The two dead men confessed to the prince and the case was found to be directed and acted by the eldest prince.

Prince Zongzheng Laohui of the Zongren Mansion was horrified after learning the truth of the case. He tried to prevent the interrogation results from the Zongren Mansion from being presented to the imperial court. Unfortunately, it was too late and he was filled with fear.

Since it is a play performed by the eldest prince himself, what does it have to do with the prince? If those two dead men really regarded death as if they were going to die and allowed themselves to be tortured without saying anything, they might be able to draw suspicion on the prince.

However, they just said it, which completely cleared the prince's suspicion.

But they died again, and there is no way to make amends. This is the real death without evidence!

The prince has been completely cleared of suspicion, but where is the third prince? Maybe the emperor will suspect him, maybe not, who knows, in short, it all depends on what the emperor is thinking.

When the third prince learned about this, his eyes turned dark and his heart became cold.

He was not stupid. How could he still not know that he had been deceived by the prince?

The prince's people pretended to be making small moves secretly, but they didn't take any real actions. Now that I think about it, it was all superficial, presumably to lure him into a trap.

This opportunity was too rare. He struggled with conflicts over and over again, but finally couldn't hold it back and sent someone to kill two birds with one stone.

Because of his wife's jealousy and unfilial piety, his father no longer treated him as well as before. He was also very anxious because of this, so he couldn't bear to miss the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, he would be taken advantage of by the prince!

The eldest prince set the fire himself, trying to frame others into committing misfortune and escape from the predicament. It happened that his people were present, and he mistakenly thought they were the prince's people, so he fell into the trap.

The third prince even suspected that the eldest prince's own arson was induced by the prince's people. Otherwise, how could the boss's brain come up with such a method? If he really could figure it out, why wait until now? I'm afraid it's been done a long time ago.

not always.

The young lady of the Sun family came out of the cabinet, and the emperor allowed Sun Gui and the eldest princess to dress up and congratulate him. Apparently, his attitude toward the eldest son had softened. If the eldest son's mansion was burned down again, his father would surely be soft-hearted and release him from confinement.

If it hadn't been for the intrusion of his own people that day, a fight between the two sides, and the alarming of the Jingwei Command and Envoy, the matter might not have become such a big deal that multiple parties would conduct a thorough investigation.

If we didn't investigate, no one would know that the eldest prince himself did this. In other words, if it weren't for such a big fuss, we wouldn't have investigated it on the spot. Then even if we investigate later, the eldest prince would still have enough time to clean up the mess. arrange.

So, didn’t the eldest prince get his wish?

And it can also cast suspicion on himself and the prince, making his father doubt himself and the prince. After all, only he and the prince are the most suspected of harming him. Who else would do such a thing?

The third prince became more and more confused and a little desperate as he thought about it.

He couldn't even come up with an explanation that could convince him of who planned this, let alone others?

But no matter what, the prince's suspicion was completely cleared.

He can't let his father doubt him

The third prince had to calm down and move quickly.

With all the witnesses and evidence available, the emperor smashed the file on the eldest prince's head and cursed "You traitor!" The eldest prince burst into tears and begged for mercy.

What can he do?

He was still in the dark, and he hadn't even thought that the reason why he thought of using this method to regain his favor was because of the unintentional words of the servants in the mansion.

Now that he is completely defeated, he can only beg for mercy.

The emperor did not listen to his nagging at all, and coldly decreed that he be deposed as a commoner and placed under house arrest in Beiyuan Palace, where he was not allowed to leave or leave for life.

The eldest prince was filled with resentment in vain, accusing the emperor of being partial to the prince. Before he could finish speaking, Eunuch Xia scolded the young eunuchs, who silenced the eldest prince and asked him to leave.

The emperor closed his eyes, with a hint of pain on his tired face.

Is it wrong for him to favor the prince?

The prince is the prince, they are different from the prince.

The reason why he has not established a queen for so many years is to tell everyone how much he values ​​the crown prince's status as a direct descendant, and to make them give up. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be of much use.

The temptation is too great.

Even though he had already made up his mind to cultivate the prince, he was obviously biased against the prince and showed the difference between the prince and others all the time, but he still could not make them give up.

This is probably the fate of princes.

The only thing that pleased him was that the prince did not let down his good intentions.

The prince was not tainted in this matter from beginning to end. He was clean and innocent. He was the real outsider.

It was just that when there was a fire in the eldest prince's palace and the eldest prince's family came to stay in the palace temporarily, he went to Qianqing Palace to say hello out of concern and comforted his father.

After that, he didn't interfere in anything.

The trial and thorough investigation of the case had nothing to do with him from beginning to end.

It was clear that something happened in the eldest prince's palace, and he was the last one to be suspected.

Even the emperor thought so at first.

After all, the emperor allowed Sun Guiren and his daughter to add makeup to Sun Fangfei. He was obviously soft-hearted towards them. Those who didn't deal with them would naturally not be able to sit still.

After the truth came out, he realized that he had misunderstood the prince. The emperor felt no guilt in his heart and became more loving and dependent on the prince.

The identities of the dead soldiers were soon discovered, and they were the remnants of Hangzhou General Yong Xi.

He hated the eldest prince for not being able to protect him, so he tried to kill the eldest prince in revenge, which would also bring the prince and the third prince under suspicion, killing two birds with one stone.

I just didn't expect that the eldest prince would set a fire that night, and the two sides met and started fighting.

The two survivors who were tortured and then confessed to the Crown Prince were just because the Crown Prince was the chief interrogator and wanted to have someone to support them before they died.

The emperor looked through the closed case files and the so-called evidence expressionlessly, without saying a word for a while, his eyes coldly swept over everyone, and he recognized the result.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, especially the third prince.

But no one knew what the emperor was thinking.

Sun Guiren accidentally learned about this, cried in despair, and tried to commit suicide by hanging from a beam.

Unexpectedly, he was rescued by Concubine Xin who entered unexpectedly.

Concubine Xin herself was speechless

The emperor sent Eunuch Xia to angrily scold Sun Guiren. If she dared to seek death again, she should first think about her children.

The palace concubine committed suicide for unknown reasons. The emperor did not want such a thing to happen to his harem, let alone that the person who committed suicide was an old friend of many years.

Sun Guiren felt sad and impulsive. Since he had sought death once and failed, how could he have the courage to do it a second time? I can only wash my face with tears.

The emperor asked why Concubine Xin went to Zhongcui Palace? Concubine Xin hesitated and refused to say anything at first, only saying that she was passing by for a walk. She somehow wanted to go over and see what the eldest prince had done. As the biological mother of the eldest prince, it was very strange for Sun Guiren to be noticed again. Normal. (End of chapter)

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