As soon as Xie Yunshu returned to the mansion, she immediately went to look for Housekeeper Xie, and asked him to send someone to invite Father Hou back. After returning, she went to Songhe Hall. She had something important to do.

Xie Yunshu asked An Tong to call the coachman Lao Zhao, went into the inner courtyard, invited his mother, Mrs. Su, and went straight to Songhe Hall.

"Grandma!" Xie Yunshu cried and threw herself into the arms of Mrs. Xie, "I thought, I almost thought that I would never see Grandma again, woooooo."

Seeing her coming, Mrs. Xie was about to ask her how she was doing today with a smile on her face.I didn't expect to hear this, but I couldn't help being surprised!
"What's the matter? What's the matter? Shu'er, be good, be good, don't cry, don't cry! Tell grandma what's wrong!"

Xie Yunshu cried, "I was supposed to have dinner at Cuiliuju, but I suddenly felt a little dizzy and didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, so I left first. I didn't expect the carriage to be frightened on the way, if it wasn't for Uncle Zhao driving Shu'er's skills are good, I'm afraid Shu'er won't be able to come back today! If so, the carriage collapsed halfway and was destroyed on the road! Shu'er was afraid that it would be unsightly to be surrounded by people and lose the face of the Marquis, but luckily she didn't suffer too much. Seriously injured, he asked Uncle Zhao to deal with the carriage, and hurriedly took An Tong away first. Unexpectedly, some Mr. Meng who was also present at Cui Liuju's banquet today, somehow chased after him and entangled Shu'er. "

Xie Yunshu was so entangled with Meng Yitong that she was forced to run away, but he was still chasing after her, and she escaped with great difficulty. Fortunately, Lu met a kind lady who didn't know where she was, and took her carriage. The lady sent her back
"I was so frightened and panicked that I forgot to ask which family the young lady belonged to. I should repay her well."

Both Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Su were shaking with anger.

Su's eyes were red, and he choked with sobs and said, "How did this go out as a guest? Fortunately, it's okay, fortunately, it's okay."

The old lady Xie put her arms around Xie Yunshu and sneered: "I don't think it's such a coincidence, Shu'er, don't be afraid, we've already gone home, and grandma is here! Grandma decides with you! Go and invite Lord Hou, hurry up Lord Hou, please come!"


When Lord Xie and Mrs. Qi came over, Mrs. Xie was still furious, told the matter in a frenzy, and called Uncle Zhao to come in for questioning.

Xie Houye also had an ugly look on his face, and he was furious in his heart!

Ask Uncle Zhao carefully, what Uncle Zhao said is more detailed than Xie Yunshu.

"The old slave has always been driving steadily, and he was in the middle of the city. I didn't expect to startle the horse for no reason. The carriage was destroyed in the alley. Fortunately, the eldest lady is lucky, and the injury is not serious. The eldest lady said that if someone They came up to watch and let people see that the young lady of Pingbei Hou's mansion was so embarrassed that she lost the dignity of the Hou's mansion, so they hurriedly took An Tong away first. As soon as the young lady's master and servant left, two so-called Mr. Meng and Mr. Zhang came, The two of them thought that the eldest lady was still in the carriage, and they said a lot of arrogant and incomprehensible things to the carriage, and they were very courteous inside and out of the words, hmph, they deserve it too!"

When Qi's eyes sparkled with gossip when she heard this, she immediately said with an ambiguous smile: "When did Shu'er know Mr. Meng and Mr. Zhang? If it weren't for the close friendship, I guess they would not be so kind. If Shu'er has a heart."

"Er Niang, what are you talking about! Is this humiliating me!" Xie Yunshu blushed with anger, crying and said: "Er Niang is talking about marriage to me, and she is talking about very good people, I don't want Such a family, but they are looking at two small merchants? I am my father's daughter, the eldest lady of the Pingbei Hou Mansion, and my vision is not so bad! I will not act so shamelessly to make people despise I, also belittled the Hou Mansion! Erniang had better remember it too, don't ruin my reputation, the reputation of the Hou Mansion!"

"Besides, I don't know these two people. Today, Miss Mao's family invited guests to eat at Cuihuju. She brought these two people over. It was the first time I saw them, and I didn't say a word! Hmph, I It's also very strange, I'm not feeling well, and I left early, why did they arrive all the time when something happened to my carriage, and they even said those pestering words intentionally or unintentionally."

"Father, grandma, fortunately I was not injured and left quickly, otherwise, I'm afraid they will become more and more entangled. If I have a broken bone and can't move, I'm afraid they will do it! Then I will talk nonsense What, I, how can I have any reputation? Isn't, isn't it, isn't it going to suffer!"

Xie Yunshu covered her face and sobbed and began to cry.

Mrs. Su got up and knelt down to thank the old lady, and said with tears: "Mother, Lord Hou, I was really terrified to hear that! Where did those two apprentices come from so bold, why would they dare to harbor evil intentions?" If you want to ruin Shu'er's reputation, Mother and Master Hou must decide for Shu'er!"

Qi coughed and said with a smile: "Where is Sister Su's seriousness, maybe the two young masters are also kind!"

Su was furious: "What kindness? Don't you understand the simple truth of whether men and women can kiss or not? I think they just want to plot against Shu'er in public. Once Shu'er gets involved in this kind of thing, it's hard to tell. Don't you have to pinch your nose to recognize it? Doesn't Sister Qi even understand this kind of worldly wisdom? How can she say that they are kind! Sister Qi, what does this mean? Fortunately, I, Shu'erji, have my own good looks, and God will help Shu'er!"

"You——I'm just saying something for nothing. There's no need to think so badly about people's hearts. Sister Su is really extreme!" Qi sneered angrily.

Su Shi said: "If Li Xia in the melon field wants to avoid suspicion, how important is the reputation of the girl's family? I have nothing to do with whether people's hearts are bad or not, and I don't care, but if there is even a little bit that is not good for Shu'er, even if I go all out, I will definitely not." Let it go!"

Mrs. Xie took a look at Mrs. Qi: "Yunniang is right, the reputation of a girl's family matters! My Shu'er is an innocent and good girl, and I can't let people misunderstand her and ruin her reputation. Mrs. Qi, please don't say a few words. "

Qi accompanied her with a smile, becoming more and more angry.

Xie Yunshu said: "It's even more ridiculous. I took An Tong and planned to find a high-end teahouse to rest, so that the waiter could help hire a carriage. I didn't expect that before I found the teahouse, that Mr. Meng found me I'm getting entangled with him, insisting that I get into his carriage."

Xie Houye twitched fiercely: "Did you get into his carriage?"

"Of course not. I'd rather die than get into someone's carriage. When Mr. Meng saw that there were only An Tong and I, he refused to let go. His servants also surrounded us. To force us into the carriage. I dragged An Tong and escaped while they were not paying attention, and they, they were chasing after me!"

Ahhh, please ask for a monthly ticket!

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