Chapter 177 I Have a Neighbor
If in the past, he suddenly saw such a giant dog running wildly in his direction, Nan Ci would definitely raise his heart and guess whether this person was an enemy or a friend.

But now, looking at the giant dog running wildly, Nan Ci only hoped that it could run faster and more steadily.

It's best to get here quickly before getting buried in the blizzard.

Before the end of the world and at the beginning of the end of the world, Nanci was also very housebound, and he liked to stay at home alone with cats.

But at those times, Nan Ci clearly knew that there were many people outside her home.

Although she was alone at home, there were people alive around her.

But now, Nan Ci is forced to stay in this building, and she is the only living person in the whole building.

Standing by the window and looking around, the surroundings are still white except for white.

After a long time, Nan Ci himself was not sure if there were any other living creatures besides her and the four cats.

Seeing this huge black dog now, Nanci can only feel the joy of discovering life.

As for whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, it doesn't matter at all to Nanci at this time.

Nan Ci waited for nearly an hour, sweating for the huge black dog in the middle, and finally watched it come to the front, shrink its body, and then entered the building.

Seeing this, Nanci drew the curtains, didn't continue to read, and didn't intend to open the door.

It's enough until they come in alive, Nanci doesn't want to go out to say hello to each other.

What Nanci didn't expect was that she didn't take the initiative to go out to say hello, but after more than ten minutes, there was a knock on her door.

Staying alone for too long, suddenly hearing a knock on the door made Nan Ci a little uncomfortable, and his heart tightened even more.

Nan Ci stood up and slowly moved to the door without making any sound.

After a moment of silence outside, the knock on the door sounded again.

This time, it was accompanied by an extremely hoarse voice.

"Hello, can I borrow a lighter? I can't find my lighter."

Nanci, "."

What are you doing with the fire?
Do you smoke?
"It's very cold, I brought firewood, but I don't have the tools to start a fire now, if you can, borrow a fire."

The voice outside the door sounded again, this time explaining in more detail than last time.

After Nan Ci hesitated for a while, he opened the door fully armed.

It's not because of sympathy, nor because I want to be a Virgin.

It's purely that I don't want this hard-won neighbor to just disappear.

The wind and snow outside don't know when it will stop. If this neighbor dies, he doesn't know when he will have a new neighbor. A lighter is not worth anything to Nanci, so he will give it if he can.

When opening the door with one hand, Nan Ci held a loaded gun in the other hand.

As long as the opponent makes any other moves, Nanci doesn't mind giving him a shot.

At the same time, the four cats were also at Nanci's feet, all four pairs of eyes were open, staring outside without blinking.

Nan Ci believed that as long as people outside had any unreasonable thoughts, the four cats would stretch out their claws at the same time and scratch each other to pieces.

But after opening the door, there was no one at the door.

Nan Ci looked up, only to see a person and a dog standing two meters away.

When the black dog was huge, it looked mighty and ferocious, but now it is not much bigger than glutinous rice balls, and its body is shiny black and curly.

Nan Ci didn't know much about the breed of the dog, and he wasn't sure whether it was a Teddy or a Bichon Frize.

But it looks cute.

When Nanci was staring at the black dog, it was also looking at Nanci with a pair of bright black eyes. The eyes were bright black and very energetic.

Beside the black dog, stood a very tightly wrapped man.

After staring at the man and the dog for a while, Nan Ci threw the lighter in his hand towards the man.

The man caught the lighter with both hands, and his eyes were full of surprises at the same time.

"Thank you! Thank you very much."

His voice was unusually hoarse, and he could tell it was caused by thirst for a long time and lack of water.

Although he understood this, Nanci had no intention of giving him water.

This person said that he brought firewood, so he thought there was something else.

Now there is not much outside, but snow.

As long as there is a fire and a container, it is easy to drink water.

The man didn't beat the snake to the stick either. After thanking him repeatedly, he led his black dog into another room.

Seeing this, Nanci also took the four cats back to the room, and closed the door smoothly.

In just a short while, Nanci's hands and feet were blown by the cold wind, and his exposed skin was cold and hard.

Nanci only stayed outside for a short while and it became like this. The man and the black dog had been outside for an indefinitely long time, and it was amazing to be able to get here alive!

Nanci was a little curious, where did that man come from, and why did he come here.

However, Nanci only thought about these two issues in his heart, and did not really take action on them.

She is in no hurry.

Just looking at the man's current state, he won't be able to leave in a short time.

If you want to know these situations, there are plenty of opportunities.

The facts are similar to what Nan Ci guessed. In the next few days, Nan Ci will pay special attention to the movement outside and will also take a look outside.

Occasionally, the sound of running outside can be heard, but it does not belong to people, but the black dog doing parkour.

After having a neighbor, Nanci felt that his state was much more stable.

Even though there was no interaction between the two of them except for the time when they borrowed the lighter, and they had never met or spoken to each other, knowing that there was a living person out there still felt completely different.

Nanci's mentality improved, but the mentality of the four cats became obviously agitated.

They are not very happy when they bask in the sun and play in the space.

After coming out of the space, he was still unhappy.

From time to time, I have to stroll around the door, or stare at the closed door.

Nan Ci is not stupid, seeing them like this all day long, he quickly guessed what they meant.

This clearly means wanting to go out!
Because there is a black dog outside parkour all day long, it seduces them to want to go out too.

In other words, they wanted to go out and compete with the black dog outside.

After understanding the thoughts of the four cats, Nan Ci was even more entangled.

But this entanglement didn't last long.

Whether it's for himself or for the four cats, Nan Ci has absolute confidence.

Even if you let the four cats go out for a walk, there will be no danger.

Since there is no danger, why keep them locked in the room!

After figuring it out, Nanci no longer hesitated, and got up and opened the door.

(End of this chapter)

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