Chapter 188 Huge Strange Fish
Looking at these corpses floating in the water, Mu Qianqian's face became extremely ugly.

“It has only been a short time, but there are already so many corpses in the water.

The temperature is still rising, these corpses will soon rot, and the water will be polluted..."

As she spoke, Mu Qianqian's voice became softer and her expression became more serious.

There is no need for Mu Qianqian to continue, since Nan Ci also understands her unfinished meaning,

The water from the melted snow was originally drinkable.

But now, the water source is polluted by corpses.

Not to mention drinking, it is not enough to wash.

It seems that they must find land!

Otherwise, it will be difficult to replenish the water source.

Without food, I can persist for another ten days and a half months.

But without water, he wouldn't be able to survive three days.

Originally, because they had a yacht and were able to set off to find the mainland, the four of them were still in a very good mood.

But after seeing the various floating corpses, the joy in my heart had completely disappeared.

In the face of various natural disasters, human beings are too insignificant.

The original extreme cold had already caused many people to lose their lives. Now that the weather has finally warmed up and the snow has melted, what people have brought is either new life or a new round of disasters that are even more severe than before.

Looking at the corpses drifting away, he murmured, "If we didn't have this yacht, we would end up like them sooner or later."

Nan Ci shook his head seriously, "That's definitely not the case."

With her around, they would definitely have a yacht.

Speaking of yachts, there are cruise ships.

The old Taoist priest also said, "There is still a turtle son! There is no way I can drown you, so don't worry about it."

The atmosphere that was originally a little sad and depressing instantly became much more relaxed after the old Taoist priest said these words.

Nanci bent the corners of her lips with everyone, feeling happy from the bottom of her heart.

Sure enough, no matter what time, a team must have a humorous person, so as not to make everyone's nerves too tense.

Although Zhou Ziyang won't make everyone laugh like an old Taoist priest, he is very good at changing the subject.

"The weather is getting hotter, can we get some hydroponic plants? There are still a lot of seeds, I always carry them."

In Zhou Ziyang's opinion, you can throw away other things, but you must not throw away seeds, because seeds represent hope.

As long as there is a suitable planting environment, the seeds can be planted, and then there will be a good harvest, and people can continue to live.

Hearing this, Nanci glanced at Zhou Ziyang in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ziyang was the first person to think of this matter.

It is not difficult to understand Zhou Ziyang's behavior style when he thinks about it carefully.

Compared with many people of the same age, Zhou Ziyang is indeed more mature and stable, and he is more comprehensive when considering things, and he will start from the overall situation.

A team really needs such a person.

Mu Qianqian was in a better mood because of the old Taoist priest's words, but now her attention was completely diverted because of Zhou Ziyang's words.

"You're right, we really should plant something!
But we have never hydroponically planted plants, will it fail?I seem to have read on the Internet that hydroponic plants need to add nutrients to the water. We don’t have this thing! "

Zhou Ziyang smiled indifferently, "It's up to people! Can it be done? You have to try it.

It doesn't matter if there is no nutrient, just try to plant one first. "

Mu Qianqian was not very firm at all, but she was convinced immediately after hearing this.

No longer entangled in the matter of nutrients, Mu Qianqian took Zhou Ziyang to find a suitable container, and immediately soaked the seeds.

Watching the two of them leave in a hurry, Nan Ci and the old Taoist priest both smiled silently and continued to sit in their original positions, one driving the yacht, the other blowing the wind, looking at the water aimlessly.

If you stare at the water for a long time, you will inevitably feel dizzy.

Just as Nanci was about to look away, he saw a huge corpse floating in front of him.

It was a huge sheep, exactly like the one in her space.

It looked like the sheep had no wounds and should have been drowned.

Even such a powerful mutated animal was drowned in the water, which is really not good news for those who are still alive.

Fortunately, Mu Qianqian ran away with Zhou Ziyang. When she suddenly saw this scene, she didn't know how to feel sad.

Nanci was thinking in his heart when he heard the old Taoist sigh.

Hearing this sigh, Nan Ci also sighed in his heart.

Has even the always optimistic old Taoist priest been hit?
"What a good mutton!" The old Taoist sighed, "It's a pity that it was soaked in this dirty water, and I probably can't eat it."

Hearing this, Nan Ci was stunned for a moment, but he laughed the next moment.

This is what the old Taoist would say!
As for being sad, it has nothing to do with the old Taoist priest.

Staring at the floating sheep, Nan Ci finally shook his head.

"It's still unclear how this sheep died. To be on the safe side, it's better not to eat it——"

Before the words fell, Nanci's eyes were fixed.

The water around the sheep gradually turned red.

It was a light red at first, but the red soon deepened.

The red color came from around the sheep's body, like blood flowing out of the sheep's body.

But isn’t this sheep already dead?Why is there still blood flowing out?
Nan Ci was feeling strange when he saw the sheep's body rising and falling violently.

It is impossible to fake the corpse of a dead sheep.

The reason why Nanci was so sure was because the sheep's head happened to be facing them.

The sheep's eyes were tightly closed, so it was certain that the movement was not caused by this sheep.

So... what's going on with the situation in front of you?

While Nan Ci felt strange, a bad premonition also rose in his heart, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and the alarm bells rang in his ears.

"Taoist Master, hurry up! Stay away from that sheep!"

Just as Nanci yelled, the old Taoist priest had already controlled the yacht, turned around, and drove in another direction, avoiding the sheep far away.

The sudden acceleration caused the yacht to shake violently. Zhou Ziyang and Mu Qianqian, who were below, sensed something was wrong and ran up one after the other.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"What happened?"

Nanci didn't answer them, but went around to the other side of the deck, took out the binoculars, and looked at the sheep.

Through the binoculars, Nan Ci could clearly see that a huge fish was opening its mouth full of fangs, gnawing at the sheep's body bit by bit.

I don't know if that strange looking fish is inlaid with steel-like teeth. It can chew off a large piece of meat from the sheep's carcass with one bite.

(End of this chapter)

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