In the evening, when Xie Yunshu was lying down, she chatted with the eating melon system again.

"Guagua, what good idea did that old Mrs. Qi come up with to entertain me tomorrow? Come, let's talk!"

The melon-eating system is a bit gloating: "This old lady Qi has a hot temper. The Qi family, like your father, started off with military exploits, and everyone is not easy to mess with. Mammy Qi went back today and filed a complaint, but old lady Qi will be given to you." I'm so angry, I promise to teach you a lesson!"

"But fortunately, she despises you as a wild girl from the countryside. She thinks that you have never seen the world, and she intends to make you feel ashamed and ashamed tomorrow, knowing that the sky is high and the earth is great!"

"That's right," Xie Yunshu smiled brightly, "Then I'll just wait."

It is nothing more than showing the nobility, wealth, refinement, and aloofness of the Qi family in every way, so as to hit the heart of this little girl who came from a remote place and has never seen the world, making her feel timid, inferior, at a loss, and panicked. Dazed and terrified, he never recovered from the fall.

Murder is just that.

If it was the original owner, Mrs. Qi would most likely succeed, and beat the original owner to such an extent that she could no longer hold her head up, and even dared not go out to attend various banquets.

Unfortunately, Xie Yunshu at this moment is not the original owner.

No matter how much malice the Qi family has, it is an inevitable thing determined by the Qi family's position for her, and she doesn't need to care about it at all.

If you don't care, you won't get hurt.

The Qi family regarded her as an insider, but she only regarded herself as a spectator.

But that's all!

"Guagua, cheer up tomorrow, let me know if there are any changes."


It's so nice to have a live melon to eat it.

As for Xie Yunshu, she is not afraid of this kind of psychological attack, because it can't destroy her, but she is a little afraid of simple and crude dirty methods.

Madam Qi just came back and couldn't wait to make things difficult for their mother and daughter, so she doesn't have to be polite.

Xie Yunshu told An Tong what she said, and asked her to find Xie Liu early tomorrow morning, and told Xie Liu exactly, and asked him to keep it secret.

Xie Yunshu asked An Tong to give Xie Liu 500 taels of silver, and asked Xie Liu to take the two to leave the capital in the name of being ordered to inspect Weiziling Zhuangzi, go to Yangzhou, find Xue's mother and daughter, and find a way to quietly take them to Beijing.
Since the Qi family was rude to her, of course she had to fight back.

Mao Keshou was a son-in-law who conspired to seize the woman's family property, put his wife under house arrest, and stopped his wife to remarry, but he was a guest of the Qi family. He also introduced them to the Pingbei Marquis Mansion and used the reputation of the Marquis Mansion to do a lot of things As for the matter, once Mao's true face is exposed, it will be called good-looking.

According to the regulations of the Daxuan Dynasty, the son-in-law's behavior will not only ruin his reputation, confiscate all his property and sentence him to his wife, but also be sentenced to ten years in prison!
After breakfast the next day, Mrs. Qi went out with her two children and Xie Yunshu.

Qi's original arrangement was that she would take her son Xie Muyan in the same car, and Xie Yunshu and Xie Yunqian in the same car.

Xie Muyan pulled Xie Yunqian and refused to let go, "I want my sister!"

Xie Muyan's nanny looked at Xie Yunshu. Xie Yunshu pretended not to see or hear anything, and was whispering to An Tong with her head down.

If Qi wants to leave her with a pair of children, then she will explain to herself, don't pretend to be virtuous and want a family of three to reunite with Meimei, force her to be this generous person, and take the initiative to let Xie Yunqian stay with them, isolate herself, and want to Beautiful!
Although she also wanted to share a car with Xie Yunqian, she would never say anything if she took the initiative to let Xie Yunqian leave.

Qi smiled: "Yan'er, your elder sister wants to ride with the elder sister, so you and your mother are fine."

"No! I want my sister! I want my sister!"

"Yan'er, listen!"

Xie Muyan burst into tears, "Wow!", "I want my sister! I want my sister! Big sister is so bad!"

The nanny said loudly: "Miss, you just said something. It made the young master cry, how can you bear it as a sister!"

Xie Yunqian sneered, and glanced at Xie Yunshu, since he wasn't her own brother, of course she could bear it.

Only then did Xie Yunshu look at the nanny, and said in surprise, "What are you talking about, Nanny Gao? With Erniang as an elder, everything is natural, but it's up to Erniang to decide, so how can I speak? It seems that it's not up to the nanny to decide." Bar?"

Grandma Gao choked.

Since they are not resting on their own, they have just left the house, and they are anxious to show that they are pushing themselves away. How can they be worthy of their heart if they don't make a fuss?

Qi's said coldly: "Yan'er and Qian'er have always been close, Yan'er is a child, even if she wants to come to the eldest lady, she won't care about a child, so Qian'er will come with us!"

Xie Yunshu smiled: "I will follow Erniang's arrangement!"

"Huh!" Xie Yunqian let out a cold snort, and got into the carriage angrily.

Nanny Gao also hurried up with Xie Muyan in her arms.

Qi gets in the car.

Xie Yunshu also took An Tong into another car and set off together.

Qi's house is not far from Pingbeihou's Mansion, and it took more than half an hour for the carriage to arrive.

Mrs. Qi has two sons and a daughter. The Qi family is the youngest and the most favored.

The eldest daughter-in-law, Tang, gave birth to two daughters and a son, Qi Fangying and Qi Fanghui, who are 17 and 14 years old respectively, and their son Qi Rongzhen is the same age as Xie Muyan, only seven years old.

The second daughter-in-law, Guan Shi, has two sons, Qi Rongli and Qi Rongxiang, who are 11 and [-] years old respectively.

There are two or three other concubines and concubine daughters, but they are all shy of being raised. They don't have much sense of existence on weekdays, and it's not their turn to see guests.

Apparently, when Nanny Qi came home yesterday, she had made an agreement. As soon as the mother and son of the Qi family arrived, the eldest wife and the second wife of the Qi family led the children and greeted them boisterously surrounded by maidservants. go in.

"Eldest aunt! Second aunt!"

"Eldest cousin, second cousin, I miss you so much!"

"Auntie, you are here with Sister Qian'er. I miss you so much after not seeing you for a long time!"

"Oh, let's say my brother has grown taller again, look how handsome we are!"

"The old lady doesn't talk about you, especially Yan'er, let's go, let's greet the old lady quickly!"

"Yes, let's go, hehe"


The excitement is theirs, they are the serious relatives, the blood relatives, the family.Xie Yunshu is not and will never be able to get so close to them.

Xie Yunshu couldn't help but think to herself, if the original owner was here, how helpless, how embarrassing, even panic, inferiority, and embarrassment would be at this time.
A simple country girl who didn't understand anything and grew up loved and loved by her family in the countryside with simple interpersonal relationships, how could she ever face such a straightforward and sinister human heart poison!

Xie Yunshu didn't try to blend in with them, she leisurely stood at a distance and watched the play.

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