Eye of Sin

Chapter 131 Unspoken

"But there is still a problem here." Ning Shuyi pulled out Chang Junchao's personal information from the side, and placed the two forms side by side on the table, "Look at Zhang Guanghui's date of birth, and then look at Chang Junchao's personal information. of."

Huo Yan took a closer look: "Based on the date of birth, Chang Junchao was born less than nine months after Zhang Guanghui was born, which is unreasonable."

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you. They seemed to have some guesses in their hearts, but all the guesses could not be established right now. After all, before it was possible to determine whether there was a blood relationship between Zhang Guanghui and Deng Qingrong, it needed to be verified. There is just too much information.

They also cannot have preconceived views, so as not to affect the subsequent judgment.

The two discussed it, and decided to be cautious. First, they took Zhang Guanghui's photo to find the uncle who had a good chat with him the day before, and asked him to help identify whether the person in the photo was the one he met with Deng Qingrong's mother and son. Quarreling women.

Considering that the uncle's wife is more timid and cautious, the two of them did not go to the door blindly, but parked the car downstairs and waited and watched.

Unexpectedly, only a few minutes later, the uncle got down by himself, went straight to their car and walked over.

"I saw your car from the upstairs window!" The uncle said enthusiastically, "You were here yesterday, it's really reassuring!

As soon as I thought of the police guarding outside, I couldn't be more at ease in my heart!And it was true that the corridor was quiet all night, except for our neighbor who came back from the opposite door, there was no extra movement! "

Ning Shuyi couldn't laugh or cry, but she and Huo Yan wished for some movement, so that they wouldn't spend most of the night squatting in vain.

After seeing Zhang Guanghui's photo, the uncle said with certainty that this was the woman who scolded all the way upstairs that day.

With the witness of the uncle to help identify, the two of them had a certainty in their minds, and decided not to go around the bush, and went directly to Zhang Guanghui, tricked her, and saw what kind of reaction she would have.

With the information of Zhang Guanghui's work unit, it is not difficult to find her. The two drove to the key middle school where Zhang Guanghui worked. It is said that as a teacher at this time, she should have been able to arrive at the school.

It is nothing more than the difference between whether she is in class or free at the moment.

As a result, after inquiring at the school, I found out that Zhang Guanghui had taken a half-month sick leave due to physical reasons, and hadn't come to work for almost ten days, and she would not come back for another week for vacation.

In this case, we can only go to Zhang Guanghui's house to find her. This is not a difficult task for Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan, and it may even be easier to communicate than in school.

Zhang Guanghui lives with her parents. In terms of location, even if it is not top-notch in W City, it belongs to the relatively well-to-do family. It seems that the situation of Deng Qingrong's family is much better.

This residential area is managed in a closed manner, people and vehicles are separated in the park, the living environment is relatively quiet and comfortable, the green space is kept clean, and the facilities in the residential area are also very complete.

Compared with the place where Deng Qingrong lived, there is one sky above and one below the ground. Even if Deng Qingrong still has the 50 compensation in his hand, there is probably no way to bridge the gap.

When they arrived at Zhang Guanghui's house and knocked on the door, it was an old lady in her 70s who opened the door for them. She was not tall and thin.

"Who are you looking for?" She looked at the two strangers at the door with some doubts, and she spoke in one breath, her accent sounded quite similar to that of Deng Qingrong, probably because of the difficulty of changing her accent for so many years.

"Hello, auntie, is this Zhang Guanghui's home?" Ning Shuyi politely greeted the old man with a smile.

The old lady was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "You are colleagues from Huihui's unit, are you here to visit her?

Ouch, I thought you guys would come in the afternoon, but I didn't expect you to come so early!
Please come in!Please come in!Old man, a colleague from Huihui's unit is here to visit, hurry up and wash some fruit, make a pot of tea, and greet the guests! "

"Auntie, you don't need to trouble, we'll leave later." When Ning Shuyi heard this, it was likely that a colleague had been scheduled to visit today, but now the old man was misunderstood.

But she didn't intend to explain it clearly. After all, Zhang Guanghui's mother is really old, and she looks very thin. I don't know if she knows that it is the police or the criminal police from the Public Security Bureau. cause unnecessary panic.

Anyway, if you make a mistake, it will not affect other people, so there is no need to add trouble to the old man.

Zhang Guanghui's father was about the same as her mother, both in their 70s, with a thin and small body, but he was quite kind, smiling and nodding with them, ignoring Ning Shuyi's politeness, and hurried into the kitchen to boil water.

Zhang Guanghui's mother led the two of them through the living room to Zhang Guanghui's bedroom. Ning Shuyi took a quick look at the interior furnishings.

This is a house of about [-] square meters. The decoration is simple and warm. It can be seen that it is not a wealthy family, but well-to-do.

When Zhang Guanghui's mother arrived at the door of her daughter's bedroom, she knocked first, then opened a crack in the door, motioned for two people to wait at the door, and squeezed in through the crack: "Huihui, are you asleep? Your colleague is here to see you. Shall I let them in now?"

Standing by the door, Ning Shuyi could only feel that the room was very dark, and could not directly see what was going on inside the room.

I don't know if it's because the windows are not open for ventilation. The air in the room is a little stagnant and doesn't smell very good.

Zhang Guanghui probably got up at the call of his mother, and the old lady opened the curtains in the room for her neatly, so that the light inside suddenly became brighter.

It is estimated that Zhang Guanghui has already tidied up. Her mother came out of the bedroom and signaled to Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan with a smile that they could go in.

When the two opened the bedroom door and walked in, they saw Zhang Guanghui sitting on the bed, both of them couldn't help being stunned.

Ning Shuyi had seen Zhang Guanghui's household registration information before, and already had an impression of her appearance, but this still shocked her.

Zhang Guanghui herself is significantly thinner than her household registration photo, and looks very haggard, as if she had some serious illness.

And Zhang Guanghui also saw these two complete strangers at a glance, and she was also taken aback, but her doubts only lingered on her face for a second, and she glanced at her mother who was still at the door from the corner of her eyes, and then turned to Ning Shuyi and the others. Nodding, pointing to the chair at the foot of the bed: "Sit down."

Then she turned to the door and said, "Mom, close the door for us, so we don't have to come in repeatedly to bring tea and water. They won't stay long before they have to leave."

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