Chapter 836 The Truth
Su Shi was trembling with anger. She tried to get up but was unable to do so. She was so angry that she coughed a series of times.


Xie Yunshu hurriedly stood up and helped her sit on the big pillow at the head of the bed. She gently patted her back to comfort her, "Don't be anxious. Now that I know it, I will never allow them to succeed. Don't be anxious!"

"How can I not be in a hurry!" Su Shi raised her head with difficulty and looked at Xie Yunshu. Her eyes were a little red and she said in a trembling voice: "Shu'er, it's my mother who has caused you trouble."

She knew it was not easy for her daughter, but she didn't expect it to be this difficult.

If it were not for the melon-eating system, Xie Yunshu would not have lived such a calm and calm life, and she would have had peace of mind no matter what happened. Fortunately.

It's just that I can't say this to my mother.

"Mom, the prince treats me very well. Everyone in the East Palace respects me. No matter what happens outside, the East Palace is always safe. You don't have to worry about me. I still say the same thing, as long as you are good, it is better than anything else."

Su Shi felt relieved and nodded with tears in her eyes, "Okay, good mother, I will listen to you. Mother will listen to you in everything."

Xie Yunshu had already ordered Baixiang to boil the medicine.

The medicinal ingredients were detoxification prescriptions prepared by someone before she came here.

I brought six doses of medicine over, one dose a day, and I thought I would be fine.

Xie Yunshu told Mrs. Su that she would leave someone to protect her secretly. She would not have to tell anyone after taking the medicine and would still pretend to be sick. She would tell people when she recovered. Naturally, she still had to take back the housekeeper rights and could not keep them in Qi's hands forever.

Su Shi all nodded and agreed.

The mother and daughter talked for a long time, but Su's health was finally failing, and she soon became tired and looked tired. Xie Yunshu stood up and left.

"Mom, please remember to take care of yourself and don't think too much. No matter whether it's Qi or Xie Yunqian, they can't afford any trouble."

After Qi did such a thing, she could no longer keep her.

It's just that there are so many pairs of eyes staring at her now that she can't do anything. It's better for Grandma to know about this matter. After she leaves, Grandma will take care of it.

She is not stupid and would not leave troubles like Mrs. Qi's to her mother to deal with.

After all, there were some things that no one would speculate on if she was the one to do it while she was still alive. But if she passed away and something happened to the Qi family, even if it wasn't her mother's fault, she would be suspected.

Not long after Xie Yunshu walked out of Su's courtyard, Mrs. Qi came towards her with several maids and servants.

"I've met the Crown Princess!"

"Greetings to the Crown Princess!"

"No courtesy, get up."

Xie Yunshu stopped, glanced at Mrs. Qi, and said with a smile: "It's been a while since I last saw Er Niang. Er Niang is in much better spirits now."

"Not as good as the Crown Princess," Mrs. Qi said with a smile, but she was filled with hatred in her heart. It was this bitch who had harmed his Qian'er, but she still had the nerve to appear in front of him as if nothing had happened.

Mrs. Qi walked towards Xie Yunshu while laughing and talking: "The Crown Princess is truly filial. If my sister meets the Crown Princess, her illness may be half cured."



Xie Yunshu looked at Mrs. Qi: "Whatever Er Niang wants to say, just stand there and say it. Don't come here again. I am pregnant now and can't smell the powder. I didn't mean to target Er Niang. I'm sure Er Niang won't blame her. ?”

Regardless of whether Mrs. Qi had the courage to act foolishly and create some "accident" at all costs, Xie Yunshu had no intention of taking risks herself.

No need. So stupid.

Mrs. Qi didn't expect her words to be so straightforward, and she was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss.

After coming back to her senses, the concubine cursed secretly, "Cunning! Insidious!" But if she couldn't get past it, how could she use it? Finally, Xie Yunshu came back today. This was almost her only chance to get rid of Xie Yunshu. If she wanted to do anything after today, she couldn't.



Xie Yunshu scolded her slightly, with a cold tone, "Er Niang, I said that I don't like people coming near me and I can't smell the smell of powder. Do you think Er Niang dislikes me so much? I don't care what I say."

"I don't dare. The Crown Princess has misunderstood. I just haven't seen the Crown Princess for a long time and I am just worried about her. Who knows that the Crown Princess has misunderstood? Please forgive me."

"As a family, we can't say whether we forgive our sins or not. Second mother, don't say that. Second mother is in charge of the affairs of the house now. Go and do your work. Don't worry about this palace. I will go to Songhe Hall by myself. Second mother, please invite me." ”

Mrs. Qi smiled: "That's a coincidence. I am also going to Songhe Hall to pay my respects to the old lady. Why don't we come together?"

Xie Yunshu glanced at her, smiled and nodded, "That's fine."

An Tong, Qingqing, Aunt You, and four eunuchs surrounded Xie Yunshu, but Xie Yunshu was not that worried.

Since Mrs. Qi insists on following like a dog-skin plaster, then let her follow.

How could An Tong and others not know what the Crown Princess meant? Everyone cheered up and followed the Crown Princess to protect her.

Mrs. Qi sneered silently.

Halfway down the road, a cat suddenly swooped over, accompanied by the black shadow flying into the sky, the screams of the maids, and the screams of Mrs. Qi.

Mrs. Qi rushed towards Xie Yunshu without thinking: "Prince Princess, be careful!"

Aunt You quickly blocked Xie Yunshu's side with quick eyes and hands, and blocked Qi. Unexpectedly, another maid who was following Qi also screamed and bumped into Xie Yunshu from the other side.

Qingqing was startled, stepped away, raised her foot and kicked her. The maid screamed and flew out heavily. She landed heavily on the ground with a "Bang!", holding her belly and moaning in pain.

An Tong hurriedly supported Xie Yunshu: "Princess, don't be afraid! It's okay, it's okay!"

Xie Yunshu looked at Qi coldly.

Mrs. Qi was secretly resentful in her heart. She could barely hide the ferocity in her eyes. She stiffly curled her lips and smiled, "You didn't scare the Crown Princess. I was also anxious, fearing that something unexpected would happen to the Crown Princess. Fortunately, the Crown Princess was fine. "

Xie Yunshu smiled: "I have been very cautious since I became pregnant, and I know how to protect myself. Thank you Er Niang for your kindness!"

"Don't dare, don't dare, you should."

"Er Niang is really different from before. I am very touched by protecting me like this. Don't worry, Er Niang, I will definitely repay Er Niang well!"

Qi froze.

Xie Yunshu glanced at her lightly, "Let's go, Er Niang, don't you want to pay your respects to grandma? Don't be late!"

Where else does Qi want to go?
"I suddenly remembered that I still had some things to deal with, so I stopped going for the time being and will go back later. Princess, please."

Xie Yunshu nodded and went straight.

The Qi family really can’t be kept!

Aunt You, An Tong and others were all secretly annoyed, but they were still in the Pingbei Hou Mansion and couldn't say much, so they had to endure it for the time being.

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