Eye of Sin

Chapter 147 Still Alive

Ning Shuyi and the others knew that Deng Qingrong had left and returned, but they didn't expect that she not only ran to find a "next home" for herself while Chang Rong was still alive, but also left with other people's belongings in the end.

"Did you go to see her later?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Shen Zongde admitted it very frankly: "Yes, I went to find her! I just want an explanation! People who are so old, do they leave without saying goodbye?

Besides, if she wants to leave, I won't stop her, just take her own things and leave!Including those things I voluntarily bought for her, take them away casually, I am not the kind of person who cares!

Why do you take away all the valuable things that can be taken away from my house, such as watches, mobile phones, necklaces and rings?

In the end, it took me a lot of effort to piece together the bits and pieces of information she revealed from what she usually said to me, and what she said to other people over there at the blind date corner. When we got together, we finally figured out where she lived.

I didn't hold out much hope at first, I guess she could wrap up my things and run away, so it is unlikely that she will wait for me to catch her. I was mentally prepared, I just met an old liar!
In the end, when I really went to inquire about it, she really moved out, but what the neighbors said, it was really cold from the spine to the heels!

After a long time, she has a son!Not only that, she even had a husband when she was with me, and he died later!
Her old neighbors all said that she was not a good person, why didn't she treat her former husband's illness, and left her seriously ill husband to her son, and ran away by herself!

After listening to that, I turned my head and went back, not wanting to look for her anymore!
I'm blind, I was deceived by the illusion she put on at the beginning, but I'm lucky!Thanks to her greed, she wanted to divide up my house after nothing happened, so we broke up!

If she keeps pretending, the two of us are together, and I live with such a vicious and bad woman, if I don't guarantee that one day I get sick, she will take the opportunity to kill me! "

Shen Zongde shivered, as if he was frightened by his own association.

"Deng Qingrong stole something from your house, why didn't you call the police?" Ning Shuyi was a little puzzled.

If Shen Zongde had called the police to deal with this matter, maybe when they first received the case, they would have known Deng Qingrong's position more clearly, and would not be so easily misled by the appearance of the case.

Shen Zongde had a bitter expression: "Son, I can't help it! How can I call the police for such a thing? Shame is not shame!
If you talk about it, people will talk about it. An old man, who was obsessed with his age, ran to find a wife for himself, and then met an old liar, and was stolen away with money?

Anyway, I did some calculations, a watch, more than 2000 yuan in cash, and two old mobile phones. The loss is not too big to bear, so let’s forget about it. I really don’t have the face to call the police and talk about it again. "

"You don't have to think about it. It's not unreasonable to find a partner in your later years. It's normal." Ning Shuyi waved his hand, "You just said that when Deng Qingrong went to your house, all personal belongings were locked. In a room, no entry or touch allowed?"

"That's right! She has a small suitcase, about this big!" Shen Zongde gestured with his hands the size of a boarding suitcase, "She locked that suitcase several times!

There is a lock on the zipper of the box itself, and the outside of the box is tied several times with luggage ropes, and a big circle lock like the one used to lock bicycles is also tied!

After arriving at my house, the box was placed in the empty room of my house, and she had to lock the door. Let alone go to the house to see the contents of the box, even if I asked, she was the only one who had the key to the door lock. can hold. "

"Did you not ask her what was in the box?"

"I'm really sure I asked about it, but she told me that it contained her life!" Shen Zongde shook his head, "You are not allowed to ask, and you are not allowed to mention it!

Except for that box, she hadn't stared so closely at anything else. "

"Can you still remember the color and style of the box?"

"Yes! It's a small black square box with a very long pull rod and a line of words on it. The words have been worn away to pieces. It must have been given as a gift from some event or somewhere. "

While Shen Zongde said, he drew the appearance of the box again. Ning Shuyi looked at the size he drew, and tried his best to recall the scene of the crime scene.

Because Shen Zongde didn't have much help to offer when he came here this time, after he poured out all the grievances and dissatisfaction that had been simmering in his heart for the past few years, Huo Yan sent him downstairs and left.

Taking advantage of this time, Ning Shuyi dug out the photos of the crime scene and looked through them carefully. When Huo Yan came back, she was looking very seriously at the photo of the master bedroom where Deng Qingrong lived.

"The suitcase that Shen Zongde mentioned just now should have been stuffed here." Ning Shuyi turned his head, saw Huo Yan standing behind him, and pointed to the big wardrobe in the photo, "Look here! "

Huo Yan took the photo and looked at the place Ning Shuyi pointed to. On an unobtrusive partition of the big wardrobe, there was indeed a circle of dusty outlines. It could be seen that there was something there originally, the size of which was the same as Shen Zongde's description is very close.

"Guess, if the suitcase that Shen Zongde was particularly impressed with was placed here, would it contain the 50 compensation paid by the factory when Chang Rong was injured?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Huo Yan nodded: "It's possible, but at this moment, Chang Junchao didn't dare to spend the 50 yuan.

But this can constitute the confidence and courage for him to kill and abscond. "

"That's right, even if you keep your name anonymous, starting a new life still requires cost." Ning Shuyi couldn't help but yawned.

"Go and rest first, they will contact us when there is news." Huo Yan looked at the dark circles under Ning Shuyi's eyes that were getting thicker and thicker, and said to her.

"Okay, hurry up and find a duty room and close your eyes for a while!" Ning Shuyi was not polite at all, she was indeed too sleepy, and she was almost unable to hold on.

The two went to the duty room to catch up on sleep. They didn't even eat lunch. About two hours later, they were woken up by an important news.

"You also received a call?" After washing his face with cold water, Ning Shuyi hurried back to the office to find someone. He met Huo Yan in the corridor. It seemed that he was planning to find himself, "Li Wei The commonly used mobile phone card in my hand is turned on!

Through technical positioning, it is indeed in the vicinity of the crime scene!It's just that there is no way to accurately pinpoint a certain building for the time being, at least it proves that our speculation and deployment in the recent period are correct!

Chang Junchao was indeed still alive, and he did not leave the vicinity of the crime scene! "

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