Hearing the conversation outside, Nan Ci also knew who it was.

Originally, seeing Chen Guoping and his party walking away was quite enjoyable, but they had a high regard for Chen Guoping.

Now it seems that she thinks Chen Guoping too well.

Not only did they go back and forth, but they still wanted to bring them all together.

Should she say that Chen Guoping and the others took it for granted, or should she say that they were too confident?
But none of that matters.

Since these people dare to come, their results are all doomed.

Nanci slowly moved his body back, and Mu Qianqian who was opposite saw him. Although his eyes were a little curious, he didn't ask any questions, and he didn't make the slightest sound.

Nanci retreated all the way to the back of a large box, and then took out the submachine gun from the space under the cover of the box, and buckled the belt full of magazines on his body.

Nan Ci poked his head out from behind the box, and gestured to Mu Qianqian, signaling her to back away.

Although Mu Qianqian had some minor problems, she performed very well in this kind of matter.

Nan Ci asked her to back away, and she backed away without the slightest hesitation.

During the process, there was no sound at all.

Chen Guoping and his party outside have also assigned their manpower at this time.

The curtain of the tent was lifted again, and someone walked in with a probe.

Nanci didn't rush to shoot, but waited for everyone to walk in, then aimed at the person near the door, and shot him without hesitation.

Nan Ci installed a silencer on the gun, but in such a quiet environment, there were still some sounds.

The person who was shot fell directly to the ground, making a louder noise.

The person walking in front of him suddenly turned his head after hearing the successive noises.

One of them shouted, "There is an ambush, get out!"

Hearing this, the corners of Nan Ci's mouth arched upwards slightly.

It seems that there are not all idiots here, there are still smart people.

In such a short period of time, he realized that he was ambushed and wanted to retreat.

It's a pity that this person's intelligence was not used in this place.

It's too late to think about retreating now.

The reason why Nan Ci started shooting from the last person was to prevent them from retreating when they noticed.

Since they dared to come, she would never give them a chance to retreat.

In the dark night, Nan Ci's eyes were like cat's eyes, able to clearly see every move of everyone in the room.

Before these people ran to the door, Nan Ci shot them one by one, leaving them all here.

Seeing that everyone fell to the ground, Mu Qianqian, who was hiding in the corner, came out.

Even if it wasn't the first time I saw Nanci shooting and killing people, it was the first time watching him at such a close distance.

Mu Qianqian didn't feel the slightest fear, but felt excited and excited.

She didn't look at those people on the ground at all, and walked straight to Nan Ci's side.

In the darkness, Mu Qianqian's eyes sparkled, "Nan Ci, you were so handsome just now, can you teach me?"

Nanci has always liked people who are self-motivated.

Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but she readily agreed, "Yes, but bullets are precious now and cannot be wasted.

If you want to learn, you can start with archery tomorrow. "

When Mu Qianqian heard this, she became even more excited, "Do you still have arrows?"

"Yes!" Nanci answered as a matter of course, "I have all the bows and arrows, but I don't know which box they are in. I will look for them tomorrow."

Nanci had just finished speaking when Zhou Ziyang's helpless voice sounded outside.

"Nanci, Qianqian, stop talking for now. Chen Guoping ran away on that mutant dog."

Hearing this, Nan Ci's eyes froze instantly.

If something like this happened tonight, no one should be allowed to leave alive.

If Chen Guoping is allowed to escape smoothly, Chen Guoping will definitely not let it go so easily, and will definitely tell the base what happened here, and more people will come by then.

It's not that Nanci is afraid, it's just unnecessary, and it's better to avoid it from happening.

"Ride on the cubs' backs, let's go too!"

When Nan Ci's voice fell, the four cats rushed out of the tent like lightning.

At the moment of going out, the four cats grew bigger at the same time.

The Nanci four had just approached the four cats when they held them in their mouths and threw them on their backs very skillfully.

The moment he was seated, Nan Ci hugged Zai Zai's neck, and Zai Zai also rushed out at this moment like an arrow off the string.

Although they are also mutated animals, the bodies of the four cats have been transformed by spiritual spring water. When running with all their strength, their speed is not comparable to that of ordinary mutated animals.

Although the mutant dog ran first, it didn't take long for the four cats to catch up with it.

Immediately afterwards, it was easily surpassed.This mutated dog is really loyal, even if it is surrounded by four cats, it doesn't stop right away, it just keeps trying to break through the encirclement.

The four cats are not vegetarians, so it is naturally impossible for them to escape.

After struggling for several minutes to no avail, the mutated dog stopped panting with tired eyes, and lay down on the snow, panting heavily.

Chen Guoping, who was sitting on the back of the mutated dog, also realized something at this time.

If you can't run away, you can only use other methods to get out.

Chen Guoping looked at Nanci, forced a smile, and tried to calm his voice.

"What happened tonight is that we are wrong, but you are unscathed, but all my people are dead. I can assure you, as long as you let me go, I will definitely forget what happened tonight, and I will not mention you to anyone. I won't bring someone back to trouble you, how about it?"

Although the wind and snow were heavy, Nanci still heard Chen Guoping's words clearly.

Nan Ci sneered, "Of course - not very good."

Those who want to kill her, cut the grass and root out the grass, and let the other party grow bigger and stronger to kill themselves?
The reason why Nanci didn't shoot Chen Guoping directly was because he was curious about another question.

"Captain Chen, I'm very curious about one thing. Since you have already decided to leave, why did you come back?"

Chen Guoping didn't answer immediately, and after thinking for a while, he said, "If I answer this question, can you let me live?"


Chen Guoping suddenly laughed, a bit sad and self-deprecating.

"Anyway, I will die, so I will tell you. The reason why I came back is because I listened to Li Guang's bewitching. Li Guang said that if you rob you and bring you and your things back to the base, you will be able to make meritorious service."

Nanci frowned, "Who is Li Guang?"

In her memory, there is no one named Li Guang, whether in the previous life or in this life.

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