The clothes were just the right size, and Xie Yunshu changed them. Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Su's eyes lit up, and the maids and maids all looked amazed.

The eldest lady is so beautiful in this outfit!It makes people want to see it but dare not see more.Among the powerful and powerful ladies in the capital, there are only a few who can compare with my own lady!

Old Mrs. Xie held Xie Yunshu's hand, looked up and down, and smiled even more happily and proudly: "Mother Yun, look at how good our Shu'er is! Why is my granddaughter so beautiful like a fairy daughter! "

Everyone who said it laughed.

Mrs. Su smiled and her eyes were slightly moist, but her daughter was so good. She had grown so big in the blink of an eye, and was so slim and beautiful that she outshone many others.

But such a good girl is getting married this year. Marrying to the East Palace and becoming the crown princess will be an honor, but she will no longer be the caring girl she is.

Mrs. Su sighed softly, looking at her gorgeously transformed daughter, thinking that this was the prince's wish, she felt happy again.

Daughters always have to marry. Marrying the prince is the best marriage in the world. She should be happy.
Xie Yunshu held the old lady's hand in one hand and Su's in the other, with a smile as bright as a flower: "No matter how good I am, it's all my grandma and mother who taught me! Shu'er will definitely respect grandma and mother well in the future!"

Su Shi almost burst into tears, "Okay, good boy!"

Old lady Xie also laughed loudly: "Good Shu'er, if you don't love grandma, who will you care for? If anyone dares to say that grandma is partial, grandma won't be able to spare her!"

Everyone in the room laughed.

Xie Yunshu changed out of her clothes. Aunt Ling carefully arranged the clothes and put them away. On the day of the banquet, she helped Xie Yunshu put them on.

The clothes fit me perfectly and there is no need to change them.

Mrs. Xie smiled and sighed again: "The Crown Prince has really put his heart into it. Shu'er must keep it in mind. When she enters the East Palace, she must serve the Crown Prince well and be a good Crown Princess."

Xie Yunshu nodded in agreement.

She doesn't need to "serve". There is no such word between the prince and her.

However, she would not refute what her grandmother said.

The grandparents, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked for a while, and Xie Yunshu and her daughter left.

Old Mrs. Xie thought for a moment and then said to Aunt Ling: "Go and tell the Marquis today that he is not allowed to have any ideas about Qingyunfang, and you are not allowed to mention it to Shu'er. Qingyunfang and the farm at Weiziling are both Shu'er's dowry! No one is allowed to touch it!"

Aunt Ling was slightly surprised and lowered her eyes.

Weiziling Manor is just that. Qingyun Food Shop earns nearly 20 taels of silver a year, which is an endless gold mine.

Although it is Xie Yunshu's own thing, it is still the family's capital. Before she left the cabinet, Mr. Xie turned a blind eye and let her go. But no matter who owns such an industry, no Maybe let the daughter take it as a dowry.

At least it's impossible to take them all away.

Many people are eyeing Qingyunfang. Xie Houye doesn't understand business matters and is much easier to fool than Xie Yunshu in this regard.

As long as Qingyunfang is in the hands of Mr. Xie, others will have the opportunity to get involved.

As for the other two bosses, they don't know anything. Miss Xie has made the decision in everything, and she has already inquired and confirmed it.

In a roundabout way, many people have approached Mr. Xie through various channels in private, and they have talked about this matter openly and secretly.

Mr. Xie was gradually moved by the provocation.

Although the Hou Mansion is not short of money, to be honest, there are not many profitable businesses, and the money earned is still small money.

No matter how many antiques and treasures there are in the warehouse, we can't just sit back and have nothing.

Besides, this is indeed the case. How can anyone marry with such a huge property?
Mr. Xie discussed this matter with his mother first. As long as her mother nodded, I didn't believe that this damn girl would dare to disobey.

Mrs. Xie was indeed a little hesitant.No matter how good a granddaughter is, she will be someone else's daughter-in-law after she gets married.Qingyunfang earns so much money in a year, and it's really heartbreaking to be taken away by her.

Of course she hopes the Xie family will be well.
However, the old man also really felt sorry for Xie Yunshu, and he was always struggling in his heart about how to say this.

She thought about it, but instead of taking it all back, let Xie Yunshu take [-]% of the shares as a dowry, and the rest would go to the Xie family.

But today she suddenly thought, why is the prince so interested in Shu'er?
It can't be to curry favor with the Marquis.

The Marquis Mansion is not worthy of being fawned over by the Crown Prince.

Shu'er and the prince didn't have anything like the so-called childhood sweethearts.

They only met after the emperor granted them a marriage.

So why is the prince?There has to be a reason, right?
The old lady suddenly thought of Qingyunfang.

Yes, it must be so!

Even the prince would not be able to refuse such a huge fortune.

If the reason why the prince values ​​Shu'er so much is Qingyunfang and Shu'er's ability to make money, then the Xie family cannot keep Qingyunfang.

Otherwise, if the prince doesn't say anything publicly, who knows if he will be dissatisfied with Shu'er privately?

If he is dissatisfied with Shu'er, what should Shu'er do?
Furthermore, if he is dissatisfied with Shu'er, he will also be dissatisfied with the Xie family, which is not good either.

Mrs. Xie then decided to give up this idea and not mention the Qingyunfang matter again.

Mr. Xie was stunned when he heard this and hurriedly went to find his mother.

He really couldn't bear to lose such a huge fortune like this.

However, Mrs. Xie did not allow negotiation at all and gave her own reasons.

After hearing this, Mr. Xie was also a little dumbfounded.
This, if this is really the case, then it really cannot be mentioned.

Dare you steal something from the prince?He's not that bold yet.

"never mind."

"I think our family has enough money. Shu'er earned it by herself, so leave it to herself! As long as Shu'er is good, the Xie family will be good too."

Xie Houye reluctantly smiled and nodded, and had no choice but to admit it.

Xie Yunshu didn't know about this from beginning to end.

If she knew, she would not let Qingyunfang out, but it would be somewhat troublesome.

After all, if you marry with such a golden mountain, if your mother's family is not happy, it will inevitably cause trouble.

It was night, and the prince couldn't hold himself back after all, so he asked Su Ming to find a way to quietly bring him to the Hou Mansion.

Xie Yunshu had already sent all the maids and maids out of the courtyard, and An Tong, Qing Qing, and Xu Yan were all watching.

Seeing the Crown Prince, Xie Yunshu smiled and said, "I thought the Crown Prince wouldn't come, so I was planning to take a rest!"

The prince stepped forward to hold her shoulders, looked down at her, and said with a smile: "I have been struggling all day, but I still can't bear it and finally came. Do you still like the clothes and jewelry that Gu Ming Xiaolan gave me?" "

Xie Yunshu nodded slightly: "I like it, it looks good. The craftsmanship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is indeed superb."

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