Eye of Sin

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Since Huo Yan didn't want to be alone with Yu Mengpeng, he would rather go downstairs to buy a drink. Ning Shuyi was happy to save a trip, so he went with Yu Mengpeng and sat on the small sofa opposite her.

Next to this private seat is a large European-style window. Looking outside, it is a pedestrian street. The view is very good and quiet.

"Have you always come here before?" Ning Shuyi chatted with Yu Mengpeng, "Ordinary people may not know this good place!"

"Well, I used to come here for a while to read and hide away." Yu Mengpeng sighed helplessly, "You have seen my mother, people are really not bad, but that character , and her nagging, if you stay with her for a long time, you will really feel broken!
She can always repeat a sentence to you many times with different words. If you don’t want to do something, she will try her best to encourage you to do it. When you really do something, she will try her best to pour cold water on you!
I am under her nose, I really can't do anything well, sometimes I am upset by her, so I can only hide out! "

"Are you still in college?" Ning Shuyi saw that after she arrived here, without her parents by her side, she obviously relaxed a lot and was willing to speak, so she didn't rush straight to the topic, but continued to relax Chatted with her, "Usually don't live on campus, live at home for commuting?"

Yu Mengpeng hurriedly waved his hands: "I'm almost 23 this year, and I graduated from college last summer! If I'm still in college, don't I have to come here to read and study and hide away!"

"Are you preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination?" Ning Shuyi asked.

After all, a person who has graduated from college for more than half a year can be called by his mother on call, and then have time to chat with them alone. This is definitely not the leisure that a working state can have.

Such a simple question made Yu Mengpeng sigh, and began to complain to Ning Shuyi: "Don't mention it, I am secretly reviewing for the postgraduate entrance examination! And I don't have that time all the time. Many times I I was urged by my mother to go out and find a job!
Sister, you look like someone who has been in the class for several years. You must not know how difficult it is to find a job after graduating from college in the past two years!My resume is being sent out in a hurry, but even if I send out more than a dozen copies, I may not get a single call!
Thinking about my uncle starting a company by himself, it’s really not possible, let him arrange a job for me first, I will do it first, and find a horse by riding a donkey, but my mother won’t let me, saying that my sister didn’t accept my uncle’s arrangement, My niece ran to my uncle's company with a stern face, wouldn't that be a joke to my relatives and friends!
She also told me that when you are young, you have to go out on your own, and you can't rely on the pavement of the house for everything. The road is so smooth and smooth. If you rely on the house, over time, you will be useless! "

Ning Shuyi didn't make a sound. It was obvious that Yu Mengpeng was complaining, but what her mother said sounded very reasonable. At this juncture, as a qualified listener, Fan still hoped that the girl would be able to open up the conversation for a while and give herself a good answer. Provide information, and there is no other position at this moment.

"I said yes, then how about I, like my sister, prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination! Anyway, my school is not famous, and it is not easy to find a job. Instead of hitting walls everywhere, why not improve yourself!

In the end, my mother refused to let me!I have to say that I am not that kind of material, and our family does not have so much spare money for me to prepare for the exam and burn it for fun, let me die as soon as possible! "

Yu Mengpeng reckoned that there was never a chance to get rid of this bitterness, but this time he finally seized the opportunity, and did not expect Ning Shuyi to respond to her story at all, and continued on by himself.

"So you're going to 'secretly hide' with your mother?" Ning Shuyi asked with a smile, "Plan to prepare for the exam secretly, make a big hit, and give her a surprise?"

"I hope I can surprise her!" Yu Mengpeng sighed, "Actually, I just don't accept it, I want to prove to her that I am the material, don't look down on me so much!

I am also unwilling to find a job that is not satisfactory or ideal, so I am wronged and lose my dream in order to make ends meet!
Most importantly, I just don't want my mom trying to meddle in my life all the time!Do you think it's interesting!My uncle didn't have much energy to take care of my sister before. As soon as my sister graduated from university, he immediately wanted to intervene and interfere with my sister's life and work arrangements!

As for my mother, don't look at her behavior towards my sister as a democratic, that is an enlightened!No matter what my sister does, she is the best aunt in the world, she is both encouraging and praising.

When it's my turn, she kisses her daughter herself, then she won't have this treatment!They are exactly the same as my uncle, why don't we say that they are brothers and sisters!She is almost 20 years younger than my uncle, and her opinions are just as pedantic, and she is just as arbitrary and domineering towards her own children!

So I was not convinced, I wanted to prove that I was right and she was wrong! "

"It's good to have this spirit." Ning Shuyi agreed.

Yu Mengpeng smiled wryly: "Don't talk about anger, even if it is a fire, if you encounter a super fire extinguisher like my mother, you can put it all out! I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, my sister is three years older than me , the two of us have never studied in the same school since we were young, and every stage happened to diverge. In the past, we didn't have much chance to meet except during the holidays.

It was when I was about to graduate from university, and when I left school for an internship, I often went to my sister in order to hide from my mother, and her place was my safe haven!My mother didn't dare to nag my sister, and she had to speak nicely when talking to her, so I could take advantage of some good treatment. "

"Your mother is such a good aunt!" Ning Shuyi followed her words with emotion, "It can be seen that she really cares about your cousin, and she takes care of her more on weekdays."

"No way!" Yu Mengpeng said with a smile, "I was jealous because of this when I was a child! I thought my mother loved my cousin and didn't love me. She cried and made noises, and was scolded by my mother!
My mother said that my aunt died early, and my sister lost her mother at such a young age, which is already very pitiful, and the child without a mother.As a result, my uncle spent all of the family's money in order to treat my aunt's illness. In order to support the family, he had to work hard to start a business, and he had no time to take care of my sister.

If she doesn't take care of my sister anymore, wouldn't my sister be too pitiful!So she must be kind to my sister, and love my sister twice as much for my uncle and aunt, and not make her feel uncomfortable.

Then you say, if she said this, if I still make trouble, wouldn't I be too ignorant!After so many years, I have become used to this kind of model in our family, and I never thought that the person who was jealous and angry when I was young will be the person who can help me control my mother the most when he grows up! "

(End of this chapter)

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