Although they are brothers, who would give up such a huge benefit easily?

Xie Yunqian snorted a little sourly: "My sister has become a fragrant bun!"

Tang Jinshu covered his mouth with a giggle, gave her a slight push and joked, "Isn't it good that she has become a fragrant bun? That's all she is worth!"

Everyone laughed.

Mao Zhaorong hurriedly smiled and said: "It's rare to come here, let's go back to eat, they have a new dish here, I specially explain that they will serve new dishes today, everyone have a taste!"

Everyone talked and laughed and went to the Cuiliu residence.

New dishes have always been very expensive, and today's meal cost over a thousand taels of silver, which meant that the Mao family had made a lot of money, and they were willing to treat guests like this, and it was rare for them to spend such a large amount of money.

Xie Yunshu drove back home, never thinking that those people would be so frenzied, and the eating melon system also didn't expect that the two were chatting, but it wasn't them.

Until the carriage was frightened and ran out of control in order to avoid the pedestrians who rushed out suddenly!
The coachman tried his best to pull the reins and shouted, but the frightened horses did not listen to the control at all, neighing and galloping. The coachman tried his best to control the carriage and ran into the lane with few people. Two dizzy.

"Miss! Miss!" An Tong screamed, almost crying.She tried to help Xie Yunshu, but she was almost thrown out of the carriage.

Xie Yunshu hurriedly pulled her back: "Take care of yourself! Don't be afraid! Uncle Zhao, quickly find a way to stop the carriage!"

"The slave is already working hard!" The coachman dared not turn his head, his hand holding the rein was almost out of strength.

After passing a tricky corner, the accident finally happened!The horses pulling the cart galloped forward, but the carriage failed to turn smoothly, and hit the wall with a "bang!", the axle broke and the wheels were skewed!Half of the entire carriage collapsed!
Xie Yunshu and An Tong were thrown heavily on the carriage, and their eyes turned black from the pain.

The dilapidated carriage couldn't run anymore, and the frightened horse finally neighed and gradually stopped, but the entire carriage was already too horrible to look at!Most of them were broken and lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

The coachman hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and raised the curtain: "Miss! Miss! How are you doing!"

"It's a little skin injury, An Tong and I are fine." Xie Yunshu let out a breath, then simply straightened her hair in a bun on the side of the collapsed carriage, pulled her neat clothes, and helped each other down with An Tong carriage.

Fortunately, he was in a state of embarrassment, his head was knocked down, and his whole body hurt everywhere, but there was no blood, no fractures, and no scratches on his clothes.

Xie Yunshu also has to thank the Xuan Dynasty for not being so harsh and perverted on women. It is not uncommon for women to walk on the street.

She can't stay in this place any longer!
Such a tragic accident will soon attract countless people who eat melons to watch the excitement. After all, she is the eldest daughter of the Hou family, so it is impossible for her to stay here and be watched by others.

"Uncle Zhao, you find a way to solve the aftermath. An Tong and I will go first."

As the coachman of the Marquis's Mansion, Old Zhao naturally didn't even realize this, so he hurriedly said, "Young lady shouldn't stay here to be discussed by others, but you... you go back by yourself, it's all right."


"Miss, be careful on the road!"

"Well, I know! An Tong, let's go."

Xie Yunshu took An Tong away in a hurry, and the two of them didn't leave for a long time before Meng Yitong and Zhang Xian arrived with their entourage.

"Oh! How did this carriage break down like this! How is Miss Xie?"

"Miss Xie! Miss Xie! I will help Zhang Xian. Don't panic, Miss. I will definitely send Miss back to the Hou Mansion safely!"

"Miss Xie, Miss Xie, this is Meng Yitong, I will definitely protect the lady, please keep your heart in your stomach! The carriage is waiting nearby, please get off quickly!"

"Miss, my carriage is also nearby. My carriage is more spacious and better. Miss, please take my carriage!"

"Brother Zhang, what do you mean? There is always a first come, first served, right?"

"Brother Meng, what do you mean by that? How am I later than Brother Meng? It's a fact that my carriage is better. Miss Xie will naturally ride in my carriage!"

Meng Yitong and Zhang Xian just stood beside the half-collapsed carriage and quarreled, neither giving in to anyone else.

Old Zhao was speechless. Seeing someone standing at a distance watching the excitement and slowly walking towards this side, he said angrily: "Our eldest lady has already left! You two should not say a few words! We usually The eldest lady of Beihou Mansion is not something you can provoke, you two should speak more carefully, otherwise, hmph, can your family be worthy of the anger of our Lord Marquis?"

Think he, Old Zhao, is dead?He actually started arguing like this in front of him, blatantly trying to plot against the eldest lady!Who gave them the guts?

Is it worthy of this kind of low-level businessman?

Meng Yitong and Zhang Xiangui were obsessed with their minds, and they were so focused on trying to climb high, relying on the Qi family and Miss Xie's second daughter as the masters, they didn't take Lao Zhao's warning seriously, but they were shocked to hear that Xie Yunshu was no longer in the carriage!
Zhang Xian pulled the curtain of the car, and sure enough, it was empty inside!


Meng Yitong hurriedly asked Lao Zhao, "Where did Miss Xie go?"

Old Zhao sneered, "Get lost!"

Meng Yitong blushed, and Zhang Xian also changed color slightly.

Old Zhao glanced contemptuously: "What are you guys? Don't get out!"

Meng Yitong and Zhang Xian were angry and embarrassing, but behind Lao Zhao was the Marquis of Pingbei, and the sons of their mere merchants' homes, even if they were ordered by slaves and dressed in gold and silver, in front of Lao Zhao, the coachman of the Marquis, they would not Can't stand upright.

Not to mention daring to confront Old Zhao.

".We are also kind!"

"That's right, alas, I really don't know good people."

"Let's go, let's go."

"let's go."

Meng Yitong and Zhang Xian could only murmur in a low voice to forcibly hold their respect, and left in despair.

The two looked at each other, and they both sent people to look for Xie Yunshu.

They didn't believe that Xie Yunshu was gone!

She is a young lady who is not familiar with the capital, where can she go in such a short time?

Not only did they not give up, but their desire to find her and make their relationship real became even stronger!That's Pingbeihou Mansion!A coachman is so arrogant that they dare not make a sound.If he becomes the son-in-law of the Pingbei Hou's mansion, doesn't that mean he will become a great success?
Who would give up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?
Xie Yunshu didn't know how far it was from Hou's Mansion, but it was definitely not close.

She planned to find a high-end teahouse first, and ask the teahouse staff to help hire a carriage.

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