Eye of Sin

Chapter 182 Mr. Li

Xu Yunna's face turned cold at this moment, and she looked a little unhappy: "Your HR manager is quite interesting, is this a small report for me?"

"Look at you, what are you talking about!" Cui Haichun looked at his displeased wife with some dumbfounding, "Didn't he not know what's going on, and he called me because he was afraid there might be a problem?" .”

"She just thinks I'm an outsider, so it's okay to bring someone over to ask about the company's affairs?" Xu Yunna snorted angrily, "What kind of low-minded people are you?"

"Don't say that, you are the boss's wife, you are not qualified to manage, who is qualified to manage?" Cui Haichun was really angry when he saw this, and quickly coaxed her, "You can even manage the boss, what else are you not qualified to manage?" !

If you really care about their attitude and these things so much, then it's easy to handle, this matter is easy to solve!

Starting tomorrow, you will go to work with me in the company, stand up in front of those people, and see who dare not take the lady boss seriously in the future! "

When Xu Yunna heard this, she immediately changed her face, and waved her hands in a hurry: "No, no, no! You just pretended to be me and didn't say anything, okay?

I am most annoyed by these things, what kind of attitude they like, what kind of attitude they like, how they like to think, I have to stick to my own attitude towards life and not be easily swayed by others!

I want to learn from Yan Hui!People can't bear their worries, and they don't change their joys when they return! "

Cui Haichun smiled, a little helplessly, because of the presence of outsiders, he was embarrassed to do anything else.

"So what did you come here today to find out? Has the problem been solved?" He looked at Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan and asked.

"We came here today to find out about Wu Meifang's situation." Ning Shuyi said.

As soon as he heard Wu Meifang's name, Cui Haichun's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed, and he didn't know what to say.

"Husband, Wu Meifang is dead." Xu Yunna saw that he seemed to be a little confused about the situation, so she quickly explained to him, "Didn't I accidentally become a witness to a murder when I was walking in the park? That person is Wu Meifang!"

Cui Haichun was very surprised, and subconsciously opened his mouth, but soon he realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly explained: "Sorry, I was a little too surprised just now.

When I arrived, I didn’t see anything except a puddle of blood on the road, which was scary. I didn’t know who died, whether it was a man or a woman. I didn’t expect it to be that Wu Meifang... "

"It's more than that! Husband, you don't even know, that Wu Meifang lives in our community! We have met before!
My God, when I first found out about this today, I was almost scared to death. Now when I talk about it, I still feel goosebumps all over my body! "Xu Yunna had a bitter face, and rubbed her arms with her hands, as if she wanted to smooth the goosebumps on them.

"Have we met before?" Cui Haichun was stunned for a moment, and quickly recalled, "Oh, I seem to have an impression, yes, I have met before! At that time, I thought this person looked familiar, but I usually I didn't come here very often, but I didn't remember it all at once.

It turns out that she is Wu Meifang!Before, Mr. Li asked me to do him a favor by arranging someone to join the company. I met her once at that time, and after that, I really didn't match her name! "

After finishing speaking, he frowned again: "Boss Li, you old fox! It's not worth putting people in my company, but also in our community. This is a decision to use our house as a cover in front of his wife!"

After hearing this, Xu Yunna also agreed with this statement, and nodded in dissatisfaction: "He is really outrageous!"

The couple complained a few words. At this time, Manager Qian had already found an excuse to go out, leaving the office to the four of them, and he also kindly helped to close the office door from outside.

The two muttered a few words, seeing Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan looking at them suspiciously, Cui Haichun smiled a little embarrassedly: "Li is always one of our business partners..."

"We learned about this from your wife." Huo Yan nodded, "What is the specific identity of Mr. Li you are talking about?"

Cui Haichun's questioning of Huo Yan was expected, but at the same time, he was a little embarrassed.

"Li is always a big customer of our company, so I would like to ask the two of you to help me with this matter." He said, and was afraid that the other party would misunderstand, so he quickly added, "I didn't ask you to help us open the door. What, it interferes with your normal work, and you have to bear legal responsibility. We understand that we can't bear this responsibility.

It's just...unless you can conclude that Mr. Li has something to do with that little girl's death, otherwise...when you go to investigate him later, can you not disclose the situation on our side?
If he has nothing to do with this matter in the end, then the business between our two companies will still have to be done, don't you think?
If Mr. Li thinks that we sold him, caused him trouble, and ruined his reputation, then this loss is really unbearable for our company. "

"Yes." Huo Yan answered Cui Haichun's request quite straightforwardly.

After getting his promise, Cui Haichun also relaxed a little, and said with a smile: "Actually, I personally think that, except for a little more flaws in his private life, Mr. Li is justified in all aspects. He is not a bad person. He is a murderer. You shouldn't do something like murder."

After that, Cui Haichun probably introduced the situation of Mr. Li to Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan.

That Mr. Li is called Li Youwei, and he is about 50 years old this year. He is more forthright in the business field, but his personal morality is another matter.

This Li Youwei was just a poor boy who was poor and white back then. He didn't know what kind of luck he had. He married a rich girl who was nine years older than him. From then on, he suddenly turned around and became a successful person. .

His father-in-law's family only has such a daughter, so they are willing to support him and teach him how to do business. He is not bad at his own mind, so he gradually emerges.

It can be said that the current status in the business world is inseparable from Li Youwei's own brains and talents, but in the final analysis, his starting point is too low. If he hadn't borrowed the wind from his father-in-law's family, it would have been impossible for him to fumble. Toss out such a big water splash.

That's why he has countless flashy things outside, but he must be careful not to leak the slightest trick to be caught by his family, because his Yue's family really can't afford to offend, even if his father-in-law has already He is over 80 years old, and he still has to be careful to curry favor.

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