Chapter 86 Ruined them
The shopkeeper's face became even uglier. Even though he tried to be calm, he couldn't control the sweat on his forehead. He was going crazy!He has already sent three men to find the master, why is the master still not coming?Why not come?Is this trying to kill him!

If he doesn't come again, he won't be able to stand it anymore!
Du Li sneered, and pointed to the fabrics for everyone to see. Everyone around the audience took one and I took the other.The troublemakers who are more truth-seeking have already gone to the warehouse according to the address given by Du Li.
The shopkeeper tried to explain, but in the face of the turbulent crowd, it was useless even if he had a big speaker in his hand, let alone he didn't have a big speaker. Du Li hit a small stone in his hand, and the shopkeeper couldn't help but face forward. Staggering and throwing herself on a middle-aged woman, the woman blushed and screamed: "Ah! You are a disciple! You are disrespectful! How dare you molested my old lady! My old lady beat you to death! Kill you!"

The woman was furious and scratched and scratched, and the woman's husband was also furious. The couple jumped up and fought the shopkeeper. The shop assistant tried to stop him, and everyone couldn't stand it anymore—isn't this bullying?Seeing injustice one after another.

A melee.
Maojia silk and satin shop is completely famous!
Xie Yunshu was dressed in men's clothes, and she was standing not far away with An Tong and Qingqing. She had a panoramic view of all this, and the more she looked at it, the more relieved she felt.

Seeing that Mao Keshou finally arrived like a bereaved dog, Xie Yunshu smiled at the two girls: "Okay, this is a good show, enough to see, let's go buy cakes and take them back to honor grandma."

It is inevitable to buy cakes to honor grandma and mother, and this lively scene is a good way to see it.

Back at the Hou Mansion, Xie Yunshu first went to Housekeeper Xie, "Uncle Xie, I just went to the street to buy sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for grandma, and I saw a big farce in the Maojia silk and satin shop."

She told Mr. Xie what she saw in detail, and sighed worriedly: "Uncle Xie, I really didn't expect that this Mao family is so black-hearted and greedy. Our family has always been in touch with their family, and we don't know that Mao Has the family used the banner of our mansion to run amok outside? Didn’t it hurt the reputation of our Marquis mansion? This time there is such a big trouble, if the Mao family tries to drag our family into trouble, it will be troublesome That's right, wouldn't the good reputation that Dad managed so hard to manage be ruined?"

When Xie Yunshu first called Mr. Xie "Uncle Xie", Mr. Xie was so flattered that he didn't even dare to call him "Uncle Xie", but Xie Yunshu insisted, so he accepted it.

Every time I hear Xie Yunshu call herself that, I feel very happy.

Xie Yunshu's words made Steward Xie's expression serious, "Miss is absolutely right, this old slave will tell Master Hou well."

"I'm also doing it for the good of the Hou family and for the good of my father. I'm relieved that Uncle Xie will take care of this matter!"

Steward Xie nodded with a smile: "This old slave will definitely not disappoint the trust of the eldest lady."

"Uncle Xie, you are welcome!"

Xie Yunshu smiled and went back to the inner courtyard to accompany Grandma and mother.

Butler Xie intervened in this matter, so she didn't have to worry about it.

Steward Xie immediately sent people to the Mao family's silk and satin shop and Mao's warehouse to check.Although he didn't believe that the eldest lady would joke about such a thing, he was always cautious in doing things, so naturally he had to check it himself.

This check is incredible.
As expected of Mao Shoushou, Mao Shoushou is old and cunning, and he has the means of "a strong man cuts his wrists".

As soon as he arrived at the silk and satin village, he raised his hand and slapped the shopkeeper loudly several times. When everyone was dumbfounded, he scolded the shopkeeper sharply and pushed all of this onto the shopkeeper's head. He said that he didn't know anything, and that the shopkeeper did everything without telling himself, and he will definitely give everyone an explanation!
In order to show his sincerity, he will give everyone compensation. If you buy silk and satin in the store today, you will get a discount of [-]%.

There are not a few greedy people who want to take advantage of it, and many people are really appeased by Mao Ke's trick.

However, there are also many people who are unwilling, and angrily accuse Mao of sticking to his mistakes and trying to confuse the public. How dare a shopkeeper do this?How to explain the warehouse thing?Don't say that his boss doesn't know anything, such words are completely fooling people!

People who can afford a piece of fabric with dozens of taels of silver don’t care about such discounts and compensation at all, and the anger of being cheated is even more disgusting.

After getting the news, many wives and young wives sent the stewards and nuns of the house, or simply came to ask for justice in person. Mao Ke was devastated!
But this matter was his own fault, so he could only grit his teeth and pay for it, and invited the big customers into the back hall, humbly pretending to be his grandson to make amends, and compensated a huge amount of money.

In less than a day, nearly ten thousand taels of silver were lost!

But not everyone wants money compensation, how could the competitors let go of this opportunity to tear a piece of meat from the Mao family with one bite?All of a sudden, news spread that Mao's silk and satin shop was shoddy, earning black-hearted money, and the owner refused to admit his mistakes as a scapegoat. At the scene, whoever saw it didn't curse a few words angrily.

The Mao family hurriedly closed the warehouse door and couldn't stop the people who liked to watch the excitement, even if they climbed the wall to watch!
On this day, apart from those who came to the door angrily and accused them of wanting compensation, those who bought fabrics at a low price took advantage of them.

Anyone can ridicule and teach Mao to abide by a few words, such as "You do what you want, and don't do such immoral things in the future!", "Isn't it bad to make black-hearted money? Why bother!", "It has to be Let you learn a lesson!" and so on.

Mao Keshou had to socialize with smiling faces one by one, he was exhausted physically and mentally, and cursed secretly.

After finally staying until dark, he didn't care about taking a break, so he hastily prepared a generous gift and sent it to the Qi family, begging the Qi family for help.

The Qi family didn't know what happened in Mao's silk and satin shop, and now they heard Mao Keshou hesitating, and immediately became anxious: "What's going on? Then the materials in our family——"

Mao Keshou hurriedly said: "All the good materials I personally selected for the family are sent to the family, and they are definitely the real good materials! The shopkeepers sell all the tricks behind my back, and I don't know anything about it." ah!"

Madam Qi nodded, but did not poke.

How could this kind of thing be called by the shopkeeper?
Of course, she also thinks it's normal for the shopkeeper to be pushed out to take the blame.

For the sake of Mao Ke's filial piety in the past, and for the sake of giving 5000 taels of silver at once, Mrs. Qi is still willing to help him.

"In the future, we must take care of the shopkeeper. If something like this happens again, it won't work."

 Happy Dragon Boat Festival
(End of this chapter)

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