Meng Yuxiu left without delay. From then on, the Meng family had nothing to do with her.

Speaking of Meng Yuxian, she was eagerly waiting for her mother to send someone to pick her up to be a guest at Meng's house. She thought that she would visit Meng's house frequently in the future, and go to Meng's house for a short stay from time to time, and then slowly live there for a long time. Wouldn't it be the same as before? ?

When the adoptive mother finds a good marriage for herself, what will the Yang family do?

She will never come back to such a bad place again!

Unexpectedly, Meng Yuxian waited and waited but did not see the Meng family's carriage, and she panicked again. Could it be that things have changed? So what should she do?

Just when she was so anxious and decided to go to the Meng family in person to find out the news, someone from the Meng family finally came.

It was Mrs. Meng's confidant, Mrs. Liu, who came.

Aunt Liu used to love Meng Yuxian very much.

But this time, what Nanny Liu brought to Meng Yuxian was not good news.

"The master and the old lady both know about that matter. The master and the old lady are very angry and do not allow the madam to come to you again. It is not easy for the old slave to have a chance to come. The madam asked the old slave to send you some money, etc. After a while, the master and the old lady have calmed down and then we can discuss it again."

As Mrs. Meng's confidant, Grandma Liu had watched Meng Yuxian grow up, so she naturally loved her.

However, after knowing what Meng Yuxian had done to the real lady, Nanny Liu's feelings towards her were really complicated. On the one hand, I couldn't bear it, on the other hand, I felt strange, and subconsciously wanted to keep a distance.

The madam may still treat her as her biological daughter and love her without giving up, but who wouldn't be afraid of such a vicious and cruel woman at such a young age?

The madam had raised her up, but she was not only ungrateful, but also deliberately tried to harm the madam's biological daughter. She even thought that the madam was confused to still love her so much.

Anyway she couldn't do it.

Meng Yuxian felt cold both physically and mentally.

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Is this the complaint filed by Meng Yuxiu? I knew it must be her! She doesn't want to see me well, and wishes I was unlucky. She might not know how to arrange me in front of the old lady and father! She is You did it on purpose. How could the old lady and father be so confused and believe her? Mother, won’t she speak for me?"

"Mommy, you have watched me grow up and you have always loved me. Can you please help me and beg my mother again? Or, I will go back with you -"

"No!" Nanny Liu was startled and said hurriedly: "Miss, you'd better listen to my wife and wait first. Don't worry, there will always be an improvement. Just wait a moment, don't be anxious."

Meng Yuxian sneered in her heart, wait? The longer she waits for the favor, the weaker it becomes, and she doesn't want to wait any longer! Mom said it nicely, but I'm afraid she was just perfunctory.

Also, I am stupid to believe her! If it’s not your biological child, it’s not your biological child! What else can’t you understand about such a simple truth?

"Okay, then I'll listen to mother, I'll wait for news from mother."

Meng Yuxian made up her mind and smiled softly.

Aunt Liu also breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly gave her the one hundred taels of silver notes, "This is what the madam asked the old slave to bring. There are also some snacks, candied fruits and fresh fruits, which the young lady also likes. The young lady brought them Go back and have a taste."

"Thank you for your hard work, mama! Go back and thank mother for me. Mother loves me the most."

Meng Yuxian smiled with admiration and sadness, gratitude and sadness.

She took the things, but she was very angry: One hundred taels? What can you do with such little money? She now lives in a desperately poor farmhouse and needs money for everything! It’s impossible for my mother not to know, but it took her so long to send someone a mere one hundred taels! Send beggars away?

What snacks, candied fruits and fresh fruits? Pooh! How much is it worth? I'm afraid it's all cooked in the kitchen of the house and donated by Zhuangzi, so it doesn't cost a penny.

Why don't you give her clothes, jewelry, rouge and gouache? No matter how bad it is, it would be nice to give him a few precious and valuable gold and jade ornaments!

Be careful! Search!

It sounds nice, but it's not the case at all.

If you are not your biological child, you are definitely not your biological child!

When Grandma Liu saw her saying this, she felt happy in her heart. She felt that Madam's efforts were not in vain. She smiled and nodded in agreement, and said many words of comfort before leaving. She didn't see Meng Yuxian's dark and vicious eyes staring at the carriage she was leaving.

Meng Yuxian decisively threw Mrs. Meng aside. Since she was prevaricating and perfunctory, she no longer put hope in her.

She had to plan her own future.

Meng Yuxian went to the city to buy things with one hundred taels of silver.

Although she despises one hundred taels for being too little, in fact one hundred taels is not too much.

If she remembered correctly, it would be her adoptive mother's biological mother's birthday in five days. Of course, no one would take her there this year, so she would go by herself.

She can be considered a granddaughter. After all, she has been called grandma for so many years, right? When she comes to wish her a birthday and show her filial piety, no one will say anything wrong about her and will only praise her for being sensible.

Of course, what she wanted was not this compliment.

At this time, Shengjia had left Hangzhou for several days, but the people were still talking about the Holy Emperor's southern tour.

Wherever you go, you are likely to hear a few comments.

In the same way, Meng Yuxian learned that Meng Yuxiu, as the second princess's companion, followed the second princess to Beijing in glory.

Speaking of Miss Meng, everyone is envious!

How outstanding and good she must be to fall in love with the royal family. The emperor personally ordered her to enter the palace as a companion to the second princess!

Not everyone can have such an honor!

In the future, when the second princess comes out of the palace, she will naturally have a good marriage! With the friendship with the second princess, her husband’s family is not allowed to offer her up

Meng Yuxian was almost crazy by the news. Jealousy gnawed at her heart like a poisonous snake.

How is this possible? How is this possible!

That bitch Meng Yuxiu, how could she have such honor! She is just a bitch who grew up in the country! You don’t even deserve to carry your own shoes!

However, it was appointed by the emperor's decree.

She could say that the second princess was young and ignorant, and was deceived by Meng Yuxiu's sweet words and conspiracies. But can Meng Yuxiu coax the emperor into issuing an edict?

No matter how much Meng Yuxian refused to face reality, she knew that this was impossible.

The emperor is a wise king.

Mingjun ordered Meng Yuxiu to be the companion of the second princess.

That bitch actually got the emperor's approval!

Meng Yuxian felt that she was in so much pain that she could hardly breathe, and she wished she could destroy the world!

How can there be such unfair things in the world!

She hates it so much

She was no longer even able to hate Meng Yuxiu, because even if she didn't admit it, she knew that maybe she would never see Meng Yuxiu again in this life.

She hates Mrs. Meng.

She actually didn't tell herself this.

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