Eye of Sin

Chapter 168 The Back

Chapter 168 The Back
"What kind of picture of her boyfriend did she show you?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Wu Meifang's sister-in-law shook her head helplessly: "I don't even know what to tell you, I have seen the photos, but you asked me what her boyfriend looks like, I can't tell at all!

The photo she showed us didn't even have a face!

That photo is the back of a young man's head and back!What do you think you can tell from this!Except that it can be seen that it is a man! "

"Doesn't that figure have a shape, roughly?" Ning Shuyi was not discouraged.

Wu Meifang's sister-in-law recalled: "It's just a strong guy, wearing this short-sleeved T-shirt, his hair looks thick and thick, and he hasn't dyed it in any color, it's just black.

What about the figure... The figure is also quite strong, the kind of inverted triangle, stronger than the colleague who took us to the reception room with you just now!
It's just the arm, and the shoulder. It feels like that muscle is making the T-shirt bulge.

Apart from this, there is nothing to see!As far as that photo is concerned, you can say that you secretly took pictures of your boyfriend, or you can say that you just found a photo of someone on the Internet and came back to fool us!
Not even a face, no, even half of the face can't be seen, whether it's true or not, who can say for sure!
But what my mother-in-law is most afraid of is Wu Meifang making a fuss. As long as her daughter makes a fuss, she will be afraid and lose her temper. After the photo, she also murmured that she didn't look like it after looking at it, but she didn't dare to mention it again. "

Ning Shuyi expressed that she understood what she meant: "So in the end, Wu Meifang didn't promise to bring this boyfriend back to you to get to know each other, and this boyfriend never called or texted any of you from the beginning to the end. Wechat or something, right?"

Wu Meifang's sister-in-law nodded quickly: "Isn't that the case! Let's put it this way, when my mother-in-law called Wu Meifang, or when Wu Meifang called home, we never heard a man speak on the phone the sound of!

Even if I accidentally heard her boyfriend talking on the phone, I can be sure that she really has a boyfriend. As for why she refuses to bring it back for us to see, that's another story.

The problem now is that, apart from her insisting that she has a boyfriend and is in a stable relationship, and that the other party is excellent in every way, there is no other person who can prove that there is such a person!

You said this can stop us from worrying, can it stop people from thinking wildly! "

"Then if you were asked to sum up, what kind of person is your sister-in-law, Wu Meifang, and how would you describe her?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

Wu Meifang's sister-in-law spoke almost without thinking, as if she had thought about the answer to this question many times in her heart: "She is just a little bit vain, and she likes the easy things and fears the hard things. A girl who just fell right into her mouth.

You say she is bad, but she is not bad, but she is just such a little girl who is used to by her family, is delicate and materialistic, and only wants to be a decent person and live a good life. "

Ning Shuyi nodded. Wu Meifang's sister-in-law didn't care about praise or criticism for Wu Meifang's conclusion. This type of people is not a rare "rare species".

But obviously, according to Wu Meifang's sister-in-law, her in-laws and husband would never give such an evaluation.

The two chatted about the same. After all, they were going out to go to the bathroom under the banner of going out, and they couldn't leave without returning, so they returned to the reception room.

As soon as Ning Shuyi entered the reception room, Ning Shuyi could see that Huo Yan should have almost talked. Although Wu Meifang's brother was still talking, Wu Meifang's father also helped to add a few sentences from time to time, but Huo Yan obviously I have lost the enthusiasm to ask questions, and just patiently listened to the family members of the victim.

"My sister is such an excellent girl. She is beautiful and has strong working ability. She was recruited into a good unit as soon as she graduated, and she also found a promising boyfriend. Putting all these together, it makes people jealous. !

Please check it out carefully, there must be someone who hates her for being too good, that's why she has done this kind of cruelty to her! "Brother Wu Meifang said sadly and angrily.

There was still no obvious emotion on Huo Yan's face, but after the other party finished speaking, he nodded to show that he had heard it.

Wu Meifang's sister-in-law sighed silently, and gave Ning Shuyi a look of "you see what I said", but Ning Shuyi didn't make a sound.

After Wu Meifang's elder brother had vented his grief and anger, it seemed that the elders of the Wu family had nothing to add, so Ning Shuyi interjected in a timely manner, expressing that he would take them to go through the relevant procedures.

Fortunately, although the family's evaluation of the deceased Wu Meifang was very different, their cooperative attitude was quite good. After the formalities were successfully completed, they repeatedly asked Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi to be sent out of the gate of the Public Security Bureau.

"Is there any valuable content?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan after seeing off the family of four.

Huo Yan shook his head: "The most frequent word that appeared in her brother's mouth was 'excellent', and he kept saying how close the family was and how well they knew each other, but when asked about his sister and his daughter's close friends, only one I can't say it anymore.

What did Wu Meifang's sister-in-law go out and tell you just now? "

Ning Shuyi was not surprised that Huo Yan was aware of this matter, but it's a pity that Wu Meifang's sister-in-law's position is not consistent with that of her in-laws and husband, but most of them are still at the level of subjective speculation without any empirical evidence.

She could only summarize the sister-in-law's words into a core message, and told Huo Yan: "Her sister-in-law thinks that Wu Meifang might be doing that in private."

"Which line?" Huo Yan looked at her suspiciously, not understanding what Ning Shuyi meant.

"The business that sells in KFC." Ning Shuyi was a little helpless. His partner was very smart, and he was able to understand a lot of issues, but when it involved metaphors or cryptic expressions, he would show up again. Not very enlightened.

Fortunately, this time she spoke intuitively enough, Huo Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he understood what she meant.

Although there will be generation gaps and estrangements between children and parents, even though a family member develops alone in a foreign land, relatives and friends in her hometown may not necessarily know everything about her.

But in the case of Wu Meifang's family, they say they understand, but in fact they can't provide anything. Although the victim's mobile phone ID was found with him, it was clean, and he couldn't get any clues. Rare.

(End of this chapter)

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