Concubine Xin's eyes finally lit up with a faint light, and that little light was like a life-saving straw.

"Well, of course it's true!" Xie Yunshu nodded and said without thinking: "This is the child that the emperor is also looking forward to. How can it be lost so easily?"

Concubine Xin laughed, "Sister Yunshu is absolutely right! He, he is waiting for me, I can't keep him waiting for too long!"

Xie Yunshu smiled and said: "Don't worry, he won't be able to let you go, and he will happily wait to come back again."


"The weather is nice today, and there's no wind at the moment. How about asking someone to change your clothes and tie your hair, and let's sit in the yard, enjoy the flowers, and drink tea?"

Concubine Xin didn't really want to go out, she didn't even want to move, but Xie Yunshu looked expectant, as if she would be very, very sad if she didn't agree.

Concubine Xin's heart softened and she nodded reluctantly: "Yes."

Qiu Yun and others came in soon and helped her change her clothes and comb her hair.

There was a bandage on her forehead to protect her from the wind, and her hair was just tied up in a bun. Xie Yunshu chose a palace dress for her in the color of willow buds and embroidered with magnolia flowers. It was elegant and elegant, making people feel more energetic for no reason.

Concubine Xin had not been out for several days. When she and Xie Yunshu stepped out of the palace, a bright light from the sky made her feel a little dizzy. She quickly closed her eyes and raised her hand to cover her forehead.

She slowly opened her eyes, put down her hands, and raised her eyes slightly, but she saw the sky was blue and the bright sunshine was shining down, as if it was shining on her heart.

Taking another glance at the flourishing flowers, plants and trees in the yard, Xin Fei's mood became inexplicably lighter, and the dark clouds shrouding her heart gradually moved away.

The second princess was originally sitting on an embroidered pier beside a table set up in the courtyard. On the table were placed many brightly colored freshly broken flowers, including delicate roses, white gardenias, water-red rhododendrons and large pink camellias, which were full and beautiful. There are jasmine, lily of the valley, freesia, canna, jasmine, etc., arranged in layers on the table. The second princess is talking and laughing with An Tong and Qing Qing, picking and arranging flowers.

There are several flowers in a flower basket on the table, which is already taking shape.

Seeing them coming out, the second princess hurriedly stepped forward and called out with a smile: "Second sister-in-law, Concubine Xin!"

Concubine Xin glanced at the colorful and delicate flowers on the table, and her eyes were filled with splendid blooms. She felt better and said with a smile: "What beautiful flowers, is the second princess arranging a flower basket?"

The second princess smiled and said yes, "I saw that the cannas, gardenias and jasmine in the yard were blooming very well. I thought that the queen must like flowers, so I asked people to pick some from outside. I was thinking of inserting one for the queen. What a beautiful flower basket.”

Concubine Xin smiled and said: "The second princess is skillful and has a heart. I really like her very much, and I will give birth to the second princess!"

The second princess quickly shook her head and smiled shyly: "It's fine if Concubine Xin likes it."

Qiu Yun personally served tea to Xie Yunshu. The one she gave to Xie Yunshu was the Wuyi Dahongpao that the emperor had given her a while ago, while the one given to Concubine Xin was red dates, wolfberry and osmanthus tea.

Concubine Xin frowned slightly when she opened it, but before she could say anything, Xie Yunshu smiled and said, "Qiu Yun is still careful. It is appropriate for Concubine Xin to drink this tea to warm her stomach and nourish her body."

Concubine Xin smiled and had no objection, "Yun—ahem, the Crown Princess is right."

Concubine Xin simply took action and started arranging flowers together with the second princess. The second princess had nothing to do on weekdays, so she had studied a lot about this subject and had quite a lot of experience. Her casual remarks were also enjoyable to listen to.

Concubine Xin really became interested and asked from time to time.

Xie Yunshu was drinking tea and watching with a smile. It was time for Concubine Xin to go out and walk around. Being bored in the house would only make it more and more boring. There was nothing as vast as the sky outside. The young eunuch came in and reported: The eldest prince's concubine, the third prince's concubine, the eldest princess, and the second Miss Lu came to visit Concubine Xin.

When Concubine Xin heard about the eldest prince concubine and eldest princess, her face suddenly darkened, and the disgust in her eyes could hardly be concealed.

"Invite them in."

Everyone has come to the door, can she still say no?

As soon as they entered, Xie Yunshu and the second princess stood up and greeted each other with smiles.

As a princess, Xie Yunshu could not say anything wrong with her even if she didn't get up. It's just that the eldest prince's concubine is her sister-in-law after all, and Xie Yunshu doesn't mind acting like a virtuous younger sister-in-law to give the eldest prince's concubine enough face in front of others.

When Concubine Xin fell into the water and had a miscarriage, the culprit committed suicide in fear of the crime, and Qi Meiren, who had been exploited, was deposed as a commoner and relegated to the cold palace. Although this matter had nothing to do with Concubine Shu, Concubine Xin cried when she gave birth to a miscarriage. He was shouting and scolding Concubine Shu, saying that Concubine Shu had harmed her. Although the emperor did not give evidence once, Concubine Shu was indeed scolded by him.

Even the eldest prince was implicated and was unhappy.

The eldest prince's concubine has always maintained her status as the eldest daughter-in-law of the royal family, and she also has no interest in pleasing the boss.

Originally she didn't want to come, but the third prince and concubine went to her and said that the crown prince had gone to visit Concubine Xin in person. She was also a prince and concubine. Wouldn't it be bad if they didn't go?

Although the friendship between Concubine Xin and the Crown Princess was beyond their reach, it seemed that it would not be a good idea not to go.

The eldest prince's concubine just came over and took the eldest princess with her.

Firstly, it is so that the father can see the eldest princess's feelings, secondly, she has a companion, and thirdly, the second princess has gone, and it would not be good if the eldest princess does not go.

Xie Yunshu and the second princess stood up to greet them. The eldest princess finally felt a little comfortable and greeted them with a smile on her face.

However, Concubine Xin did not stand up. She only raised her eyes and glanced at them lightly, "It's hard for you to worry about it. Sit down."

"Thank you, Lady Xin!"

Qiu Yun hurriedly asked the young eunuch and the young palace maid to bring out four embroidery piers from the palace.

The round table in the courtyard was not big, but it seemed a bit crowded now that so many people were sitting down. Lu Mingxin had to step back and sit behind her sister.

The eldest princess took a look at the flowers and said with a smile: "Concubine Xin is very leisurely and relaxed!"

Everyone's expressions flickered slightly, it depends on what they think about this.

When Concubine Xin gave birth to a miscarriage, she cried with great sadness, and within three or two days she was in the mood to arrange flowers and enjoy them. It can be seen that the previous grief was not necessarily sincere, but was just to win more favors.

The second princess hurriedly explained in a low voice: "Sister, I asked people to pick these flowers in the garden. I wanted to put a flower basket for Concubine Xin to make Concubine Xin feel better."

Xie Yunshu also smiled and said: "The second princess is very thoughtful, so I have an excuse. I finally persuaded Concubine Xin to come out and sit for a while! These flowers bloom well, are delicate and delicious, and make people feel better after looking at them."

The eldest princess hummed, her face darkened slightly, and she fell silent.

She didn't mean anything else, she just said it casually, but the Crown Princess and the Second Princess still explained it like this as if they had bad intentions, which was really abominable.

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