Xie Yunshu felt relieved when she heard her say that, and said affectionately: "Shu'er will protect mother too!"

"it is good!"

The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled.

Su Shi hesitated and said: "Shu'er, tell me, if mother wants to take care of the housekeeper, can she take care of it?"

"Huh?" Xie Yunshu raised her head in surprise, her spirits perked up. Is her mother on edge?all right!Originally, she was still thinking about how to persuade her.

It's not that she wants to fight too much, when it comes to this, it's impossible not to fight.Not fighting means that in the future, you will live under the hands of the Qi family and you will die.

Su was a little embarrassed: "I don't want to take care of everything in the Hou's mansion. Your father and Qi will definitely not agree, and I don't understand many things. But I can't just ignore everything. , in that case, if Mrs. Qi does something, we won't know anything."

Xie Yunshu nodded again and again, her eyes were bright, "Mother, you are the eldest wife of the Hou Mansion, of course you should be the housekeeper. You have managed the house very well these years, and the Hou Mansion is just a little more crowded. In fact, the reason is the same. , besides, I have grown up, and me, I will help mother!"

When her mother was young, she also lived a good life for a few years.At that time, my grandfather's family was still running a shop in the county town, earning 200 taels of silver a year, and her mother was well-informed, and she had some knowledge.

It was only later that my grandfather was plotted against, the store was gone, and the money was almost lost. The family went to the countryside to avoid disaster.

But six or seven years ago, my uncle and uncle became peddlers again. Despite the wind and the sun and the hard work of walking around the streets, they can still earn ten taels of silver a year, which is much better than simply farming. up.

Her mother is also from the Su family, with the positive and hard-working genes of the Su family, why not take charge of some affairs of the Hou Mansion?

Besides, there is her.

She also has a system of eating melons.

Xie Yunshu's support obviously boosted Su's confidence, and she nodded with a smile: "Yes, mother's Shu'er will help mother when she grows up. If that's the case, let's try."

The mother and daughter discussed for a while before Xie Yunshu got up and left.

Before leaving, she reminded Mrs. Su that it might not be a good thing for that maid named Jin Yun to roll her eyes around, and it's best to avoid her in everything.
She asked the system, this is the eyeliner that Su Shi placed beside her mother.

Su's family suddenly became nervous, and said worriedly: "I'm afraid the people who serve you are not doing well, mother is really worried."

The desire to be a housekeeper became more urgent.

Otherwise, even if you go to a Zihe, Qi will arrange countless Zihes quietly.

Xie Yunshu smiled and said: "Mother, don't worry, I've heard a lot these days. Qi is mean and ungrateful. There are many people in the house who complain about her. How can she have so many confidantes at my place. Little girls can't do it." Anything, I'll be careful."

"That's good, that's good!" Su Shi felt much relieved.

Xie Yunshu now lives in the Wisteria Garden, and the maidservants who are close to her are Zihe and Lirui. Zihe was sent by the Qi family to keep an eye on her. Although Lirui is not, her mother, brother and sister-in-law are also working in the Hou's mansion. Qi wants to control her easily.

Besides the two of them, there were three or four little girls.

Xie Yunshu didn't see any good seedlings, and she didn't plan to touch any of these people for the time being.

Anyway, she has a melon-eating system, if they do something behind the scenes, she explained that the melon-eating system must tell her as soon as possible.

Near the evening, Xie Yunshu went to her mother's place, and then the mother and daughter went to Songhe Hall to accompany the old lady for dinner.

Before, Mrs. Qi tried to prevent the mother and daughter from going to Songhe Hall on the grounds that the old lady was sick and needed to recuperate, but obviously, now she has no way to stop it.

As soon as she heard that the two of them had gone to Songhe Hall, Mrs. Qi cursed a few words, and quickly ordered someone to call Xie Yunqian and Xie Muyan, and the three of them also hurried over.

Lord Hou is very filial, she no longer looks down on Mrs. Xie, she has to do enough superficial skills.

Xie Yunqian was very disgusted and couldn't help complaining: "I don't want to go, what can I say to her, she doesn't understand anything! I can't help but hate her when I see her! Besides, she doesn't love me at all. Thank you Yunshu! Hmph, I don’t care too much anyway!”

Xie Muyan is still young, but he also knows how to like and dislike. The grandmother, mother, Qi Nai, and nanny who have never met before, they always mention "the old woman from the country!", I don't know how many ridicules and contempt he said for this. Grandma didn't like it at all, so she said, "I don't want to go either! I don't like it either!"

Qi hurriedly said: "You can't talk nonsense when you come to Songhetang. Be good, that's your grandmother. You are her only precious grandson. She must love you too. You just need to be obedient and call grandma." .Qian'er, if you don't go, won't you be in vain Xie Yunshu? Mother, no matter what you think in your heart, you can't be wrong on the face!"

Of course Xie Yunqian was not reconciled to taking advantage of Xie Yunshu.

She was arrogant and looked down on Xie Yunshu at all, so she didn't regard her as her sister.Xie Yunshu's arrival, in her eyes, was an extremely unwelcome intruder who came to snatch her things.

She felt that she was much more noble than Xie Yunshu, and that people like Xie Yunshu were inferior to the maids around her, so how could there be someone in this world who didn't like herself but liked Xie Yunshu?Unless this person is the Su family.

But she didn't expect that that annoying grandmother actually protected Xie Yunshu, and smiled at Xie Yunzhu full of praise, but she never gave herself a smile or stepped over her.

Just thinking about this made her dissatisfied and very angry.

So he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go! I don't want to take advantage of her! Hmph, how can she compare with me!"

Qi glanced at her glamorous, noble and outstanding baby daughter, and smiled with satisfaction: "She is naturally not as good as you, so behave well."

Xie Yunqian smiled: "Okay, mother!"

Mrs. Qi came here with a pair of children, Mrs. Xie was still very happy.

When the old man gets older, he looks forward to a family reunion and a full house of children and grandchildren. Xie Yunqian and Xie Muyan are both her granddaughters and grandsons. They came to ask Ann to talk, how could she not like it?

Xie Yunqian resisted in her heart, but when she came in, she saw Xie Yunshu sitting next to the old lady, who was talking to her affectionately, and she became jealous again, so she got the old lady's permission and sat in the old lady's seat too. On the other side of the wife.

Even if she doesn't like it, as long as Xie Yunshu has it, she won't like it.

Just talking and laughing, Lord Xie Hou also came.

Seeing that the whole family was at the old lady's place, talking lively and lively, the old lady obviously smiled a lot, Xie Houye was very happy.

The old lady Xie was even more happy when she saw her son coming.

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