Eye of Sin

Chapter 116 Leave

Chapter 116 Leave
Most of the women who have experienced domestic violence for a long time are relatively cowardly in character. They originally wanted to calm things down and use forbearance in exchange for a short period of peace, for fear that things would cause troubles and cause unbearable consequences.

But Ning Shuyi's words obviously had a strong impact on the mother in front of her. She looked at the shivering eye with that eye, which was red, swollen and bloodshot from crying, but it didn't affect her vision anyway. Child, the lips were bitten so hard that the teeth were almost cut into the skin.

"Can you take me and my son away from here?" After a short struggle, facing the child's shrunken face full of fear, the woman finally got her heart together, her lips trembling, and she asked Ning Shuyi in a low voice.

"Yes." Ning Shuyi replied extremely firmly and quickly, without any hesitation, for fear that his attitude was not firm enough, which would make the woman's already insufficient courage fade away again.

"Then I want to pack up, okay?" The woman was really encouraged by her firm attitude, she held the child's little hand in her own, and asked cautiously.

Her terrified and cautious attitude made Ning Shuyi feel unspeakably sad. If she hadn't been living in the shadow of her domestic violence husband for a long time, who would seem to be saying such a simple request? It's like clearing mines, I'm afraid it will explode if you make a wrong step.

"No problem, we'll wait here, you don't have to worry." Ning Shuyi nodded to her, and smiled, hoping to calm the woman's emotions.

The woman also smiled gratefully at Ning Shuyi. Although the smile looked bitter, there was a little light in the eye that was still open normally, as if she saw Ning Shuyi again. A silver lining.

"What do you want to pack?!" The domestic violence man realized that Huo Yan was not a character he could provoke, and he didn't want to have any conflicts with him. He didn't expect to see his wife encouraged by the policewoman, He wanted to take the child away, so he became anxious immediately.

He tried to get out of Huo Yan's control, but failed, so he pointed at his wife and tried to pretend to be calm, but anyone could tell that there was something threatening in his tone. Multiple.

"This is your home. If you don't stay at home, where are you going to take the child? Where is your place to stay?!" The man's speech slowed down a bit.

And his words successfully made the woman who had already turned around to go into the room to pack her things pause.

The woman's reaction made the man a little proud. For so long, the habit of being aggressive at home also gave him the confidence to control his wife.

"I advise you not to develop the habit of wanting to run away when something happens! Do you have a family to go back to?!" The man felt that he had restrained his wife, and pursued the victory, "You are the one who will My son is gone, can I not come back to this house in the future?
You'd better think about it clearly, don't make a big deal out of small things, everyone will be unhappy! "

The tangled expression on the woman's face emerged again.

Ning Shuyi reached out and touched the little boy's head, and used the question raised by the domestic violence man to ask the woman in a different way, "Yes, do you plan to go back to this family in the future?"

"Mom..." The little boy tugged at his mother's hand with lingering fear, "Even if I sleep on the road, I don't want to go back to our house..."

The woman looked down at the child, and the hesitation in her eyes finally faded away: "Come on, let's go into the house with mom to pack up, and I will have to trouble the police uncle and police aunt to send us out later."

"Hmm!" The little boy immediately nodded in response, his voice sounded full of joy, as if what his mother said was not to take him out of this house, but the mother and son were going to the playground.

The child's reaction made people feel sad, and the woman was also touched. She took the child into the bedroom and closed the door to pack her things.

The domestic violence man obviously didn't expect his wife to react like this, and suddenly felt annoyed that his authority had been provoked.

But he is obviously not a person who is completely irrational after drinking. Seeing his wife taking the child to pack up and leave the house, his first reaction is to soften his attitude and fight Huo Yan. discuss.

"Dude, I'd rather tear down a temple than a marriage. There's no such thing as you!" He forced a smile on his face and spoke in a familiar tone, as if he and Huo Yan were friends who had known each other for a long time. "When the teeth are still biting the tongue, there will be bumps and bumps between the couple, that is inevitable!

People say that it is difficult for an honest official to break up housework. It is not a problem for us to fight at the head of the bed and fight at the end of the bed. You say that when you get involved in this way, women are very easy to make a fuss, and small things become big!

If my wife's head gets hot right now, and she runs away with her children, then you are causing our family a lot of trouble! "

Huo Yan glanced at him coldly. Originally, he had an attitude that would be disgusting to say a word to him. He probably felt that this tyrannical man's words of avoiding the important and even slapping him were too disgusting, making it difficult for him to remain silent. Yes.

"It's not a big deal for your teeth to touch your tongue." His tone was so calm that he couldn't hear his emotions, and he didn't even bother to look at the man. It’s best to have the first tooth pulled out, not to stay.”

As soon as he said this, he immediately blocked all the lines that the domestic violence man was going to say. The domestic violence man was speechless and could only stare at Ning Shuyi fiercely.

Ning Shuyi sneered back at him.

A man who has no other ability will use alcohol to pretend to be crazy, and take advantage of the difference in physical strength to vent his dissatisfaction and resentment towards the outside world on his wife.

Now that the police have intervened, he is still like this, knowing that the physical strength advantage he barely had in front of Huo Yan is gone, so he dared not speak out in front of people who are stronger than him, and turned his head to himself. The policewoman who is thinner than him has a flying eye knife.

Isn't this a typical bully!
It didn't take long for the woman to pull the child out of the bedroom together. She was holding a medium-sized suitcase in her hand, and the child was also carrying his school bag. back here.

Ning Shuyi could see this, and so could the domestic violence man. He originally thought that the woman just went in to pack up and change clothes, and under the protection of the police, it would be a big deal to take the child out to hide for two days. I didn't expect that seeing this posture turned out to be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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