Eye of Sin

Chapter 23

Chapter 23
"It's okay, leave it to us, you go and do your work." Ning Shuyi waved his hand at him, indicating that it's okay.

Zhao Dabao has been busy at home and abroad recently, and he is already exhausted. He has to go out to investigate Wu Caimei today, which is enough for him.

Zhao Dabao handed Wang Yuluo's mobile phone to Ning Shuyi, grinned apologetically at her and Huo Yan, and was ready to go.

Ning Shuyi took Wang Yuluo's mobile phone, and imported some things that could be exported into the computer, and asked Huo Yan to check the information from it, while he was responsible for checking other content in Wang Yuluo's mobile phone that could not be imported into the computer.

Huo Yan accepted the arrangement, and sat in front of the computer to check it carefully. There were some photos and chat records of Wang Yuluo on it.

On Wang Yuluo's mobile phone, Ning Shuyi began to search for Wang Yuluo's recent payment records and other information, so as to confirm her daily life.

She soon discovered that no matter which app or payment software she used, she couldn't find the record of Wang Yuluo's ticket purchase, and even Wang Yuluo herself was not a member of that private cinema.

Then this movie ticket was either provided by the girl who went with her, or it was donated by someone else.

At that time, the surveillance video at the main entrance of the private cinema was captured. When the two girls went to the automatic ticket machine at the entrance to print the movie tickets, it was clearly Wang Yuluo who took out her mobile phone to operate, while the girl who went with her just hugged her. Standing aside with the bucket of popcorn, waiting for her to pick up the ticket.

Since the ticket collection information is in Wang Yuluo's mobile phone, why is there no way to find information about redeeming movie tickets, whether it is in the mobile phone application, chat history, or in the phone's photo album and text messages?
Ning Shuyi frowned at Wang Yuluo's phone.

She also discovered another weird thing. When she was importing the contents of her mobile phone to the computer, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw that there were hundreds of photos in the "Recently Deleted" under the phone's photo album.

At this moment, she thought that the "recently deleted" photos could not be imported into the computer, so when she reopened the phone album, she was surprised to find that there were hundreds of "recently deleted" photos, but now there were not even a single one left!
The mobile phone is in my hand, and the "trash box" is automatically emptied without any operation? !No wonder just now she always felt that many records in Wang Yuluo's phone seemed incomplete. I dare say that after Wang Yuluo's accident, many things in the phone "disappeared" by themselves like this!
Isn't this a hell of a living in broad daylight!

Ning Shuyi snorted, she never believed in "ghosts", but she knew someone who could "catch ghosts"!
"Ghostbuster Heavenly Soldier" Kang Ge was recruited by Ning Shuyi again.

After listening to Ning Shuyi's description, Kang Ge has basically grasped the basic situation of this matter, he laughed: "The 'back door' of this mobile phone was opened by someone, and it came in to help you clean up the house! This is not a problem. It’s hard, just leave it to me!”

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows, raised two fingers, and said "yeah": "Two meals!"

Ning Shuyi was used to Kang Ge's out-of-shape appearance, so he agreed quite readily.

The mobile phone was taken away by Kang Ge, and Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan screened the things that had been imported into the computer.

After a while, Huo Yan tapped the tabletop with his fingers, arousing Ning Shuyi's attention.

"This person is very suspicious." He pointed to the computer screen on his side, "Look at what's in her circle of friends."

Ning Shuyi cast his gaze over that computer. Ning Shuyi had only logged into Wang Yuluo's WeChat on that computer, and now it opened the Moments of a friend of Wang Yuluo's WeChat.

This person's circle of friends will post some daily selfies every day, as well as some pictures such as landscape photos. At first glance, they have a cute and girlish style, and there will be some small videos in the middle.

At first glance, there seems to be no problem with this circle of friends, but since Huo Yan can list it separately for himself, he must have discovered something.

Sure enough, Huo Yan pointed to one of the Moments, and said to Ning Shuyi: "Look at these things, you must know what they are."

Ning Shuyi clicked on the big picture, and saw a girl's slender hand holding a cute and cute milk tea cup in it. It looked like a beautiful keychain, but it was bigger than ordinary keychains. Some, slightly smaller than a phone case.

The copy below is - "Did the current milk tea come out to work just after the full moon? How can it be so cute!"

"I know what this is." Ning Shuyi nodded. She had actually seen this thing when she participated in the distance training before, "What the hell are the Sanwu e-cigarettes sold through informal channels? , there is no way to be sure.

But these things are deliberately made into cute shapes to sell to students, and by the way, they can also deceive parents and teachers who don't know it! "

Huo Yan nodded: "See what her name is again."

Ning Shuyi took a closer look and found that this person's WeChat name was "Winter Mosquito", followed by the name Wang Yuluo had noted for her - "Zhang Jiawen".

"Wenwen!" Ning Shuyi immediately realized, "She may be the Wenwen who Yu Mengpeng and we mentioned yesterday asked Wang Yuluo to go to a nightclub!"

Huo Yan took the mouse and clicked on the chat history between Zhang Jiawen and Wang Yuluo, only to see that it was blank and nothing was there.

"The records are gone, and there is no way to see that the two are in contact." He had just heard the conversation between Ning Shuyi and Kang Ge about the phone, "Did it be deleted before, or was it deleted remotely through technical means later?" Yeah, I can't see that."

"It's okay, this is not important." Ning Shuyi waved her hand, and she returned to Zhang Jiawen's circle of friends and continued to browse.

Sure enough, Zhang Jiawen's circle of friends is very strange. In addition to those so-called "milk tea cup" advertisements, there are also some pictures with calm and breezy, quite sentimental, but the positioning is set at a nightclub in W City .

It felt like it didn't matter what she posted, but she just wanted to convey a secret message so that those who wanted to find her could know where to find her.

"This Zhang Jiawen, even if we can find her, we can't run to find her right away." Ning Shuyi said to Huo Yan, "When I went to report to the Dong team yesterday, the Dong team told me that if anything is involved For clues of the nature of a long-term big fish, you must not make too much noise, so as not to disturb the other party, startle the snake, and end up in vain.

Yu Mengpeng said that Zhang Jiawen often asks Wang Yuluo to go to nightclubs very enthusiastically. I suspect that she is not simply being friends with Wang Yuluo, but because she likes Wang Yuluo's characteristics of having a lot of money and no one to supervise her. She wants to be with her. do business.

If this is the case, then she is inseparable from the residual components in Wang Yuluo's blood that we found during the autopsy, and this matter needs to be more secure! "

(End of this chapter)

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