Eye of Sin

Chapter 26 It happened for a reason

Chapter 26 It happened for a reason
After a busy morning, when it was approaching noon, the nurses in the nurse's station were a little more relaxed. They were all sitting in their seats and working on the computer. Seeing someone coming, a young nurse raised her head, wanting to see What is the purpose of coming.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the tall Huo Yan first. She was stunned for a moment, then saw Ning Shuyi and the police officer ID card in Ning Shuyi's hand, and subconsciously stood up: "Hi, are you ……anything?"

"It's okay, you sit down, we just want to find someone." Ning Shuyi didn't expect the little nurse's reaction to be so serious, and was taken aback, and quickly motioned her not to stand up and stand at attention, "Excuse me, there is a patient in your department Is it Cai Yan?"

The little nurse probably didn't have much dealings with the police before, but now she was taken aback by the fact that she went straight to the nurse's station with a police officer's card to find someone, or was surprised by Huo Yan, who was behind Ning Shuyi with a serious face. I was taken aback, afraid that something important would be involved, and I couldn't bear the responsibility, so I didn't dare to really sit down.

"I don't know!" The little nurse motioned to them as she walked back, "Wait a minute, I'll ask the head nurse!"

Ning Shuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only nod quickly and thank the little nurse with a smile, but seeing how quickly the little nurse left, she knew that she didn't have the heart to accept his thanks at the moment.

It never occurred to me that Huo Yan, the "big killer" who was originally hoping to deter the "hob meat", accidentally deterred the innocent little nurse. What a sin... a sin...

After about 2 minutes, the little nurse came back. Behind her was a middle-aged nurse in her 40s with two blue bars on her cap. She was probably the head nurse of this department.

It is estimated that the little nurse was a little flustered just now, and she didn't make things very clear when she ran in to find someone. The head nurse looked at Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan with a little confusion on her face: "Are you...?"

Ning Shuyi quickly showed her his ID again, and explained to her: "Hello, we are from the criminal police team of the Municipal Bureau. Because of some work needs, I want to find someone named Cai Xin to learn something. According to our As far as I know, Cai Xin was in the cardiology department earlier today, so I came to see her.

Is she a patient hospitalized here?Is there some physical problem that makes it inconvenient for us to meet and communicate with her? "

Hearing this, the head nurse breathed a sigh of relief, glanced back at the little nurse, turned her head and smiled at Ning Shuyi: "I'm sorry, we are a new kid, timid, and just now I ran in and didn't tell me clearly, so I figured out what was going on!

The Cai Xin you are looking for is not an inpatient in our department, but a family member who is here to accompany her.

She has nothing wrong with her, but her mother is in the hospital with a heart problem, so if you want to ask her something, I will call someone out, and you can go outside to ask.

I'm not good at pointing fingers at your work, but the health status of hospitalized patients is our responsibility. "

Ning Shuyi understood what the head nurse meant. She was probably afraid that something bad would happen to Cai Xin, which would irritate her mother who was in the hospital and lead to a sudden deterioration of her condition.

"No problem." She immediately nodded in agreement, and asked the head nurse, "Nurse head, can I confirm with you again, when did Cai Xin come to the hospital to accompany me?"

"Wait a minute, I'll take a look." The head nurse was quite strict in her work. She adjusted from the computer and reported the time when Cai Xin's mother was admitted to the hospital. "I have a good impression of this child. Her mother is Sudden emergency, she was sent by 120, she rushed over immediately, and then accompanied her in the hospital, staying at her mother's bedside every step of the way."

Ning Shuyi calculated the time in his mind, nodded to the head nurse, and asked her to call the nurse to help Cai Xin out.

The head nurse handed over the job to the flustered little nurse, who hurried to a ward inside and came back with Cai Xin after a while.

Cai Xin's height is about the same as Ning Shuyi's, she can't be considered tall, she can only be regarded as medium, very thin, with a somewhat pale and sickly feeling, and there is a clear birthmark on the side of her slender neck, which makes it possible to confirm at a glance that she is the monitor from before. The person captured in the video went to the movies with Wang Yuluo.

Cai Xin looked a little dazed, and followed the little nurse awkwardly. When he arrived at the nurse's station, he didn't notice Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi standing aside, but asked the head nurse directly: "Hello, is there any reason to ask me to come out?" What's the matter? Has my mother's situation changed? "

"It's okay, don't panic." The head nurse quickly comforted her, "Your mother's condition is quite stable, didn't you hear the director's rounds this morning, don't worry!

Is your mother asleep now?There are two police comrades from the Public Security Bureau who want to ask you for some information. If it is convenient for you now, can you find a place to chat with them? "

Cai Xin looked puzzled, looked at Ning Shuyi and the others nervously, and nodded.

Ning Shuyi pointed to the direction of the elevator room on the side. They came from there just now. The space is quite bright and quiet, especially now that it is lunch break, and there is no one there.

"Let's go over there and have a chat." She smiled and said to Cai Xin, trying to use her attitude to relax the girl.

Cai Xin nodded hastily, her hands and fingers interlaced, her whole body tensed.

The three of them came to the elevator room, but there was no one there, Ning Shuyi motioned Cai Xin to go to the window, which is far away from the elevator entrance, so it is not easy to be disturbed.

"Are you Cai Xin? Wang Yuluo's classmate in the postgraduate entrance examination tutoring class?" Ning Shuyi asked to confirm his identity.

Cai Xin nodded, showing nervousness in his expression: "I am. What's wrong with Wang Yuluo? Is she in any trouble?"

"Wang Yuluo is dead." Huo Yan stated the fact to her bluntly.

Cai Xin was stunned, with a shocked expression on her face: "How could that be! She was fine yesterday!"

"You saw her yesterday, right?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"Yes!" Cai Xin didn't hide it, "I went to the movies with her yesterday! My neighbor called me on the way, saying that my mother suddenly fell unconscious on the ground and was sent to the hospital. I ran to the hospital before I finished watching the movie, and I haven't made time to contact her again...

She...how did she die?Was it a traffic accident? "

(End of this chapter)

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