Eye of Sin

Chapter 133 entanglement

After saying this, she stopped, signaled Ning Shuyi and the others to keep silent, then tiptoed to the door, opened the door slightly, and listened carefully to the movement outside.

The sound of the TV came in from outside, and the voices of two old people chatting while washing and washing in the kitchen.

Zhang Guanghui breathed a sigh of relief, closed the door carefully again, and sat down at the foot of the bed: "After so many years, my parents have treated me very well, and people born in other people's families may not be so happy.

They left their hometowns all their lives to work hard, diligently, and worked hard, just to create a better living condition for me and enable me to receive a better education.

Now I dare not say how promising I am, at least my job is good, I can take care of my face, but Deng Qingrong came out and wanted to recognize me back, let me honor her and give her a pension! "

Zhang Guanghui was panting, as if she had just run a marathon. It could be seen that this incident made her furious, and now she had to suppress her anger, which was considered a very difficult thing.

"Of course I can't agree to this kind of unreasonable request. It's unfair to me and my parents."

It can be seen that she tried very hard to make herself less subjective and objective, although with little success: "So I rejected her and warned her not to disturb my parents and me life.

As a result, Deng Qingrong didn't listen to my advice at all, and finally found my boyfriend secretly. No, it should be said to be my ex-boyfriend now. "

Obviously this title hurt her, Zhang Guanghui's tears soon filled his eyes, and they slid down his cheeks before he could control it.

Ning Shuyi took a tissue and handed it to her. Zhang Guanghui probably had been trying to suppress his emotions for a while, and now facing a little concern from a stranger could instantly break his emotions.

She covered her eyes with a tissue and tried her best to keep her voice in her throat. She only let out a few uncontrollable whimpers, her shoulders trembled, and the tissue in her hand was soon wet with tears.

Ning Shuyi sighed softly. It could be seen that Zhang Guanghui's emotions really couldn't be restrained. Since the old couple outside couldn't find out, she couldn't comfort her, so she could only pass a tissue aside. I hope that Zhang Guanghui can vent her emotions as soon as possible, and then calm down and communicate well.

She has always been patient in dealing with this kind of thing, but worried that Huo Yan, who has always been vigorous and resolute, would become impatient with such petty emotions.

But taking a peek, Ning Shuyi found that there was no impatience on his partner's face, and he seemed to be somewhat thoughtful in his calmness.

After a while, Zhang Guanghui must have been tired from crying, and the emotions that surged up all of a sudden were also drained with the tears. Now he stopped crying with a tired face, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been able to sort out my emotions recently because of this blow, which makes you laugh."

After crying, her nasal voice was a bit heavy, and her voice sounded muffled: "I have been with my ex-boyfriend Cao Haiguang for almost three years. At the beginning, he chased me, and we got along pretty well, but when we arrived When talking about marriage, I ran into trouble.

His family's conditions are much better than mine, and he is a little younger than me, so his parents disapprove of our affairs, because of this, the two of us are already under a lot of pressure, and even cracks appeared.

Cao Haiguang's attitude was vacillating, he couldn't let go of his three-year relationship, and he didn't dare to confront his parents.

She didn't know how to find Cao Haiguang, told him that she was my biological mother, and said a lot of things. The meaning behind the words was that Cao Haiguang, the "prospective son-in-law", would give her benefits in the future.

Originally, Cao Haiguang was swaying a lot, but she was scared when she said that, and then he chose to listen to his parents and broke up with me. "

"That's why you went to Deng Qingrong to settle the score?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"I didn't go to her to settle the score! I just went to tell her clearly! She came to me first! She went to the door of our unit to find me and told me that if I still refused to recognize her, she would not be here next time. Waiting for me to come out at the door, she will say that she is my mother, and go in directly to find me!
She also said that I look very similar to her, and anyone with long eyes can tell that the two of us must be related. She doesn't need to do any DNA testing, and others will believe what she said! "

Zhang Guanghui said aggrievedly: "She also said that if I don't recognize her, she will go to my unit and tell the leader that I don't raise a mother and have bad character. She said that the leader is so busy that she doesn't have the time to understand her. The cause and effect behind it.

She also said that she knows that people are going online now, and if anything is put on the Internet, it will be easy to cause trouble. She will be barefoot by then, and she will not be afraid of me, who wears shoes.

I didn't understand the relevant laws and regulations at the time, and I was frightened by her. After checking a lot of information, I realized that I was abandoned by her when I was born, and now she is not eligible to ask me to support me.

That's why I went to her to clarify. "

"It didn't work out, right?" Ning Shuyi signaled her to continue.

Zhang Guanghui bit her lip and nodded: "It doesn't make sense, there is a quarrel."

"I've been staying at home since then. Is it really sick, or is there another reason?" Ning Shuyi has already seen through the communication for a while. Although Zhang Guanghui is mentally weak, she doesn't feel any discomfort.

"There are two aspects." Zhang Guanghui answered this question very straightforwardly, "On the one hand, it is the successive blows, which made me lose confidence in my future life all of a sudden, and I was a little disheartened. I spent the whole night. Insomnia, this mental state is really impossible to give lectures.

On the other hand, I am not at ease in my heart, I am afraid that Deng Qingrong will really come to my house to talk nonsense to my parents, and then they will provoke them again!
She was able to go to Cao Haiguang before, and she was able to go to my unit. I believe she will do anything to achieve her goal.

So I asked the school for sick leave, in case I wasn't at home when Deng Qingrong ran over.

Although I have worked hard to get into the job, if it is really affected by this, I will admit it, and it will be a big deal to change to a new place and start all over again.

My parents have raised me so much and sacrificed so much for me. I haven't had time to be able to repay them. At least I can help them block some of Deng Qingrong's garbage and prevent them from being hurt. This is finally within my power. "

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