Eye of Sin

Chapter 198 Grievance

What Xia Shilong said was quite sincere and frank, and Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan had no way to refute it.

Social experience is indeed something that cannot be generalized by age or other things. They investigated Xia Shilong's basic situation before, and it was indeed as he said that he only had two work experiences after graduating from school. in the fitness industry, and one of them is his own studio.

Although the reason Wu Meifang gave sounds outrageously low authenticity, it cannot be concluded that everyone will not listen to this set of nonsense.

"The reason why we came back to you today to find out about the situation is because something happened to Wu Meifang." Ning Shuyi said to him, "I'm not her best friend, let alone come here to test you for her. We came here today for business. .”

Xia Shilong froze for a moment, stared at Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan suspiciously, and frowned: "What do you mean? You tell me the truth! Is it because Wu Meifang doesn't want to be with me anymore, and wants to dumped me?"

"What kind of logic is this?" Huo Yan frowned. He really didn't know why this seemingly normal-minded young man on the opposite side would say such nonsensical and illogical things, "Do you think we took A person who jokes about human life?"

"Then... didn't there used to be a saying on the Internet called 'I am dead, I have something to burn paper'!" Xia Shilong snorted, "Maybe she is afraid of finding other reasons to break up with me, in case I stalk me Fighting, or being unwilling, contacting her frantically, going to her unit to find her or something, it will affect her future at that time, so just lie to me!
Otherwise, how could anyone die all of a sudden!It's not an old lady in her [-]s or [-]s. She is too old, so it's hard to say if something will happen.

She is a young girl, how can she say she will die! "

"Why do you think it's Wu Meifang who wants to dump you? Is there any emotional conflict between you?" Ning Shuyi felt that aside from Xia Shilong's belief that Wu Meifang was dead, it was his first choice. The reaction felt that Wu Meifang wanted to get rid of herself, and something was wrong.

Xia Shilong's answer was quite candid, and he nodded: "Well, recently there have been a lot of conflicts, and the relationship is not as secure as it used to be.

Now she is not as interested in me as she was at the beginning. At the beginning, although the two of us had to date secretly because of her unit's regulations, it was very happy!

Do you feel happy when a person is with you? You can’t pretend it. You can definitely feel it if it’s true! "

"So you mean, Wu Meifang has changed her mind?" Huo Yan asked.

"I dare not say this, I have no evidence." Xia Shilong immediately denied it, "I just think that she has been dating me less frequently since recently, and she is more dissatisfied with me.

Said that I was too clingy, and felt that I, a man in his 20s, should be enterprising and concentrate on making money in his career, and should not be full of petty love and love, so worthless.

Just this matter... I really... I don't even know what to say!When other people are in a relationship, it's the girlfriend who wants to be tired of being with her boyfriend every day, like Siamese twins!

If the boyfriend is too ambitious to spend time with his girlfriend, then the girl will have to make trouble and be unhappy!
I'm so lucky!Forced me to focus on my career!Then I am also a person. I can’t be engaged in business 24 hours a day except for eating and sleeping. Can’t I have a personal life outside of work? "

While talking, Xia Shilong stood up from the chair aggrievedly, quickly took off the fitness T-shirt on his body, and stood in front of Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan with his upper body naked.

Ning Shuyi was taken aback. Huo Yan obviously didn't expect him to do such a move, and immediately stood up from the sofa, looked at Xia Shilong with a wary face, moved his footsteps slightly, and moved Ning Shuyi Standing behind him: "What are you doing?!"

"Here! Look! I'm not working hard enough!" Xia Shilong didn't seem to notice Huo Yan's vigilance and tension. He bent his arms and changed his posture to exert force, making all the muscles in his upper body tense. Get up, "I'm just a fitness coach! What I can work hard on is to train myself to be more standard and stronger, so as to show my members a good look!

Look at my body fat percentage!Look at my lines!This is the proof of how much sweat I put in!

Why does she think I'm not working hard enough?If I do this, and she doesn't even give me a little time to relax, then what else is there to do in my life?Am I not a robot anymore? "

When talking about this topic, Xia Shilong became a little emotional, his voice raised a little unconsciously, but his posture did not change, and he still maintained the standard movement of showing his muscles.

Huo Yan frowned, and pulled the T-shirt that Xia Shilong had just casually thrown there from the chair and threw it on him: "Put it back on! Now you don't care about the bad influence in front of the members again?!"

Xia Shilong was taken aback for a moment, and then he came back to his senses, remembering that there were still two members in the studio. Although the line of sight between the side where they were talking and the side where they were talking now was somewhat separated, the area was limited after all.

If you speak so loudly, you will inevitably be heard clearly.

What's more, if someone else came in during this time, his current appearance would be a bit unreasonable.

So Xia Shilong quickly relaxed, and put the T-shirt back on his body with three strokes.

"Wu Meifang said you're clingy? It's not convenient for Fang to tell me, how often do you date?" Ning Shuyi waited for him to sit down again before asking again.

Xia Shilong looked embarrassing, and shook his head: "It's hard to say, if it's more frequent, twice a week, if it's not frequent, you may not have the opportunity to date once every two weeks.

But what I'm talking about is the number of meetings, voice calls or video calls. We usually make a dozen calls, but she always calls me when she is free, and I will be responsible for connecting immediately! "

"Why do you never call her?"

"What do you mean I never call her! I thought, isn't that why she won't let me! If she lets me, I'll call her every day!
But she won't let it go!If I call back, she basically won't pick up, and I can't call a second time, otherwise I will be angry and blocked!So can this be my fault! "

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