Chapter 94
I have to say that the chef of Ding Shi Ji is quite capable. Their chef quickly studied the menu given by Xie Yunshu, and soon introduced new dishes one after another.

Sure enough, it quickly overwhelmed Shun Fuhua, with an endless stream of diners and booming sales.

What Xie Yunshu didn't expect was that the few recipes she sold were very popular, but the best one was fish-flavored shredded pork, followed by salt-baked chicken and boiled cabbage.

Almost every table of customers who come to consume will order fish-flavored shredded pork.

Xie Yunshu calculated her property and decided to go to Ding Shi Ji to grow a handful of wool.

3 taels of silver is still very difficult to invest in the capital.

When Xie Yunshu showed up at Ding Shiji again, the shopkeeper smiled so hard that he could not see his eyes, and while courteously invited her upstairs to the private room dedicated to the owner, he sent someone to rush to invite the owner.

How many times did the Third Master Bai of their family tell him that if this girl comes again, she must keep her behind and notify him immediately!

Xie Yunshu smiled reservedly, Shi Shiran took her seat, and chatted with the shopkeeper in a graceful manner.

"The business of Ding Shi Ji looks good, so I can rest assured that I haven't stolen your money!"

"Oh, oh, thank you for what you said, the old man will feel ashamed! Thank you so much, girl hahaha!"

Xie Yunshu was very kind, and said with a smile: "Then it's a coincidence, I still have a few recipes to sell!"

"Ah? Ms. Xie must sell it to us. Our boss will definitely not let Ms. Xie suffer!"

"That's natural, otherwise I wouldn't have come here."

"Hahaha, thank you for your good eyesight!"

"Haha, each other!"

Laugh all laugh very happily.

Xie Yunshu understood that she was sitting firmly on the fishing boat, and the shopkeeper was also at ease, and complacent.You must know that Shun Fuhua was caught off guard by them, not to mention how furious they were, but they found out about the cookbook they bought, and they wanted to cut it off. They were all over the city looking for Miss Xie, who sells cookbooks. Hmph, what are you doing? Dream
They will never even think of getting miss Xie in this life!
Xie Yunshu and the shopkeeper were chatting and laughing, when Bai Sanlang rushed in, seeing Xie Yunshu smiling very kindly: "Miss Xie, you are here!"

This smile makes people feel happy when they look at it.

Xie Yunshu got up and nodded at him and smiled kindly: "Bodong's house is safe and sound!"

"Haha I'm all right, I'm honored to see Miss Xie again!"

"Don't dare!"

"Thank you, miss, please sit down."

"Thank you!"

After exchanging polite greetings, Bai Sanlang smiled happily and said, "Miss Xie is here today, do you still have a recipe to sell?"

Xie Yunshu nodded and said with a smile: "I have recorded the recipes of each dish and what aspects need attention in detail. Even if others want to learn, it is not so easy."

Bai Sanlang smiled, "I understand, I understand, this cooking is just like this, the difference is far away, and it is easier to know than to do, this recipe is in my hands, I will definitely keep it well, and it will never be easily taken away by others. Learn it."

"Bai Dong's family is courageous!"

Xie Yunshu was once born and secondly familiar, and more importantly, she could trust Bai Sanlang from the deeds she heard from the system, so she gave all the recipes of the dozen dishes she had prepared to Bai Sanlang, and said with a smile: "If Bai Dong's family is all I plan to keep everything I want, and if there is something bad, take it out and return it to me."

"Of course I want it! The more the better, thank you girl!"

Bai Sanlang was afraid that Xie Yunshu would regret it, so he couldn't wait to pick it up.Not only him, but also the shopkeeper was so excited that he rubbed his hands beside him, smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes.

This is not a recipe, this is a white silver, a golden mountain!

The two looked at each other and smiled triumphantly at the same time.They seem to have seen Shun Fuhua's shopkeeper jumping up and down, with a distorted expression on his face!
That's called a good mood.
Bai Sanlang didn't quite understand it, but he saw that it was written professionally and meticulously, and it looked amazing at first glance.So he stood in awe and was deeply impressed.

Bai Sanlang asked sincerely: "Miss Xie, do you have any advice? I will listen to you."

Xie Yunshu smiled: "This twice-cooked pork is simple in ingredients, but it is not easy to make it taste good, but if this dish is cooked well, it will definitely become a popular side dish. And this white cut Chicken, from the selection of ingredients to water temperature, heat, and soaking time, has strict requirements and attention. An unforgettable white-cut chicken. There is also this whole grilled pig's head. Don't look at the unremarkable or even unsightly pig's head. If it is done well, ouch, it's not what I said, it will definitely become one of your Ding Shi Ji's signatures Signatures! Of course, other dishes are also very good, such as puff pastry fairy duck, sealed meat, sweet and sour crispy fish, button three silk, yuanbao meat, hibiscus scallops, etc., each dish must be made with care. In short, you are slow Let’s roll it out slowly, we can continue to cooperate in the future.”

Anyway, she has already decided that since everyone is cooperating so simply and happily, she will write one or two recipes if she has something to do, and let Biqiao try it first, and then catch the sheep of Dingshiji to grow wool.

Everyone is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, it is not because she bullies others, is it?
Xie Yunshu said something, and Bai Sanlang hurriedly memorized it secretly, saying yes repeatedly.

"Miss Xie, don't forget to take care of our Ding Shiji in the future. There are a total of 2000 recipes and [-] taels of silver. Ms. Xie may accept it?"

Xie Yunshu thought for a while, then nodded: "Bo Dong's family is very straightforward, yes."

"Are there any gifts this time?"

Xie Yunshu suppressed a smile and shook her head: "No more!"

Bai Sanlang laughed, "Our Ding Shi Ji's meals are not bad, I think it's time for dinner now, why don't I treat the guests next time, how about Miss Xie leaving after lunch?"

This is Ding Shi Ji, Xie Yunshu was tempted, "Okay, thank you Boss!"

"Haha, thank you girl for being polite!"

Xie Yunshu didn't want a private room, but a table by the window on the second floor, and didn't want Bai Sanlang to accompany her, so she took An Tong and Qingqing there.

Bai Sanlang hurriedly told the shopkeeper, and ordered the kitchen to serve twelve best specialties of the restaurant to Miss Xie.

Bai Sanlang is so generous about inviting you to dinner!

Who knows, the food hasn't been served yet, the unappetizing ones come first.

Inadvertently caught a glimpse of Sun Fangfei going to the restaurant, Xie Yunshu immediately looked away, and silently prayed "I can't see, I can't see"

It's a pity that it was useless, Sun Fangfei saw her at a glance, then her eyes lit up, and she pursed her mouth as if to say something to the accompanying companions.

(End of this chapter)

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