Eye of Sin

Chapter 21 Trap

Chapter 21 Trap
Ning Shuyi turned to look at Huo Yan who had been sitting at the table long ago. When he was talking to Zhao Dabao just now, he just sat there silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Here, this is for you." She put the insulated lunch box beside Huo Yan's table, "My parents made their own side dishes."

Huo Yan seemed a little surprised, but his sitting posture didn't change. He just glanced at the lunch box and shook his head: "I got my heart, I don't get paid for nothing, I can't take things."

"It's okay, you don't need to be burdened, there is no merit or salary involved here." Zhao Dabao was probably afraid that Ning Shuyi would be embarrassed by Huo Yan's refusal, so he chimed in, "Ning Shuyi's parents are very nice, We often entertain colleagues from our team to our home to satisfy our hunger, and there is almost no one in our team who has never eaten Ning's father and Ning's mother's love dishes! You just accept it."

Huo Yan's eyes lingered on the lunch box for another second, but he still shook his head.

"When I went out to chat with Yu Mengpeng yesterday, you paid for the drinks in the dessert shop. This is considered a reward, so it's not a reward for nothing, right?" Ning Shuyi patted the lunch box and didn't ask for it. Take it away.

Huo Yan's lips tightened a little, he didn't accept or reject, got up and walked out of the office.

After Huo Yan went out, Zhao Dabao sighed, and looked at Ning Shuyi with some doubts: "What do you think about this person? He is obviously outstanding in every aspect, but he just has no temperature and no popularity." Like."

Ning Shuyi looked towards the door of the office: "I can't tell. I think he seems to be afraid of getting involved with others, as if he owes others.

Although I don't understand what he is afraid of, but such things as offering love cannot be forced, otherwise the heart will become a burden.I put things here, and he can take them as he pleases. "

"What if he doesn't take it all the time?" Zhao Dabao asked.

"Then I'll share the small dishes inside with you, and take the lunch box back to work in a few days, so as not to disappoint my parents' wishes!" Ning Shuyi shrugged, she didn't think it was a big deal things.

"Why don't people say that the family atmosphere is very important! From what you see, you seem to be a person who grew up in love, not only has a good personality, but also is tolerant!" Zhao Dabao sighed, "In the future, my wife and I must be like your father. Create such a good family atmosphere for your children like mother!"

Outside the office door, Huo Yan was standing by the wall outside the door, facing the large window in the corridor, his eyes diverged a little.

His hearing has always been very good, and he could hear every word of the conversation between Zhao Dabao and Ning Shuyi in the office. There was no emotion on his face, but there was emotion rolling in his dark eyes. with.

After a few minutes, it seemed that Ning Shuyi and Zhao Dabao had finished chatting early in the morning and started talking about the case in the office, so he opened the door again and walked in.

Ning Shuyi and Zhao Dabao were discussing the criminal motives for taking over the case yesterday. Huo Yan silently walked to his table and sat down, listening to their discussion, his gaze skipped over the lunch box at the corner of the table and landed on Ning Shu Art's face.

"I don't think there is any problem with our current investigation direction. According to criminological statistics, in almost two-thirds of homicide cases, the victim and the murderer are acquainted with each other.

Especially from the perspective of Wang Yuluo's death location and secret cause of death, this is obviously a case of setting a trap - Wang Yuluo watched the movie by himself, no matter what method is used, Wang Yuluo's body can cause hallucinations and can also cause sudden cardiac death The uniqueness is also her voluntary ingestion, without traces of coercion.

To achieve this, a familiar relationship is also needed, which can make Wang Yuluo relax his vigilance against the murderer, walk into the murderer's trap step by step unsuspecting, and achieve this invisible murder. "

"What is trap setting?" Although Huo Yan has rich experience in actual combat and first-class military skills, he is obviously not as solid as Ning Shuyi when it comes to theoretical things. He originally just wanted to listen silently, but now he still Couldn't help asking a question.

"From the perspective of criminal psychology, according to the different modes of murderers looking for victims, there are generally several categories, one of which is the trapping type I just mentioned."

Ning Shuyi explained to him, "This kind of murderer is more cunning, they hide themselves very deeply, they don't directly go out to find the victim, but can lure the victim into the trap they set up.

In this way, judging from the outcome of the crime, the victim seems to be sending himself to death, and there is no way to find the murderer's lies in the most intuitive way, which is rather tricky.

But the advantage is that although the trap-setting model does not directly expose the murderer, it delineates the range of activities that the murderer is familiar with.

Take this case as an example. I searched yesterday and found that the horror film in country T was screened in a private theater, but it was not disclosed to the public, because after all, this film is not allowed to be screened publicly in principle.

Those who know the news and book tickets to see it are generally regular customers who have registered as members of this private theater before and usually use their own small program, so they can receive push messages. "

"Then it's easy to handle! Let's check from the member list of that private theater! I don't believe we can't find out the mastermind behind it!" Zhao Dabao saw hope from Ning Shuyi's deduction, and geared up.

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "That private cinema is very popular in our local area, especially in the past two years, the publicity has gone out, and word of mouth has also gone up. I think their members, there are at least one 2 Thousands of people."

"[-] to [-] is better than looking for a needle in a haystack all over the world! Besides, didn't you just say that there is a high probability that the murderer and the victim are acquaintances. If we pass this condition and set a frame, we can quickly narrow down the investigation. Is it out of scope?" Zhao Dabao's view is quite optimistic.

But Ning Shuyi doesn't seem to think so: "I think it is still difficult to determine what kind of psychology the murderer's motive is based on what we have now, so we can't just rely on the 'knowledge'." It is easy to make mistakes if the conditions are removed.

Yesterday Yu Mengpeng, Wang Yuluo's cousin, showed us some cosplay photos posted by Wang Yuluo on the Internet. I can't say that she has a lot of fans on the Internet, but there are some.

In this way, there is a problem here, that is, "knowledge" can be two-sided or one-sided, and the degree of understanding can be very deep or very shallow.

Although we generally feel that people are more relaxed and undefended against people they are familiar with, they have a stronger sense of defense against strangers.

But there is another situation, people who are very familiar with each other but have a bad relationship, the wariness between each other will not disappear because of the familiarity, but will become more serious.

And it may be that they have just met each other not long ago, and it cannot even be said that they have already left the category of strangers, but simply because the well water does not violate the river water, there is no essential conflict of interest, and on the contrary, it will make people not care very much about such unfamiliar people. Will pay special attention to guard against it.

In this way, if we only focus on those people whose conflicts with Wang Yuluo have already been put on the table, although there may not be mistakes in the direction, it is still easy to miss. "

 It’s still the same sentence, if there are some typos, it’s really helpless, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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