenants were completely relieved now, and they talked and discussed for a while, some were recommended, some self-recommended, and soon, 20 people stayed.

They are all men, including old people, middle-aged people and young people.

The others quickly left.

Xie Liu's eyes flickered, and he looked at the 20 people calmly, secretly remembering their appearance characteristics, if there is anything to do, take down these people first, and basically control the overall situation.
Xie Yunshu turned to Su Shi and said: "Mother, it's nothing important, you don't need to worry about it, you can go back and rest for a while. My daughter can help my mother share her worries. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask your mother for advice."

Xie Yunshu's words were completely deliberate to elevate the Su family, making people feel awe.

Su's heart was full of joy and pride: How capable and capable her Shu'er is!

"Okay, don't be tired, take everything slowly."

"Yes, mother, don't worry."

Baixiang helped Mrs. Su into the house.

Xie Yunshu smiled and said: "Everyone, please work a little harder, the stewards will be here soon. Xie Liu, all uncles, please sit down in the flower hall."

"Yes, Miss!"

Leader Xie Liu invited the 20 people to the flower hall in the East Wing.

There were not so many stools, so I asked someone to bring a small horse.

Tang Guanshi, Ding Jili, Yue An, and Tang Chong'er rushed over out of breath.

Yue An's complexion was very ugly, with a disheveled face.

It was he who found someone to incite the tenants to make trouble, and he only wanted to scare the eldest lady and eldest lady, and prevent them from meddling in Zhuangzi's affairs.

He was afraid that Steward Tang and the others would stop them, so he specially invited them all to his home for breakfast early in the morning, saying that they were discussing while eating, and closed the door for his wife and children to guard, and no one was allowed to disturb them.

Therefore, Xie Yunshu's saber-rattling almost led to a murder case, and Tang Guanshi and others were still toasting and eating quietly, without knowing it at all!
It was also because of this that Xie Yunshu was willing to meet Tang Guanshi again after the Melon Eater System knew about it and listen to what he had to say.

Otherwise, if he was involved in instigating this matter, Xie Yunshu would never use this person.

Steward Tang and the others hurried to the main courtyard. Along the way, they saw all the tenants walking out in groups of three and four. When they saw them, they all greeted them with smiles, but the four of them were in a state of confusion. No intention of saying hello.

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