Du Li never expected it to be true!

At this time, Du Ayan went to work, and Du Li was seriously ill and could no longer work three months ago, so he had to stay at home. At this time, both father and daughter were there.

Du Li was dumbfounded, but Du Qingqing giggled brightly: "Father! Father! Missy really wants to hire a doctor for you! You will definitely get better!"

Du Xin felt sour, nodded reluctantly, and gently stroked her daughter's hair: "Well, dad will be fine! Qingqing is good, go play by yourself, dad will say a few words to this girl."

Du Qingqing raised a smile: "Okay, Dad!"

An Tong looked at Du Qingqing with a bright smile on his face, and couldn't help but think of what the eldest lady said and laughed too.This little girl Qingqing's smile can really soften people's hearts.

She took out a small bag of pine nut candy from her bosom and handed it to Du Qingqing with a smile, "This is from my sister, take it and eat it."

Du Qingqing's big eyes lit up suddenly, looking at An Tong and then at his father.

An Tong: "It's just a few candies, you're welcome, Brother Du."

"Then thank you girl. Take it."

"En! Thank you, Sister An Tong!" Du Qingqing took it happily, and ran away with a giggle.

As soon as she left, the air at the scene seemed to freeze.

Although Du Li was sickly all over, there was still a bit of sharpness hidden in his eyes, and he said politely and distantly: "Miss An Tong? Why is Missy so kind?"

An Tong raised her brows upside down: "You really don't know what's good and what's wrong! Missy is kind but wrong? Just say whether you want to be cured or not!"

These words are too irritating!

Du Li was suddenly a little embarrassed, as if he had become the one with the heart of a villain and the one who was ungrateful, and hurriedly said: "I don't mean anything else, miss An Tong, don't get me wrong. It's just - I don't get paid for nothing, I, I"

An Tong is specialized in making up the knife: "Just tell me if you want to be cured or not?"

Du Li became even more embarrassed: "I, I, of course I want to."

"That's all right? If that's the case, just wait for the doctor! Don't worry, the doctor hired by the eldest lady is a well-known and good doctor in the capital, and it must be different from what you usually see!"

Du Li opened his mouth. In fact, he still wanted to ask, but he was a little afraid of An Tong, so he swallowed all the questions, "Thank you, Miss."

An Tong looked at his expression, as if he was aggrieved by something, glared at him and said angrily: "Missy accompanied Da Furen to worship Buddha yesterday, and was thinking of doing something. The young lady felt that it was fate, and agreed to her. Besides, since you are all members of the Zhuangzi, and the servants of the young lady and the eldest lady, it is worthy of you to be cured. If you I feel uneasy, just don't be that ungrateful person, after being cured, just do things for the eldest lady. It's not as good as Qingqing, Qingqing also knows that when she grows up, she will work hard to pay back the eldest lady's money!"

Du Li: "."

"Yes, miss, don't worry, Du Li will definitely repay miss well in the future!"

"It's almost the same! That's enough, you just have to wait. The doctor should be here in two days! I'm leaving first."

"Miss An Tong, go slowly."

Du Li watched An Tong leave and smiled.In any case, he was quite happy.

Who wants to die if they can live?
When he brought his two children to Beijing, he probably didn't mean to find a better doctor to treat his illness well.It's just that the capital is big and it's not easy to live in. It's difficult to survive in such a place, so how can we treat diseases?
Later, he gave up, and only hoped that the two children would be able to poop.

Unexpectedly, even this cannot be done now.

If the young lady can really cure him, so what if he sells his life to the young lady?

At least, it won't get any worse than this.

When Du Ayan came back in the evening, he was also very happy to hear about it.As long as dad can be cured, he can agree to anything!

Their brothers and sisters have lost their mothers, so they can no longer live without their fathers.

That's all for him, Qingqing is still young, it's too pitiful!

"Father, since the Eldest Miss specially sent someone here to say it, it must be true. Father only cares about the governance, and I will pay back everything owed, even if I use my life to pay it back, I am willing!"

Du Li scolded with a smile: "What stupid things are you talking about! You don't need it!"

On Zhuangzi's side, this afternoon, Xie Yunshu called Xie Liutang to speak: "Xie Liu, why don't you six follow me and do things with me in the future, how about it?"

Xie Liu was taken aback.

It would be a lie to say that I am not moved at all.

In the past few days, he has seen the young lady's methods with his own eyes, so he couldn't help but admire her.The chance of Lord Hou going to the battlefield again is almost negligible, and the days to come will be rather boring.If you follow the eldest lady.
Although Xie Liu didn't know what would happen, he definitely wouldn't be bored.

It's just that he understood what the young lady meant.If he followed the eldest lady, he would be regarded as the eldest lady's person, and everything on the side of Lord Hou would naturally have nothing to do with him!
Give it all up. Is it worth it?
Xie Yunshu smiled: "Go down and think about it carefully, discuss it with them, and give me an answer in the morning. This kind of thing is all about willingness. You can choose whatever you think in your heart. It doesn't matter if you refuse me. I will tell my father if I need to use you in the future. As long as I don't miss my business, I won't do anything. "

"Okay, let's go!"

"Yes, Miss Xie!" Xie Liu bowed respectfully and retreated.

Xie Liu went down and discussed with the other five people.

I don't know how the six discussed it, but before dinner, Xie Liu came to give Xie Yunshu an answer, and the six of them were willing to follow the eldest lady!
Xie Yunshu was overjoyed. After seeing the six people, she said with a smile: "I will tell my father when I return home, and I will have a way to convince my father. From now on, we will be on our own. Since you have chosen to work with me, I am the only master of yours." I won't treat you badly. If you are wronged, just tell me, I will never allow anyone to bully me! But there is only one thing, I can't tolerate betrayal, but if I find out, don't blame me for being rude. Even my father may not be able to protect him."

"Yes, since we have chosen to follow Missy, from now on, Missy will be the only one. Please don't worry, Missy!"

Xie Yunshu smiled and nodded: "I naturally believe in you now. Don't let me down!"


"By the way, if my father asks about the Zhuangzi after I go back, I will explain to you again."

Some things can be said, some things, it is not necessary to say.

Xu Yan and Cui Xia came back very early, and they were still in time to serve their master for dinner. Both of them were very happy, and they stayed here that night.

After breakfast the next day, Xie Yunshu and her daughter took everyone back to Beijing.

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