Chapter 148
Chickens and ducks can mutate, not only can live well in this ice and snow, but even have a huge body and super fighting power.

Wouldn't snakes, insects, rats and ants not mutate?

They haven't encountered it now, maybe it's just because the number of mutated animals is relatively small, it doesn't mean there are no.

Mu Qianqian obviously just asked such a question on a whim, but Nan Ci didn't answer, and she didn't delve into it, so she just drove the car.

The wheels rolled forward, crushing on the hard snow, making a creaking sound, which made people's teeth ache.

Heavy snow falls every day, but because the weather is too cold, the fallen snow will soon be frozen hard, and the car will not sink when walking on it.

If the sledges weren't pulled behind them, they could have gone faster.

Although the speed is not fast enough now, they are not in a hurry.

The base is going, but it's not going to arrive immediately, and it's okay to walk slowly.

The four of them took turns driving, and after two days of testing the road, they finally found the way to the base.

This is also thanks to the map left by Chen Guoping and some road signs on the road.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to find a way to the base in this vast expanse of whiteness, with no internet, no Gaode map, and no buildings.

After finding the right road and driving for half a day, they were no longer the only car on the road.

There were people in the front and back of the car, and these people were obviously going to the base as well.

Some, like them, were also driving cars.

Others use mutated animals to pull sleds.

There are also some that walk forward on one pair of feet, with a rope on the shoulder, and the back of the rope faces the tire or the wooden board on which all the belongings are placed.

Step by step, walking is extremely difficult.

It was Nanci who was driving at this time, and Mu Qianqian was sitting in the co-pilot.

Seeing the car passing the pedestrians, Mu Qianqian remained silent, without saying a word.

Nanci only glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, but said nothing.

Because Nan Ci clearly knew that Mu Qianqian's sympathy was flooding again, but her heart was still soft, and she couldn't be happy when she saw others suffer.

Nanci didn't have this psychological burden anymore, the car drove very steadily, and his eyes didn't stay too much on these people.

Just when Nanci was about to pass a person in his car, the person suddenly turned around and looked towards the RV.

Seeing the man's sudden movement, Nanci subconsciously frowned.

However, the next moment, the man made a movement that was beyond Nanci's expectations.

I saw him raise his hand and point to the RV.

To be precise, pointing at the back of the RV.

The man's head and face were covered tightly, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Those eyes were filled with fear at this moment.

At the same time, the voices of Zhou Ziyang and the old Taoist also sounded from behind one after another.

"Nan Ci, drive faster, there are a large number of mutated animals behind."

Nanci's heart tightened, and he immediately looked in the rearview mirror.

It can be clearly seen from the mirror that there is a group of dark animals running towards them.

Because of their huge size and excessive numbers, as they ran wildly, the ice ground trembled.

Nanci's eyes were fixed, and he subconsciously glanced at Mu Qianqian next to him.

No wonder the old saying goes, good spirits do not work bad spirits.

Mu Qianqian just asked where all the snakes, insects, rats and ants have gone two days ago, and today the army of rats is here!
Mu Qianqian obviously also saw the situation behind, and her face turned pale.

"Old... rats?! Why are there so many rats? Why do rats grow so big?"

A normal mouse would be as scary as a grown man's palm.

But each of the group of rats running wildly behind was as big as a corgi.

Many people get goosebumps uncontrollably when they see a mouse.

Seeing the rats growing so many times and gathering in groups like this is even more frightening and disgusting.

It's no wonder that person just now showed such a frightened look.

The man had obviously reacted, and ran towards the RV frantically, waving while running.

Although Nan Ci didn't hear what he was saying through the car door and the glass, he could more or less guess that he wanted to get in the car.

Before Nan Ci could react, a black shadow flashed past the RV.

The next moment, he had already pounced on that person, knocking him to the ground fiercely.

Although the mouse has grown a lot, it is impossible to keep a person on the ground with only one mouse.

The man also had a strong will to survive, struggling to get up.

Before he could shake off the rats on his body, the rats jumped on him one after another.

A moment later, the man's sharp and painful cry penetrated the car door and entered the ears of Nanci and the others.

It's not that the four of them have never seen dead people, and each of them has many lives on their hands.

But listening to this tragic cry and looking at the scene in front of him, he still felt a little nauseous.

Not fear, just pure heart.

Whether it was seeing the huge chicken or those big geese before, Nanci was only shocked and excited.

But looking at these mice now, Nan Ci just wanted to vomit.

Nanci stepped on the brake, pulled on the handbrake, turned off the car, and stood up directly from the driver's seat.

"It's too late to drive away now, kill these rats."

Nanci said, and walked back.

Behind them lay their weapons.

There are four crossbows and 400 arrows.A submachine gun, a strafing gun, the bullets are not metered.

During this period of time, although he has been on the road, as long as he does not drive, Nanci will teach several people how to use crossbows and guns.

They are also very talented, and they have worked hard to practice, and now they have achieved something.

Now these mice are just right for them to try what they have learned.

The three of Mu Qianqian had no objection to Nan Ci's decision. They each took their own crossbow arrows and found a suitable shooting position.

The windows of the co-pilot and the main driver, the rear hatch, and the windows can be shot as long as they are opened a little bit.

There are many people outside, those people are exposed to the world, without any protection, the rats are naturally the first to attack them.

This gave Nanci and their very good shooting conditions.

Nan Ci is the one with the best accuracy among the four, and he is absolutely perfect.

Together, the three of Mu Qianqian could hit half of the shots.

Not long after, dozens of mice died under their arrows.

The survivors outside noticed this and ran towards the RV, seeking shelter.

(End of this chapter)

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