When Princess Yilan and Zheng Fangyu got on the carriage, they saw the Duke of Min's carriage not far away. Crown Prince Wei lifted up a corner of the carriage curtain and had a clear view.

His eyes were burning with jealousy, and his face was gloomy.

Xie Yunshu, who was seeing off the two princesses, seemed to be feeling something and glanced in the direction of Prince Wei's carriage. Prince Wei hurriedly lowered the curtain, clenched his fists on his knees, and sneered softly.

"This ruthless, heartless bitch! She fell in love so quickly, ha!"

Prince Wei did not dare to stop Princess Yilan's carriage. When he saw Xie Yunshu's carriage passing by, he ordered the coachman to follow him and forced Xie Yunshu's carriage to stop.

"Thank you, miss!"

Xie Yunshu lifted the car curtain: "This is the Prince of Wei"

Wei Shizi sneered: "Miss Xie is really a noble person who forgets things. Ayan has always been thinking about Miss Xie. When Miss Xie is free to visit, I think she will be very happy. Is Miss Xie not related to the world? Those common people look down on Ayan, right?"

The Jiang family and Minguo's government claimed to the outside world that the two had been framed, and the evidence chain was conclusive. It would be unthinkable for the rest of their lives that the businessman who framed them would be jailed and sentenced.

But for a high-ranking family, there shouldn't be too many things that appear to be a set of words but actually have the inside story. The words that are said on the surface are used as a fig leaf. Some people may believe it, but most of them have reserved opinions.

Prince Wei was treating Xie Yunshu like a fool. It was clear that he and Jiang Yan conspired to harm the princess of Yilan, but it was their own fault. Now they have become the victims. Instead, they blame Xie Yunshu and the others for being heartless and unjust and not playing with Jiang Yan.

Nowadays, there are many noble ladies in the city, how many of them dare to touch Jiang Yan?

Xie Yunshu looked at Wei Shizi: "I'm sorry, I need my grandmother's permission to go out now. She has the final say. If it's not an important matter in daily life, I don't dare to bother her to worry about it. If it makes her worried, then it's me. This granddaughter is unfilial!"

Prince Wei was angry and smiled coldly.

"Of course Ayan cannot be compared with Princess Yilan, no wonder Miss Xie wants to treat her differently!"

Xie Yunshu also smiled, "What Prince Wei said sounds very interesting."

Prince Wei choked: "."

Isn't it?What stupid thing did he say?Can Jiang Yan compare with Princess Yilan?Never before, let alone now!


Xie Yunshu lowered the car curtain, and Du Li accelerated the car and walked away quickly.

Prince Wei's eyes were filled with resentment: These are the things that follow the crowd and look down on others!
"Is this Prince Wei in the carriage?"

Outside the carriage, someone suddenly asked respectfully.

Prince Wei calmed down and raised his eyebrows lightly: "Who are you?"

The young man in green clothes smiled and said, "Your Majesty, my master has invited you."

"Who is your master?"

"Your Majesty, you will know when you get there. My master said that it is a coincidence that I would like to invite you to tea."

There were not many people in the capital who could speak to him like this. Prince Wei was a little curious and got out of the carriage with a slight hum, "Okay!"

In the luxurious and exquisite teahouse on the side of the street, the eldest prince stood by the window and smiled sarcastically.

He has very good eyesight. Although he couldn't hear what Xie Yunshu and Wei Shizi said, from this angle, he could see that Wei Shizi's expression changed from angry at the beginning to aggrieved, gnashing his teeth and daring to be angry but afraid to speak - haha, It's so similar to him before!

When meeting Miss Xie, there are few people who are not angry to death by her.

Of course, her friends were an exception, and so was the prince.

Thinking of the crown prince and Xie Yunshu's identity as the quasi-Crown Princess, the eldest prince felt even more sad.Inexplicably, he actually missed the time when she choked him to the point of being speechless. Damn it!

Old Mrs. Xie did a ritual at Qinglian Temple, and she invited not many people, but they were all very close friends, such as the Qi family, the Jin family, the Duke Huai family, the Lin family, the Fang family, etc.

Some people go, and some people can't go because they have something to do temporarily, so it's polite to do so.

The Marquis Mansion did not dare to invite the Crown Prince, but he informed him politely.

The prince would like to go, but it's not suitable.

He asked Wei Qin to prepare a generous gift, and he also sent a lot of fresh fruits and fresh cakes offered to the village.

When Mrs. Xie saw it, she smiled with joy and joy, and rewarded the visitor generously.

If he hadn't been thinking about Shu'er, how could the prince be so attentive?Could it be that she, an old woman, is still wondering if she has any fresh fruits and snacks to eat?

Shu'er is a child who is very lucky. Even before she is married, the prince takes it seriously.

Princess Huaijun replied and said she would definitely go then, which reassured the old lady Xie.

The old man specially called Xie Yunqian over and gave him a warning with a strong warning.

"Remember, you must perform well in front of Princess Huaijun this time, and let Princess Huaijun see your sincerity. If you cannot satisfy her, you will have to pass it by in the future - think about it yourself!"

Xie Yunqian lowered her head and responded softly for a moment: "Yes"

The Third Highness's main concubine and side concubine have all been decided. Nothing will happen without her. The time of sadness has passed. Now that I think about it, the melancholy is still there, but this emotion is not that strong anymore.

She had to accept the fact that she was going to marry into Prince Huai County's palace.

What her grandmother said was true, but it sounded unpleasant. As she listened, she couldn't help but feel a little rebellious in her heart.

Mrs. Xie gave her a deep look: "I hope you really remember it!"

Xie Yunqian didn't say anything anymore, she just curled her lips secretly. Her grandmother had always had this attitude towards her. In her eyes, she was not as good as Xie Yunshu in any way!

Early that morning, the whole Hou Mansion became lively.The whole family must accompany the old lady to Qinglian Temple.

Mrs. Xie specifically ordered Xie Yunshu and Xie Yunqian to share a carriage with her, Su and Qi with one, and Xie Muyan with her nanny and maid.

This clearly shows that Qi and Xie Muyan were deliberately separated.

Mrs. Qi sneered silently and did not argue with the old lady.

Blood is thicker than water, and the old woman wants to separate her from her son. Will her son not remember her?dream
Over at the Qi family, neither Mrs. Qi nor Qi Fanhui showed up, only Mrs. Qi and Mrs. Qi.Mrs. Jin and her sisters-in-law also came.

Xie Yunshu stayed by her grandmother's side and accompanied the guests.

Mrs. Su and Mrs. Qi welcomed the guests.

Princess Huaijun came, and before Mrs. Xie could tell her, Xie Yunshu found an excuse and took the initiative to avoid it with a smile.

The old lady wanted Xie Yunqian to behave in front of Princess Huaijun. With Xie Yunshu here, what could Xie Yunqian do?
It's not that the old lady looked down on Xie Yunqian, but when the two sisters stood together, even if neither of them spoke, Xie Yunshu was deeply inferior to Xie Yunqian.

Unexpectedly, not only Princess Huaijun came here today, but also the Third Young Master Zhao Mingquan.

Mrs. Xie was overjoyed and became more and more friendly and enthusiastic towards Princess Huaijun, like a pot of fire. (End of chapter)

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