Fang Muliu obviously knew what he meant. He stuck out his tongue and made a face: "I understand, I understand. I just grumble and vent casually to make myself feel better!"

"As long as you know."

Everyone laughed.

Although Xie Yunshu was not injured, it was rare for someone to be attacked without incident in the capital. Several people were forced to ask questions and speculated about the reason.

The Qi family ended badly, but Mr. Xie continued to clean up the situation very well, and his external rhetoric was also perfect and impeccable. After repeated searches, nothing was found. In the end, it can only be said to be an accident.

But who would believe it?

Xie Yunshu felt very clear in her heart, but she couldn't say anything, so she responded vaguely.

After a while, Dou Nanshuang and Ning Xian also came together.

Several girls gathered together and it became more and more lively.

Xie Yunshu stayed with them for lunch.

After the meal, we played for a while. Others left one after another, but Princess Yilan stayed for a while longer.

Everyone knew that the princess and Xie Yunshu were already close, but because of the prince, they became even closer, and they all understood the situation.

Princess Yilan called Xie Yunshu with a smile: "Sister-in-law!"

Xie Yunshu was taken aback.

Princess: "Second cousin said that I can call my cousin when no one is around. I also think that calling my cousin will bring me closer!"

"Uh, that's okay." The princess was sincere, but Xie Yunshu was a little embarrassed, secretly complaining that the prince was too complacent and didn't say hello to her first, leaving her unprepared at all.
Princess Yilan smiled and called out "Cousin-in-law!"

Xie Yunshu agreed, and the two looked at each other and smiled, and suddenly they seemed to be a little closer.

"There is something I want to hear my cousin's opinion about. My mother has fallen in love with the second son of the Zheng family for me. She sent someone to inquire about him. She said that he is a pretty good man and that the Zheng family has a good family tradition. I just don't know what I can do. I don’t like it. I want to hear my cousin’s opinion on whether it is related to the Zheng family.”

As the Princess of Yilan spoke, she introduced the Zheng family to Xie Yunshu.

The master of the Zheng family is now serving as the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Household Affairs. The Zheng family is truly from a scholarly family, and all three of his sons have entered official positions by passing the formal imperial examinations.

The eldest son Zheng Fang and Erjia were Jinshi scholars and now serve as the magistrate of Hunan. The second son is Zheng Fangyu, the prospective son-in-law of Princess Yanyun. He is also the Tanhualang of Chunwei in this year. He entered the Hanlin Academy and edited the Hanlin Academy.The third son, Zheng Fangqi, is twelve years old and is preparing to take the scholar examination next year. If nothing unexpected happens, he will naturally become a civil servant.

The demographic relationship of the Zheng family is also simple. The eldest son takes his wife and children to work in Hunan. Mr. Zheng does not have a concubine, and all three sons are the sons of the main wife.Mrs. Zheng was married to Shanxi, where the Zheng family was originally from. Although her family background was average, her father was the dean of the famous Baihe Academy in the area.Mrs. Zheng inherited court training from a young age and was very knowledgeable and well-educated.

The Zheng family is very low-key. In their free time, they only read and write or visit the mountains and rivers. They give people the feeling of a family of nerds. They are not conspicuous in the capital. Many people even look down on their family and think it is too pedantic.

But Mr. Zheng has been the second-in-command in the Ministry of Household Affairs for many years, and he has never done anything wrong. No one has ever found fault with him.

While listening to Princess Yilan's introduction, Xie Yunshu communicated with the Chigua System in her mind.

There is no way to complain about the system.

As for the trivial matters in daily life, Yunshu stopped them without waiting for a thank you.

No one is perfect, and there is no need to know trivial and innocuous things.

I know that there should be no benefit except being angry in my own heart.The Zheng family is indeed a good family.

The Princess of Yilan would ask her opinion, and Xie Yunshu was a little surprised, "Does the Princess want to meet the second son of the Zheng family?"

Princess Yilan's face turned slightly red, "I met him secretly, but I don't quite understand his character."

Xie Yunshu thought for a while and then smiled and said: "This is easy to handle. My grandmother's birthday will be in half a month. I will make great efforts this year. I will ask the Crown Prince to find a way to invite the Second Young Master Zheng. Let's call him How about people observing and giving it a try? The best way to see clearly a person’s words, deeds, and character is when there are many people with mixed eyes.”

Mrs. Xie’s birthday is in early April.Last year, the old man celebrated his birthday on the way to Beijing. Thanks to the filial piety of the Marquis, he had already decided to organize it vigorously this year.

Now that Xie Yunshu has become the quasi-princess again, the old lady's birthday banquet will only be more grand and lively.

The Princess of Yilan was overjoyed, "Isn't this too abrupt, Mrs. Xie?"

Xie Yunshu smiled and shook her head: "We just need to exercise caution and not deliberately make things difficult for others."

Princess Yilan also smiled, "Well, thank you, cousin. I'll go tell the prince's cousin."

"it is good!"

There is no harm in toasting two more glasses of wine or giving someone a little embarrassment to test his reaction and attitude.What Xie Yunshu didn't say was, what is this?I'm just afraid that someone will try to cause trouble on that day, such as the Qi family
They are friends with each other, but none of them are familiar with the Zheng family's social circle. They have no excuse to mess around in daily life, and Xie Yunshu is not suitable for appearing in every occasion now.Grandma's birthday is indeed the best opportunity.

The princess would not mention this matter without reason. It was probably the eldest princess who asked her to say it.Although Xie Yunshu was also quite puzzled as to why the eldest princess asked the princess to ask for her advice.

Thinking about the relationship between the prince and the prince again, there seems to be nothing wrong.

How did Xie Yunshu know?Princess Yanyun was simply grateful to her, grateful to her for caring about the princess of Yilan and allowing the princess to escape the disaster a few days ago, and wanted them to get closer.

After a while, Princess Yilan said her goodbyes and left. Xie Yunshu personally escorted her out. After seeing her carriage go far away, she turned back.

This time, except for Jiang Yan, everyone else from the Xiangyi Charity Foundation came.

According to Jiang Yan's temperament, she likes to give favors the most, so she should be the first to come.

This time she didn't show up.

No one mentioned her either.

Everyone was in a tacit understanding and seemed to have forgotten about her.

When the Princess of Yilan left, she just casually mentioned to Xie Yunshu that Miss Jiang had withdrawn from the charity foundation due to personal reasons.

Xie Yunshu smiled and nodded "Yeah" without asking any more questions.

Princess Yilan felt that she should know the reason.

In fact, Xie Yunshu certainly knew the reason. Not only did she hear it from others, but she also learned it thoroughly from Chigua System, even including details that others didn't know.

She really didn't expect Jiang Yan to do this, and she didn't expect that her words came true.

If Jiang Yan knew that she reminded the Crown Prince and that the Crown Prince asked the secret guards to do it "just in case" and thus caused her misery, she would probably hate herself even more.

Moreover, when Jiang Yan saw that all attempts to lure Princess Yilan into being with Crown Prince Wei were unsuccessful, she took a desperate risk and drugged Princess Yilan on the day of the bazaar.

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