Soon these people were evacuated.

After all, some traces were left behind. The secret guards became more and more convinced that the Crown Princess's guess was good and searched carefully.

The second princess, Meng Yuxiu, who was hiding under the crack, was found just like that.

At first, the two thought they were chasing evildoers, and they almost made a mistake.

Xie Yunshu in Lingyin Temple was copying the Diamond Sutra one stroke at a time. She wanted to ask about the melon-eating system every now and then. She was greatly relieved when she learned that the second princess and Meng Yuxiu had been found.

The second princess and Meng Yuxiu were secretly taken into Lingyin Temple.

Seeing Xie Yunshu, the second princess burst into tears and threw herself into Xie Yunshu's arms.

"Second sister-in-law!"

No matter how reserved and sensible she is, she is still just a little girl. She has never experienced anything like this in her life. How can she not be afraid?

At this moment, she could still stand in front of Xie Yunshu. Xie Yunshu thought she was amazing.

"Don't be afraid. It's okay, it's okay."

Xie Yunshu gently patted the second princess, comforted her for a few words, and then led her and Meng Yuxiu to change clothes.

After changing her clothes, Xie Yunshu poured some calming tea and handed it to the two of them, telling them in detail what she would say when they got back.

The second princess and Meng Yuxiu nodded repeatedly to express their remembering.

Xie Yunshu suddenly mentioned a few words, and both of them could answer the questions fluently without making any mistakes. She felt relieved and hurried back to the palace.

As expected, Concubine Shu quickly learned about Princess Yilan's "sickness" and couldn't help but sneer, sick? Do they think they can cover it up like this?

She was extremely angry. Originally, the eldest princess and the others should have stopped the car of Princess Yilan and her party in Hangzhou. As soon as they met, the whereabouts of the second princess could no longer be concealed.

Unexpectedly, these people were so unreasonable that they directly ordered the driver to rush away, leaving the eldest princess and the others behind.

They returned to the palace so quickly that before she could do anything, Princess Yilan returned to her residence.

With the eldest princess here, it will not be so easy to control them.

Ordinarily, the disappearance of the second princess is not a trivial matter, and the eldest princess should take the initiative to report it. However, there was no news from the eldest princess. Instead, there was news that the princess of Yilan was ill.

It can be seen that the eldest princess clearly wants to hide it with them!

Concealing this information was tantamount to protecting the crown princess who was responsible for taking care of the second princess.

The eldest princess had always been indifferent to everyone. It was because of her friendship with the late empress that she treated the prince better than others, but the good things were limited.

But today, Concubine Shu finally understood that Princess Yanyun was clearly from the prince's side.

After spying on this truth, Concubine Shu was shocked and angry. Princess Yanyun and the prince, this was a cruel trick on them!

The eldest princess really risked her life for the sake of the prince, and she was willing to take risks to hide this kind of thing for the prince.

In this way, she will not be soft-hearted.

Concubine Shu sent Aunt Biyu to visit the eldest princess, "Please drop by and invite the crown prince and the third prince's concubine. Let's go together!"

The Crown Princess alone would be too conspicuous, so it would be better to invite the Third Prince's Concubine as a foil, and by the way, she can also serve as a witness.

Do they think they can cover up the disappearance of the second princess just like this? It doesn’t matter if they cover it up, the more they try to cover it up, the more it will be exposed when the time comes, the more it means there is something wrong.

Aunt Biyu failed to invite the Crown Princess. Aunt You told her with a smile: "The Crown Princess has gone to Princess Yanyun to visit Princess Yilan."

As an insider of all this, Aunt Biyu sneered in her heart when she heard this. The second princess was gone, but the Crown Princess would hide. However, if she went to ask Princess Yanyun, would Princess Chang help her?

She can't hide for a while!

Aunt Biyu went to invite the third prince's concubine.

The third prince's concubine was completely unaware of all this, but with her keen sense of smell, she noticed something was wrong.

The Princess of Yilan was not feeling well, but Concubine Shu was concerned, and it seemed that she shouldn't have been so fast, and there was no need to invite the Crown Princess to visit with her.

Is there something fishy about Princess Yilan's illness?

But Concubine Shu is so good, why is she watching the excitement of Princess Yilan?

Princess Yanyun is not someone to be trifled with. Others may not be able to hide from the excitement of Princess Yilan, so who would take the initiative to get in on her?

The third princess didn't want to go, but when she heard that the princess had passed away, she thought about it and changed her mind.

When the two arrived at the eldest princess's place, they were polite and courteous. As expected, the eldest princess declined their request to visit the Princess of Yilan in person.

"The child is resting now. I understand your concerns. Don't disturb her now. When she is well, I will let her go to Concubine Shu and the Third Prince's Concubine to express my thanks."

The third prince's concubine smiled in response, but Aunt Biyu smiled and said: "Eldest Princess, I asked the old slave to see the princess. The old slave only went in to see the princess and then returned. I also asked the eldest princess for permission."

The eldest princess said calmly: "Concubine Shu is not that unreasonable. You just respond to her like this."

Aunt Biyu choked.

The third prince's concubine was even more puzzled, but she was always careful in her words and deeds in the royal family and would not talk nonsense, so she remained silent.

Aunt Biyu smiled again and said, "That's all. It just so happens that our queen has something to do and wants to invite the crown princess and the second princess to come over. I'd like to trouble the eldest princess to send someone to invite her two slaves to go back with me."

The eldest princess smiled and said: "This is strange. When did Concubine Shu specifically look for the crown prince and the second princess? In this case, Aunt Biyu, you go back first, and I will ask them to go later."

"But, the eldest princess——"

"Okay, I have no time at the moment, so I won't entertain you. You can go back!"


Aunt Biyu secretly complained in her heart.

Everyone said that Princess Yanyun was difficult to deal with, and she was indeed very difficult to deal with. A few words silenced her, and she couldn't even refute.

Concubine Shu stepped in at this time and said with a smile on her face: "I am worried, so I came to see for myself. I wonder how the princess is doing?"

"Empress Shu!"

"I've seen Concubine Shu!"

When Princess Yanyun saw Concubine Shu coming in person, she was also secretly wary. She smiled and said, "The children are used to being pampered. It's just making a fuss. It's not worth alarming Concubine Shu! This makes me feel very sorry!"

"Eldest Princess, you're welcome. As a princess, you have a noble status, so you should pay attention to even the smallest things. I'll go and have a look! By the way, I'll have a few words with the Crown Princess and the Second Princess."

How could Princess Yanyun let her go?

"Shu Concubine is interested, so I shouldn't refuse, but Concubine Shu also knows this child, and has always been a bit petty. If it doesn't suit her at all, she is afraid she will cause trouble. Concubine Shu, please wait a moment , I will send someone to inform her first."

Concubine Shu smiled, but did not give in at all: "Why bother? I think the princess is a knowledgeable and reasonable person. It is rare for me to care about the princess. Why did the eldest princess refuse like this?"

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