Xie Yunshu didn't have any expectations for them, so naturally she wouldn't take the initiative to join them.

It's fine to ignore her, she'll just go to the park, and it's fine not to disturb anyone.

Maybe they themselves thought it was boring, a little girl rushed over and said that the ladies were all inviting her over in the pavilion.

Xie Yunshu also went.

However, everyone still didn't get along very well. First, there was a little physical conflict accidentally, and then Qi Fanghui pretended to slap his nose with a handkerchief and said in deliberate disgust: "Oh, who is so smelly! It smells so bad Son, only animals love this kind of smell the most, if you are bitten by cats or dogs, don't blame others!"

The following maids covered their mouths and laughed.

Xie Yunqian and Qi Fangying also laughed.

Xie Yunqian said even more contemptuously: "Xie Yunshu, you really have a thick skin!"

Xie Yunshu smiled and ignored her, but looked at Qi Fanghui in surprise and said, "How does the second cousin know what the animal likes the most? It turns out that the second cousin and the animal have such a common language! Could it be that the second cousin is the friend of the animal?"

"What did you say!"

Before Xie Yunshu could answer, a dog came out from nowhere, barking ferociously and rushing towards the pavilion, scaring the servant girls to scream and turn pale!

Who would have thought that the dog would not care about others, but bared its teeth as if it had recognized Qi Fangying, and rushed towards her viciously.

Qi Fangying's eyes widened as if she couldn't believe it, and she reflexively said "Ah! Ah!" screamed and ran, and the dog chased after her like crazy!

Qi Fanghui and the others were all stunned, screaming in disorder!
"Come on! Come on, come on!"

"Quick! Save my sister! Come on!"

Xie Yunqian glared at Xie Yunshu fiercely, and snapped, "Is it your fault!"

Xie Yunshu raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Why did my sister say that? So many maids are watching, what the hell can I do?"

"It must be you! You wait for me!" Xie Yunqian stomped her feet, turned around and ran away.

An Tong said angrily: "Miss, how could Second Miss wrong you like this! They are too bullying! But Second Lady might, might believe Second Miss"

Xie Yunshu smiled lightly: "It's okay, let them do what they want. Let's go too!"


Xie Yunshu was halfway there when she saw Nanny Qi coming with a few servants in a murderous look, and Xie Yunshu sneered when she saw Xie Yunshu: "Missy came just in time, madam is telling her to go over!"

"Okay, let's go then!"

As soon as Xie Yunshu entered, Qi slapped her. Xie Yunshu grabbed her hand and said angrily before she could ask, "What does Er Niang want to do! You must think carefully before you do it!"

"Presumptuous!" Qi's heartbroken and furious: "I really didn't expect you to be so vicious! You actually hurt Ying'er!"

"What do you mean? Erniang, make it clear! As soon as you come up, do it, just because you are on your Qi family's territory, are you so numerous and powerful that you can bully others?"


"What nonsense are you talking about!" The Qi family was a little embarrassed to come down. Madam Qi hurriedly reprimanded all the servants who were not confidantes and retreated, threw a sachet on the ground and pointed angrily: "You quietly put this thing in Yingying. On the body of Ying'er, that dog chased Ying'er like crazy, causing Ying'er to break her leg, why is this vicious? How dare you deny it!"

"It's not mine, why do you say it's mine?"

"Who else could it be if it's not you?" Xie Yunqian sneered: "Could it be that we will harm my cousin!"

"How do I know? Isn't it rare that brothers and sisters of high-ranking families are jealous, openly and covertly fighting like black-eyed chickens? Who knows if it's a thief calling for a thief!"

"You're talking nonsense! Nonsense!"

"It's the other way around! Sister, don't you think that our Qi family is easy to bully? Sister, if you don't give me an explanation today, I will ask Lord Hou personally!"

"Okay! Then let's ask my father and my grandma, how about it? Save me from being weak and being bullied by your family! The whole family pours dirty water on me! Bah, shameless! This is What do you call decent? Is this the etiquette that you keep talking about all day long? Don't be ashamed of yourself!"

"Shut up!" Qi was furious, and directed Madam Qi: "Get her down! Get her down! It's the wrong way! She's really the wrong way!"

"I'll see who dares!" Xie Yunshu was furious, pulled out the gold hairpin from her bun and pressed it against her chest, staring at Qi Shi with burning eyes and said coldly: "Does Erniang want to force me to death? Tell me, I If you poke it down and say that the Qi family did it, will my grandma believe it? Do I want to save face in the Pingbeihou Mansion? Will my father just let it go!"

"You! How dare you."

"You have wronged me so much, thinking of pressing your head to bully me, why should I take this tone?"

Qi gritted her teeth and almost fainted out of breath.

"Okay, what's the point of being so noisy!" The old lady Qi patted the couch twice: "Speak up if you have something to say! Girl Yunshu, you are too childish, how can you be so impulsive and still Put down that gold hairpin quickly!"

After all, Xie Yunshu is the eldest lady of the Pingbei Houfu. She followed the Qi family to visit the Qi family. If the golden hairpin really poked in, even if the Qi family could charge her with any crime, she couldn't help but set her up!Who believes she did it herself?As long as she doesn't admit it!

Could it be that the Qi family could kill her today?
She is the eldest daughter of the Pingbei Hou Mansion, even if the Qi family insisted that it was an accident, it would not be justified!Furthermore, so many servants have seen it, so can all the servants be silenced?

This is simply impossible.

Murder pays for life, not to mention that this is a noble girl!

Madam Qi was tearful and angry: "Old lady, how can this matter be forgotten? This is too bullying!"

"Yeah, you can't forget about this matter in a daze, isn't it too bullying? You have to make it clear!"

"you shut up!"

"I want to go home," Xie Yunshu said coldly, "You are all in the same group, I won't tell you!"


The old lady Qi took a few breaths before she calmed down, "Girl Yunshu, it is absolutely impossible for their cousins ​​to do this kind of thing, you have to explain it. Speak well, my old man keeps his word and will never make things difficult for you. "

Xie Yunshu sneered: "Old lady Qi is indeed a sensible person, so I will say a few words. This is in the Qi family's mansion. I know there is a dog in this mansion. The one in the garden happened to be at that time." The place ran out? So I slipped a problematic sachet into Miss Qi’s arms in advance? The three cousins ​​were joking and making out, and I didn’t go all the way with them. It was they who sent someone to invite me to the pavilion Li's - say that I intend to harm others, can't you justify it?"

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