Eye of Sin

Chapter 101 Disapproval

Chapter 101 Disapproval

"Did she cry because of her son's flaws?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"That's not it! She said that her son is good in everything, but there is one problem. He looks normal on the outside, but in fact... actually has that kind of abnormal development, that is, he is already very old. The place is still like a little boy, it hasn't grown up!

Because of this problem, he couldn't find a wife, let alone have children. Deng Qingrong always said that her son was too busy with work, so she didn't want to look for her son, and she didn't have the time to look for it. It was just to cover up this matter, in case someone was warm-hearted. Get up, insist on introducing someone, it's embarrassing to know about it. "

"Since she is afraid that outsiders will know, why did she tell you?" Ning Shuyi was a little puzzled.

The curly-haired aunt couldn't tell, so she thought about it: "Maybe it's because an old sister on our side was too enthusiastic that day and insisted on introducing someone to her son. Bar!"

Ning Shuyi nodded, accepted the statement, turned around, and asked: "Then Deng Qingrong's son, you have more or less contact with him, right? Did you say that he is relatively introverted, and he doesn't say anything?" Is it because of this reason that the character is a bit weirder?"

"It's not weird! The child is fine, I don't think there's anything weird about it!" Auntie with a thin face immediately clarified, "That's an honest kid, not particularly talkative, not so outgoing, I don't think there's anything weird about it!

Every time we meet his mother downstairs, he greets us politely, and then helps his mother to bring food and go home together.

If you meet us outside alone, you will be very polite.

That child is very filial, although I don't know exactly what kind of work he does, but whenever he has a break, he takes his mother out to relax, and buys nutrition for his mother whenever he has something to do.

These two women, the mother loves the son, and the son is filial to the mother, there is really nothing to say! "

"That's right!" Aunt Lan was relatively more familiar with Deng Qingrong, and she was naturally more emotional at the moment, "If this kid didn't have that kind of problem, he would definitely be a particularly outstanding young man!

Moreover, these two women are very good people. I didn't expect to encounter such a disaster. It really makes people feel awkward and awkward! "

No matter how good or ordinary the relationship with Deng Qingrong was, these elderly aunts still silently agree to varying degrees with the statement that "the dead are the greatest", so Aunt Lan's words also attracted the attention of others. go along.

Even the round-faced aunt, she also echoed what her companion said.

At this time, what attracted Ning Shuyi's attention was a young woman who looked to be in her 20s next to the pavilion. She was leading a two-year-old child. The child looked here and picked there, and she followed behind the child.

After hearing several old ladies' compliments to Deng Qingrong, which was almost "commercial mutual praise", the young mother secretly rolled her eyes when she turned around.

Ning Shuyi, who was standing on the side, had a panoramic view of this action. Obviously, although this young mother could not be an acquaintance with these aunts, she at least knew Deng Qingrong, and her views on Deng Qingrong were the same as those of those aunts. The aunt seems to be slightly different.

Ning Shuyi didn't make a sound. After chatting with a few aunts, she thanked her and turned around again, but her eyes never left the figure of the young mother until the young mother walked away with the baby to a distance of a few meters. Ning Shuyi signaled Huo Yan to go to someone else to ask about the booth where the old lady was chatting, and walked towards the young mother by herself.

The young mother was bored watching her child squatting on the ground and poking a few dry leaves with a twig. When she felt someone approaching, she looked up and found that it was the girl who was chatting with some old ladies in the pavilion just now. The policeman was stunned for a moment, and seemed to want to avoid subconsciously, but in the end he didn't move.

"Hello, I'm from the W City Public Security Bureau. I'm here to learn about the resident Deng Qingrong." Ning Shuyi spoke to the young mother with a smile.

The young mother nodded, a little cautiously: "I know, I heard you talking just now."

"You should also know Deng Qingrong, right? Can you tell us about your impression of Deng Qingrong?" Ning Shuyi asked, taking out a lollipop from his pocket, squatting down, and handing it to Zheng Toddlers playing dully.

How can a child be able to resist the temptation of candy? The little girl was obviously moved. Her chubby little hand just stretched forward and stopped again. She probably remembered her mother’s usual advice. Black grapes are like black grapes. The big eyes looked expectantly at the mother standing next to her.

Just as the young mother shook her head, seeing her daughter's longing expression, her heart softened, and she nodded slightly.

The little girl laughed immediately, reached out to take the lollipop, nodded her head, and said in a childlike voice, "Thank you, auntie!"

"You're welcome!" Ning Shuyi stretched out his hand and lightly touched the little girl's little braid that was trembling because of shaking her head, stood up, and said to the young mother, "Baby is so cute, and the education is really good!"

There is nothing more overwhelming for a mother than being praised for her child.

The young mother pursed her lips and revealed a faint smile.

Probably because she thought that Ning Shuyi was very friendly to her child, and she didn't want to be too rude when the child accepted the lollipop at the moment, so she took the initiative to say to Ning Shuyi, "I'm actually a I don't know the Deng Qingrong you mentioned, but they all live in this area, and I take the children to play downstairs, it's such a big place, I can always meet them."

"May I take the liberty to ask, you don't seem to have a particularly good impression of her?" Ning Shuyi asked.

The young mother smiled: "I don't deny this, I think that old lady is not as simple and kind as those aunts said.

In fact, she is quite hypocritical, she looks like someone before and after, and if she is not careful, she will show some flaws, but when she is with them, she is very smart and always looks like she is inferior to others, so Hold up people's words everywhere, follow what others say, and sell them miserably if there is nothing to do.

As a human, everyone likes to be pleasantly spoken by others, and they don't want to appear too aggressive in front of the weak. Of course, those aunts will not find her other side. "

 The subway is being repaired outside Xiaomo’s community, and it’s blaring every night. I haven’t slept well in the past few days, so the status is not online.kisses!

(End of this chapter)

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