It is not easy to satisfy the father, just right.

If it weren't for the good impression he had accumulated over a long period of time from his father, how could he have cleared up the boss's matter so easily this time.

He didn't even need to say a word, and his father trusted him completely.

A few days later, Lan Huating, the princess of Nanyue, came to Beijing accompanied by her brother Lan Huaye.

The Princess of Nanyue came, naturally to marry the fourth prince in the coming year.

After conquering South Vietnam a few years ago, the relationship between the two parties has been very good. The emperor had promised a few years ago that the fourth prince would marry the princess of South Vietnam as his princess.

Now that both children have reached the age of marriage, marriage is naturally on the agenda.

The emperor was very happy that Princess Huating's brother and sister came from afar. He originally planned to order the prince to be responsible for receiving Princess Huating's brother and sister. Unexpectedly, the third prince took the initiative to invite Princess Huating and his sister before the holy words were issued, expressing his willingness to come forward to entertain Princess Huating's brother and sister. , must handle all affairs properly, so that everyone in South Vietnam and his party can fully appreciate the prosperity and prosperity of the Daxuan Dynasty.

Since he was so proactive, the emperor could not refuse, so he nodded in agreement.

It is just a South Vietnamese mission, and it is enough for a prince to entertain it. There is no need for the prince to get involved, otherwise the value will be somewhat reduced.

The emperor still told the third prince: "If you have any difficulty or hesitation in making a decision, you may wish to discuss it with the prince."

The third prince disagreed in his heart, and nodded happily with a smile on his face: "Father, don't worry, this is what I originally planned. We must not let the Prince of Nanyue and the princess underestimate us."


The emperor nodded with satisfaction, but little did he know that the third prince turned his back and didn't even say a word to the prince.

The prince didn't care if the third prince took away his errand. If the third prince wanted to do things, let him do it. Even if it was neither big nor small, it would not have any impact on him.

Concubine Xiang and the third prince's concubine were greatly relieved.

The two of them thought in unison, which shows that the emperor still values ​​the Third Highness very much, otherwise he would not entrust such an important errand to the Third Highness.

Concubine Xiang's gloomy mood was swept away, and she continued to take charge of the affairs of the Sixth Palace in high spirits.

The palace had to hold a banquet to entertain the Crown Prince and Princess Huating. Concubine Xiang was in charge of hosting Princess Huating, so she naturally brought her daughter-in-law, the third princess, with her to help with the arrangements. Show it to everyone inside and outside the palace: Their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have a good relationship!

Concubine Xiang didn't know that by doing this she was bowing to her daughter-in-law, but what could she do? I have to do this for my son.

The third prince's concubine finally felt a little relieved.

But she wasn't that happy. She had paid a heavy price for this. In the third prince's house, a concubine and two maids were still there and doing well.

However, after this incident, it is expected that the mother-in-law will not dare to reward others easily, which is a good thing.

The harem banquet was held in the Danxi Hall in the imperial garden. A dozen golden osmanthus trees were planted next to the main hall. Under the corridor outside the main entrance of the main hall, there were two Danxi trees almost as thick as an arm on each side. At this time, the golden osmanthus has reached its peak and is gradually declining, but the two red osmanthus plants are in full bloom.

The branches are covered with dense red osmanthus flowers on the neat mushroom-like umbrella crown, which is extremely beautiful, overflowing with fragrance, and refreshing. At this time, the chrysanthemums are blooming just in time, and pots of colorful chrysanthemums in various shapes and colors are transported from the flower planting bureau, or placed directly in combination, or dug holes and skillfully transplanted, covered with turf, as if they were born in nature.

The flowers arranged in this area are so beautiful.

On the day of the palace banquet, in addition to the concubines in the harem, the wives of the second rank and above from the families at the center of the court also came to the palace to accompany them. Each family had a quota to bring one or two noble daughters of the family to the banquet.

After all, Princess Huating is young, and the ladies attending the banquet show that they value the princess's hospitality. Naturally, young girls are more suitable to accompany the princess on her outings.

Princess Huating's brother and sister lived in a post house that hosted foreign missions, not far from the palace. She came from South Vietnam and was very interested in everything about the Daxuan Dynasty. She set out early, and the brother and sister traveled all the way. After a lot of stop and go, I arrived in Beijing nearly two months later than originally planned.

The brother and sister had seen a lot along the way in the prosperous and bustling city of Daxuan Dynasty, but when they arrived in the capital of Daxuan Dynasty, they were still stunned by the prosperity of the capital. The two of them had seen a lot of people in the world along the way. Shocked again!

The most prosperous home in the world is naturally the emperor's home, and the best place is naturally the palace. Princess Huating was very excited and looking forward to the palace banquet. On this day, she couldn't wait to bring her maids Ali and Axiu into the palace.

Her brother Hua Lanye was like her. The two brothers went out happily, one went straight to the harem and the other went straight to the front hall.

Full of expectations!

When Princess Huating entered the palace, no one dared to stop her and had no choice but to let her in.

Axiu asked the palace man how to get to Danxi Palace, and the three masters and servants walked there leisurely.

Unexpectedly, the princess was too excited and came too early. When she arrived at Danxi Palace, she saw the palace maids and eunuchs busy coming and going, but there was no one at the banquet.

All the maids and eunuchs were dumbfounded when they saw the master and servants of Princess Huating.

Aunt Yun, who was in charge at the scene, quickly led everyone to salute and say hello. She didn't dare to ask the princess why she came so early. The princess came as soon as she wanted to. Everyone is already here. Who dares to ask?

Aunt Yun never expected that she came by herself. She only thought that she came because of the words of Concubine Xiang. Therefore, no one thought of reporting to Concubine Xiang. She hurriedly smiled and said: "The arrangements are being made at the moment. The princess is Do you want to go in and sit, or just take a stroll?"

Princess Huating glanced in the direction of the palace. The palace maids and eunuchs were busy coming and going. Moreover, she was curious about the palace. She wanted to go shopping, so she smiled and said: "I'll go shopping!"

Aunt Yun breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, please do so, Princess."

Aunt Yun felt that Concubine Xiang knew that Princess Huating was coming and didn't send anyone to accompany her, so it was obvious that Princess Huating didn't like asking anyone to follow her and refused. Of course, she was very sensible and didn't take the initiative to ask anyone to accompany her. If accompanied.

Princess Huating nodded, and just as she was about to leave, she suddenly asked with a smile: "By the way, is there any place that I should be taboo about, is there any place that I can't go to?"

Aunt Yun quickly shook her head and smiled: "The princess can go anywhere."

The only thing she couldn't go to was the cold palace. Naturally, the princess wouldn't go to that kind of place. Besides, it was locked outside, so she couldn't get in.

Princess Huating nodded and smiled, and took Axiu and Ali to stroll around the imperial garden leisurely.

The imperial garden is huge, with lush flowers and trees, unique and elegant rockery, and well-proportioned pavilions and pavilions, all of which are carefully crafted, either revealing luxury or low-key luxury.

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