Eye of Sin

Chapter 29 Little Sugar Man

Chapter 29 Little Sugar Man

So Ning Shuyi raised her own question from another angle: "Why does she insist on dragging you to watch it with her? Does she have any other friends besides you?"

Cai Xin shook her head: "I don't know about that, I didn't want to skip class at first, and I told her, otherwise, she would find someone else to go with her, and see who has more time.

She said no, her former friends at school had graduated two or three years ago, either they were working or they were studying in graduate school, and even those in graduate school were already busy applying for a doctorate or looking for a job. At this juncture, accompany her out to play.

And after graduating, she has been taking postgraduate entrance examination classes, neither going to work nor going to school, and she has become less and less able to talk to friends who are already working or studying in graduate school.

She said that there are only a few people she can find, either a night owl who can't get up during the day, or she has a cousin who wants to go out with her, but is stared at by her aunt or aunt. Can't get out.

She didn't want to watch horror movies by herself, so she persuaded me to come along. "

Ning Shuyi nodded. Although Yu Mengpeng didn't mention Wang Yuluo asking her to watch a movie before, it was revealed in her words that her mother, who is Wang Yuluo's aunt, treated her niece and her own daughter completely differently. Standards, how tolerant they are to their nieces, are as strict as they are to their own daughters.

Therefore, the fact that Wang Yuluo couldn't make an appointment with his cousin was still tenable, and it wasn't something that an outsider like Cai Xin could make up casually.

"Did the two of you buy some snacks when you were watching a movie? Where did you buy them?" Ning Shuyi continued to ask, asking the most concerned topics little by little, and quietly paying attention to the questions he raised. When asked this question, what kind of reaction did Cai Xin have?

When Cai Xin was asked about snacks, she seemed a little confused at first, as if she didn't understand why the police should care about such things: "I didn't buy snacks. I really thought about it. Anyway, I don't spend money. Watching a movie with Wang Yuluo, it's not good to be too careless.

So I made up my mind, and when I got to the entrance of the cinema, I paid for a snack set or something.

Later, I wasted a little time, and by the time we got to the place where we made an appointment to meet near the shopping mall, Wang Yuluo had already arrived.

I saw that she was holding a bucket of popcorn in her arms, and everyone had bought them all. When I got to the entrance of the movie theater, I saw that there was only popcorn and Coke there. Wang Yuluo didn't drink Coke, so I didn't buy anything. "

"Is there a popcorn seller near the place you agreed to meet?"

"No." Cai Xin shook her head, "I don't know where she bought it from.

When you said that, I suddenly remembered something, Wang Yuluo seemed to treasure her bucket of popcorn!At first, she carried it by herself, but when she came to the mall, she wanted to take a look around. It was inconvenient to carry popcorn for shopping, so she asked me to carry it for her for a while.

At that time, she told me to come here half-truthfully, saying that the popcorn belonged to her, and told me not to steal it, that popcorn was not something I could eat. "

When she said this, it was equivalent to answering one of Ning Shuyi's doubts, that is, Wang Yuluo not only knew that there was something tricky in the popcorn, but also bought it for the "ricky thing"!
In this way, the source of her blood residues changed from accidental ingestion to active seeking, and the possibility of being poisoned during her lifetime dropped sharply.

"So actually? Have you ever eaten that bucket of popcorn with her before and after watching the movie?" Ning Shuyi asked Cai Xin. Although the amount and concentration of the added syrup may not be too large, it will still It has many adverse effects on the human body and also has a certain risk of addiction.

Cai Xin waved her hands in a hurry: "No! I didn't even touch it! Really!
I have congenital diabetes, and I have to strictly control my intake of high-sugar and high-carb foods.

As far as the popcorn sold outside is usually, I can’t eat too much without adding sugar. How dare you touch it!
My mother is the only family member like me, she is not in good health, I have to take care of her, how dare I make fun of my health! "

When she said this, Ning Shuyi quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "When Wang Yuluo met you, how was she? Did she go directly from home, or did she go elsewhere before meeting you? Do you know this?"

"Then I really didn't ask." Cai Xin shook her head, "When I arrived, I saw that she was already waiting there with popcorn in her arms. I thought it was because she arrived a long time ago, so I was quite embarrassed, so I quickly apologized to her and said I'm late.

Wang Yuluo said it's okay, she just arrived, and she didn't wait for me for three or two minutes. If I arrived on time according to our appointment, maybe she was late, and I waited for her.

Her condition...is also quite good, she seems to be in a particularly good mood, better than when she was in the remedial class, she is very excited, probably going out to play is better than sitting in the classroom writing questions. "

"There is one more detail, I want to confirm with you." Ning Shuyi asked Cai Xin, "When you arrived there, Wang Yuluo had makeup on her face, right? Can you recall for me, when she Did you wear lipstick?"

It is estimated that Ning Shuyi's question is really a bit strange. When Cai Xin was asked by her, she looked at a loss, but she didn't dare to ask the bottom line. She honestly recalled it and replied: "She must have made up on her face. , I have never seen her without makeup at all.

On the mouth... There should be no lipstick on the mouth, um, no lipstick, I'm sure!When we were in the mall at the time, she rummaged through the bag, saying that she left the lipstick somewhere else, and it was too late to get it back, so she just bought another one.

It wasn’t long before the movie started, and the make-up was on the first floor, so it was a hassle to go down. I said let’s talk about it after watching the movie, and she agreed, so we didn’t go to the first floor again. "

"Where is the other place she said?"

"Then she didn't say that, it should be that she had been to other places before meeting me, but she didn't want me to know, and I didn't feel embarrassed to ask around. After all, I don't want to be so blind. Make people unhappy." Cai Xin said.

This is true. With the way Cai Xin and Wang Yuluo get along, she does have reason to consider each other's emotions in everything.

Ning Shuyi had nothing to ask Cai Xin about, and was about to thank her, but Cai Xin suddenly remembered something. She gestured to Ning Shuyi to wait, and then took out her mobile phone .

(End of this chapter)

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