Xie Yunshu also smiled and said: "What you said is exactly what I want to say. Whenever there is something, no matter how big or small, no matter how important it is, the second princess must tell me. If the second princess has been wronged in any way, she must tell her in time." Tell me. Or when I am not here, the second princess can tell Aunt You, An Tong, Qingqing and the others around me, or you can tell Empress Xinbin."

"Yes, second sister-in-law!"

After discussing for a while, the second princess’s luggage was indeed pitiful. Xie Yunshu then smiled and said: "Since the two princesses just need to pack their clothes, jewelry, and makeup, how about I take care of the other things for you? Just bring a maid and a stable nanny to serve you personally."

The second princesses all agreed and said with a smile: "Thank you so much, second sister-in-law!"

Xie Yunshu felt relieved that Meigui was here to help with the luggage. She made an appointment to send someone to pick up the luggage and send it to the ship the day after, and then left.

The prince returned home earlier than usual that day, and he obviously knew that the second princess was entrusted to Xie Yunshu's care.

"It's clear that Concubine Shu has bad intentions, and the eldest princess loves to bully others, so I'm afraid she won't settle down. If Shu'er doesn't like it, I'll just push it away for you. The Crown Princess may not have any free time along the way. To take care of the second princess? Which concubine is better to take care of?"

The prince didn't completely understand what his father meant, but he was just following the trend and wanted to see what the princess was capable of.

I understand, but he is still not happy and not very happy.

Xie Yunshu smiled and said: "That's not necessary. The second princess has a good temper and is easy to take care of. I have already agreed! If you can't do such a small thing well, wouldn't you be looked down upon?"

The prince laughed: "Who dares to underestimate Shu'er? I just want to make Shu'er feel more comfortable along the way."

After all, he wouldn't be so happy if there was one more person on board. Isn't the world between two people originally bad? Although it doesn't hinder anything, I just don't like it.

Xie Yunshu: "The second princess has a gentle temperament and is a sensible person. I am really willing to look after her on the road."

The prince felt reassured when he saw that she really didn't have any compulsion. He smiled at her and said, "In that case, forget it. If anything happens on the way, Shu'er can't help but tell me."

"Huh? Then the prince will take care of it?"

If she is not suitable, he seems to be even more inappropriate, right?

"No," the prince smiled: "I'm here to think of a solution."

Xie Yunshu burst out laughing, "Well, I know!"

The prince smiled and sat down with her. Naturally, I came back early today not just to talk about the second princess. The two of them had not been able to spend time together for several days, so they couldn't waste it.

A few days after the southern tour started, the capital became lively in the middle of the night. Groups of sergeants stood on both sides of the street. Patrolling imperial guards patrolled back and forth in the surrounding streets. There were many swords and guns. The atmosphere was solemn. People were not allowed to approach within two streets.

Shortly after dawn, the emperor set off, followed by the concubines, the prince's relatives, layers of dignitaries, and court ministers. The carriages, horses, and sedans were surrounded by various entourages, like a long dragon slowly leaving the city.

Today, the crown prince and the eldest prince were accompanying them, so Xie Yunshu simply took the two princesses in the same car.

After the Crown Princess Luan drove the concubines, there was no need to worry about waiting. It went smoothly out of the city, onto the dock, and on the boat.

The second princess's bedroom is also arranged on the third floor. The second floor is occupied by the accompanying maids and eunuchs, so it is difficult to put the second princess there.

Now the second princess was even more embarrassed. She always felt that she had disturbed the prince and princess, so she took the initiative to say that she would not leave the cabin if nothing happened.

Xie Yunshu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she didn't say much. She just asked her to come over and talk when she had time. As Luan drove along, there was no sound except for the sounds of carriages, horses, sedans and servants moving around. The people were far away, and it was impossible to try to see the weather in Tianjia twice.

They boarded the ship early and had to wait for the whole team to arrive. There were many people outside and it was not easy to go to the deck to see the excitement outside. The sister-in-law and sister-in-law sat by the window in the small flower hall and drank tea, occasionally looking through the screen window. Outside, waiting for the boat to sail.

The emperor also wanted to offer sacrifices to the river gods, water gods, and wind gods, and the minister in charge of general affairs also reported to the emperor the details of today's and tomorrow's itinerary. It was not possible to start the journey so early at this time.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the morning that the mighty fleet began to slowly leave the dock. Music was playing on the shore and on the water. The music was thin and elegant. The tall dragon boat slowly cut through the water, breaking through the fine blue waves, and set off. Go south.

It will berth at the Tianjin pier today, leave the pier early tomorrow morning, and stop in Cangzhou, more than 200 miles away from Tianjin, tomorrow night.

The boat finally set off, and everyone who had to wait patiently breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. The second princess's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she stared outside through the screen window with expectation and excitement.

A slight smile appeared in Xie Yunshu's eyes.

The second princess has grown up within a high wall since she was born. The only time she goes out every year is to go to Lingyu Temple to pray for the late queen.

However, the carriage and horse sedan were surrounded by servants and guards all the way. On the road, she did not dare to open the curtain of the carriage and look out, and the grandmother who was following her would not allow it.

Now I feel much freer. Even if I don't dare to lift the curtains and look out, I can still see it clearly if I get closer.

Xie Yunshu deliberately chose a layer of screen window with excellent perspective for the cabin window, which shows that she made the right choice.

The water in the river, the trees and mountains on both sides, and the occasional houses and villages, even if they were only half or eighty vivid, the second princess was very interested, and her beautiful almond eyes were unblinking, for fear of missing something.

The second princess accidentally caught a glimpse of Xie Yunshu's smiling eyebrows, her heart skipped a beat, her face slowly turned red, and she smiled unnaturally: "I, I asked the second sister-in-law to laugh."

Xie Yunshu said with a smile: "What's so funny about this? You've never seen these before, just watch if you like, it's okay. The world outside is wide, and the great rivers and mountains are even more beautiful. It's a rare trip, so there's no need to be restrained."

"Really, really?"

"Of course, I'm still coaxing you into a little girl."

The second princess was overjoyed: "Thank you, second sister-in-law!"

Xie Yunshu shook her head in amusement.

The second princess hesitated and struggled for a while, but she still moved closer to the screen window.

The vastness of the world is what she envies, but unfortunately she may not be so lucky to see the vast mountains and rivers in this life. The opportunity is rare, and the second sister-in-law is a kind-hearted person, so she doesn't need to be too pretentious.

Xie Yunshu looked at the second princess thoughtfully.

When the southern patrol fleet stopped in Tianjin, dusk began to fall.

Xie Yunshu and the second princess had dinner together. (End of chapter)

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