Perhaps deep down in his heart, Crown Prince Wei was eager to do this, but he couldn't because it would implicate the Duke's palace.

But if it was done by someone else, it has nothing to do with him.

Even if Dong Gong wants to find someone to settle accounts, he can't come to him.

Therefore, even if he was dissatisfied and even if he had a quarrel with Bai Erlang, he was not actually very angry. The two were still good brothers after that.

He refused to say it, so Duke Min Guo could naturally find out.

After learning the truth, it was this incompetent son who leaked it after all, Duke Min Guo was so angry!

Duke Min Guo scolded his son again.

However, Dong Palace has no intention of coming to hold you accountable!

If the East Palace had spoken, the Duke's Mansion could have explained something, but the East Palace didn't say anything, and Duke Min didn't know what the prince was thinking, and he didn't dare to make his own claims.

He was afraid that his son would cause trouble by talking nonsense outside again, so he simply put him under house arrest. Nabai Erlang, who was also saved, used his son again.

Dong Gong didn't speak for his own reasons. Fortunately, he didn't hold him accountable, so that was all.

The facts turned out to be as Xie Yunshu expected. The Duke of Min State killed his concubine by himself. This kind of thing could not be forced on Xie Yunshu in any case. Once the prince's people intervened, no one dared to do it openly. Discussed.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Xiang suddenly sent someone to tell Xie Yunshu to enter the palace.

Xie Yunshu clicked, and she couldn't think of anything else that Concubine Xiang wanted to ask her about except the Duke Min's Mansion.

In the Yonghe Palace, in addition to Concubine Xiang, Concubine Jing was also there, as was Concubine Jing's daughter-in-law, Concubine Wei.

"Concubine Xiang, Concubine Jing!"


"The princess is here? Sit down."

"Thank you, Concubine Xiang."

Xie Yunshu turned her eyes slightly and noticed that Concubine Jing's expression was quite forced. Concubine Wei lowered her head and looked at her hands folded in her lap, as if she was staying out of the situation.

Xie Yunshu had some confidence in her heart. Thinking about it, it was just wishful thinking of Concubine Xiang.

Concubine Jing didn't want to get involved at all, and it was even more impossible for Concubine Wei to have any feelings for her brother's concubine and rush to make decisions for her. Besides, the Wei family didn't give her anything, so there was no need for her to be meddlesome.

Concubine Xiang insists on going to her about this matter, and Concubine Jing doesn't want to come. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are like being chased away by Concubine Xiang.

Concubine Xiang is not as powerful as Concubine Shu in the past, but she is more capable of causing trouble than her.

Concubine Xiang was aloof and aloof, and was not very patient with twists and turns. When Xie Yunshu sat down, she asked directly: "There are rumors that the crown prince is arrogant and domineering and forced the Duke of Min to beat his concubine to death. What's going on?"

Xie Yunshu: "This is a rumor, it's not true!" "Oh, there is no smoke without fire. If it is true that there is no trace of it, who is so brave that he dares to make up a plan to wrongly accuse the Crown Princess?"

"Concubine Xiang is biased. Her birth experience is not noble enough, but she has occupied the position of Crown Princess. There may be some people who want to arrange for her to be wronged and forced to take her away to make room for her!"

"Presumptuous!" Concubine Xiang was furious, "I am asking you something, please answer me properly. What do you mean by saying such scoundrel words and making jokes? I am not joking with you!"

If Xie Yunshu could easily get hold of her by scolding her, it wouldn't be Xie Yunshu. Concubine Xiang wanted to set the record of her elders in front of her, but it wasn't enough.

"I tell the truth, but the truth in this world either doesn't sound good or no one believes it. I am also unjustly accused! When Concubine Xiang asked me, I didn't dare to hide it. Of course, I told the truth and I wasn't joking. "

Concubine Xiang glared and couldn't help but glance at Concubine Jing's mother-in-law and saw Concubine Wei lowering her head slightly with an indifferent look on her face. Concubine Jing showed a half-smiling look, but had no intention of speaking. Concubine Xiang was even more angry - she was kind-hearted and stood up for the Duke of Min, and they were just watching her lively.

"This matter has caused a lot of commotion, and the Crown Princess must give an explanation! Otherwise, where will the Crown Prince's face be saved? Where will the royal family's face be saved? What do the Crown Princess say?"

"The Qing Dynasty will be Qing Dynasty. I have nothing to say about my body. The Duke of Minguo didn't say anything. It can be seen that this is nonsense. I don't know who started the rumor after hearing it for a moment. Rumors are as rootless as water. It won't take long for them to disappear naturally! If I respond, it will let those with ulterior motives get their way, and then they will bite back and say that I am sophistry and cover up, saying that there is no three hundred taels of silver here, wouldn't it be worse? "

Concubine Xiang became even more annoyed when she saw that she was rambling here and there without saying anything that she wanted to hear. "It's a fact that the Crown Princess came to her door. It's also a fact that Aunt Lan was beaten to death. Can the Crown Princess pick her off cleanly?" Those who are pure will themselves be cleansed? Ha!"

Xie Yunshu raised her eyes to look at Concubine Xiang and said slowly: "Then please be patient, Concubine Xiang, and let me tell you what happened that day."

Concubine Xiang sneered: "Who knows if what you said is true!"

Xie Yunshu was also angry: "This is funny! Concubine Xiang insisted that the rumors outside were true, and forced me to admit it. Before I said anything, the concubine first labeled me as lying and talking nonsense. What exactly does Concubine Xiang want, you might as well speak out!"


Concubine Jing smiled and said, "Sister Xiang Concubine, don't be anxious. The Crown Princess shouldn't be too direct when speaking. Crown Princess, please tell me. I and Sister Xiang Concubine will both listen."

Concubine Xiang sneered, obviously feeling it was unnecessary, but she did not object, "Okay, then I will also listen to what you have to say! The Crown Princess must think clearly before speaking, I and Concubine Jing will remember every word clearly , Crown Princess, please don’t talk nonsense, otherwise in the future you will find someone with bad conduct and lies, and you are not worthy of being a Crown Princess!"

Xie Yunshu lamented in her heart that in this era there are no voice recorders or cameras, which is a great pity.

"I don't know how to lie! Just remember it, Xiang Fei."

Xie Yunshu told the story of that day, including the old grudge between Aunt Lan and Aunt Ling, and finally said: "Aunt Ling is the most useful confidant around my grandmother. I can't live without her. I can't ignore this matter when I encounter it, because It was because I was afraid that Aunt Lan would talk nonsense after she returned and damage the harmony between the Duke Min's Palace and Pingbei Hou's Palace, so I went to the Duke's Palace in person in order to make things clear. By the way, Miss Dou was also with me. went."

"Mrs. Wei is reasonable and I am very grateful. After leaving with Aunt Ling and Miss Dou, what happened in the Duke Min's Mansion and what does it have to do with me? Aunt Lan took advantage of her favor and used the banner of the Duke Min's Mansion. How can Mrs. Wei not be annoyed by her domineering behavior? If she is not stupid, she will definitely punish Aunt Lan, and this has nothing to do with me!"

Concubine Xiang sneered: "But if it weren't for you, Aunt Lan wouldn't have died! No matter what, it was still a human life!"

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