Eunuch Xia kept exerting force on his feet and finally pulled the eldest princess out.

The eldest princess glared at Eunuch Xia, "You—"

"Princess," Eunuch Xia changed his humble smile in front of the emperor, and his eyes became a sharp warning: "Please think twice before speaking. If you are so impulsive, I'm afraid you will regret it later."

The eldest princess's heart trembled, and she became frightened again.

She regretted it now that she didn't need it anymore.

"Eunuch Xia, I—"

"The Emperor is very angry, so you should go back first. Just obey the Holy Will and never make your own decisions again."


"Princess, the Emperor has made his own decision on everything. The Emperor's decision is of course not wrong. Princess, just wait with peace of mind."

The eldest princess wanted to say something else, but Eunuch Xia didn't dare to tell her. If he stays outside for too long, the emperor may be overly concerned, "Send the eldest princess back! The maids and eunuchs serving in the eldest princess's palace are not good at serving the princess. Except for the two eldest princesses who are left to serve, the rest are all Ten strokes of the cane, and half a year's salary will be deducted!"


"Princess, please!"

Eunuch Xia raised his fly whisk and turned around to enter the palace. The eldest princess was pulled by the little eunuch and left involuntarily.

When I got back to my apartment, I couldn't help but throw myself on the bed and cry loudly.

It's over now!

She's grounded too! You also have to learn those boring and miserable rules! The palace maid and eunuch serving beside her have been punished this time. If she wants to run out again in the future, she will definitely not be able to do so. They will definitely try their best to stop her.

The eldest princess's trouble quickly spread throughout the palace.

Xie Yunshu was walking in the corridor with the Crown Prince after lunch. Hearing this, Xie Yunshu was surprised: "The eldest princess has been calm for so long and hasn't done anything. Why is she so impulsive all of a sudden?"

Xie Yunshu took the opportunity to ask about the melon-eating system.

The prince was not surprised by this and smiled faintly: "She didn't move at first. It was probably because Sun Guiren called for someone to stop her in time. Although Sun Guiren suddenly fell into trouble, after all, he has been the master of the harem for so many years. This She still has some skills. This is the palace in Hangzhou City. If she were in the palace in Beijing, she can do more. With the temperament of the eldest princess, I can endure such a long time, I am already surprised! "

This was also the reason why the Crown Prince chose to go to another place instead of the capital when he first planned to kill all the eldest prince, mother and son.

The palace is Sun Guiren's territory, so there's no guarantee that she doesn't have any means, and she also has the eldest prince's personal connections such as the Sun family and the Dou family.

Here, although there are people from the Sun family, Dou family and others accompanying them, their role is minimal.

Xie Yunshu nodded.

If there was no melon-eating system, she would completely agree with the prince's expectations.

I just didn't expect that Concubine Jing would be here to add fuel to the fire.

As expected, it is not easy for anyone to be promoted to the rank of concubine in the palace.

Xie Yunshu felt that it was necessary for her to remind the Crown Prince to pay more attention to Concubine Jing.

After defeating Sun Guiren, who knows whether others will have the ambition to fill the vacancy?

After thinking about her words, Xie Yunshu smiled and said: "But I always feel that it seems to be a bit too coincidental. My father has just demoted the status of Sun Guiren, and the eldest princess can't help it immediately. It doesn't seem like an impulse, but like someone." It's like instigation. Otherwise, I always feel that her reaction would not be so fast." The prince raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xie Yunshu: "Maybe I'm overthinking it, it's just my intuition."

The prince thought carefully and nodded slowly: "What Shu'er said is not completely unreasonable. I will ask someone to check it out."

Xie Yunshu's words made the prince immediately think of Concubine Jing.

Although Concubine Jing's presence has not been strong over the years, the Crown Prince has never dared to underestimate her.

He did not dare to look down upon any of the concubines in the palace.

After all, when he was still young, a little beauty would dare to plot against him and humiliate the people around him when he was favored.

What else do those people dare not do?

Xie Yunshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. One of her husband's advantages was that he communicated very smoothly!

"Prince, don't blame me for being troublesome!"

The prince was amused and held her arm: "Shu'er should be careful. It's not too late to be happy. How can you blame Shu'er for being troublesome? We should investigate."

Xie Yunshu smiled, "That's good!"

Xie Yunshu didn't ask any more questions about this matter. Since the prince said he wanted to investigate, there was almost no chance that he wouldn't be able to find out. She didn't have to worry about it, otherwise it would be bad if it attracted attention in the eyes of others.

Everything was settled here, and the emperor sent an order to return to Beijing four days later.

Action broke out inside and outside the palace.

The emperor then sent a message to everyone: "It's rare to come to Jiangnan, so don't be too restrained and go out for a walk!"

Everyone really wanted to spend the past few days behind closed doors in the house, why would they want to go out for a walk? Wouldn't it be bad luck if another accident happened again?

But the emperor has given an oral order, who dares to disobey it?

Everyone thanked the Lord for His kindness and laughed and had fun. They wanted to go out for a walk, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, and buy more of Jiangnan's latest and unique specialties to take back to the capital.

The emperor became happy, ordered the prince, the third prince, and the fourth prince to accompany him, and also went out.

Concubine Jing sits in the palace and doesn't go out. Concubine Xin has a miscarriage and takes care of herself first, so she doesn't go out either. Princess Yanyun is not one of the people to care about, and she is not one of them. Others say they are not allowed to go out for a walk.

The emperor's move also meant to reassure everyone. Let the Jiangnan officialdom see that he and his entourage and ministers are still in the mood to travel around, which shows that the previous incident is completely over. Everyone should keep their hearts in mind, stick to their duties, fulfill their responsibilities, do their jobs well, and stop thinking about what is available and what is not.

Xie Yunshu took the second princess to invite the third prince concubine, Wei Concubine, Princess Yilan, Liu Xuezhi, Fang Muliu, etc. After thinking about it, she also invited Dou Nanshuang, Sun Fangfei, etc. to go shopping together.

Sun Fangfei felt that she was losing face. She didn't want to go at first, but was forced by her mother to go out. "The more times like this, the more important it is to be upright and frank. Besides, the Crown Princess invited her personally, so what's going on if you don't go? You're just out of pity." Are you trying to cover it up? Not only do you want to go, but you also want to go openly!"

Sun Fangfei was angry, "What good intentions can the Crown Princess have? And Fang Muliu is not a good person! If they are unforgiving, wouldn't I be humiliated by them in vain?"

Mrs. Sun sneered: "The Emperor has not said that the Sun family is guilty, who dares to humiliate you? If anyone humiliates you, just ask her! Let's see what she says!"

Sun Fangfei had no choice but to go ahead.

Everyone went on a trip this time, just as the occasion required. There was not much interest in having fun, and there was more of a sense of harmony and peace on the surface. (End of chapter)

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