Eye of Sin

Chapter 315 Live Broadcast Audience

Ning Shuyi opened the plastic bag and found two small breads and yogurt inside. Judging from the packaging, it was the type that children prefer.

"What is this?" She asked Huo Yan as she asked Huo Yan as she took out yogurt.

Huo Yan touched the back of his head: "When the child was waiting at the police station for his family to pick him up, I was afraid that he would be hungry, so I took him to the nearby supermarket to buy some food. He said that he would also bring some for his aunt."

Ning Shuyi smiled, took out the straw and inserted it, while drinking, he showed Huo Yan what he had just confirmed.

"Qiao Hanyuan really didn't have time to commit the crime, because he was very busy whether it was when Yan Dayuan was killed or when Yi Wenwen was killed.

Either he was busy having close contact with beautiful female clients outside, or he was busy at home dealing with the check-ups of his pregnant wife. Basically, everything he told could be corroborated.

In other words, this person is very emotionally dishonest, but when it comes to asking us, he is quite honest and does not tell us lies. "

Huo Yan looked at which restaurants and even hotels Qiao Hanyuan visited during that period. Although it did prove that the man did not lie to them, these actions still made Huo Yan couldn't help but frown.

While he was watching, a bottle of Yogurt was handed to him. Huo Yan raised his head and pushed the Yogurt out: "It's something for children to drink..."

"Then I'm drinking it too!" Ning Shuyi ignored his shy refusal, "Did you drink this when you were a child?"

"No." Huo Yan shook his head, "There probably wasn't such a thing at that time. Even if it was, I don't know."

"So, let's make up for what we owed when we were young!" Ning Shuyi handed the Yogurt to Huo Yan again.

Huo Yan was so serious that she couldn't refuse. He could only take it and took a sip with a look of embarrassment. Suddenly, there was a sweet and sour taste in his mouth and throat, with a faint milky fragrance and The fruity aroma is mixed together. Although it is a kid's thing, it tastes good.

"Do you know what I was thinking just before you came back?" Ning Shuyi put aside Qiao Hanyuan's investigation results and said to Huo Yan, "I was thinking about Yan Dayuan becoming the murderer's 'training partner' , is it a coincidence?

Although the place where Yan Dayuan was killed is indeed a link on the path leading to the scene of Yi Wenwen's murder, if you just walk by it, how can you judge that Yan Dayuan is a person who has no contact with him and will not attract others? What about the old people who care about scavenging and living alone? "

"You mean, someone tipped off this murderer?" Huo Yan thought for a while, "Song Xu'an?"

"Well, I also thought of Song Xue'an, but I don't think he necessarily wanted to tip off someone intentionally. Maybe he just happened to become an information channel."

Ning Shuyi said what he had just guessed: "The murderer who killed Yi Wenwen has obviously been following Yi Wenwen since she became famous. In other words, this person is a person who lurks on the Internet to obtain information. , a guy waiting for an opportunity.

It can be said that Yan Dayuan's life does not have much interaction with the outside world. The water and electricity in the nail-biting apartment building have been stopped. The few remaining families are not Internet users. The only ones who can be related to the Internet are Song Xue'an, the 'indoor camping blogger'.

He himself also told us that at the beginning, people were curious about why he was live broadcasting in a building with no water or electricity. He told his fans and viewers about the situation there. .Has Yan Dayuan been mentioned here? Let alone us. He has said too many things himself, and he may not be able to realize them all at once.

What you said that day gave me a lot of inspiration. "

"Me?" Huo Yan was stunned, "What are you talking about?"

"You said that if it were you, you wouldn't even do that training session with Yan Dayuan, because the more you do, the easier it will be to leave flaws.

So I thought about it again and felt that I had simply thought that Yan Dayuan was targeted by the murderer as a training target because he was easy to succeed, to ensure that it could be implemented smoothly on Yi Wenwen. This judgment cannot be said to be wrong, but at least it is Not comprehensive.

The murderer should also have found some element in Yan Dayuan that could convince him that killing Yan Dayuan was targeted, so that it would be worth taking the risk. By the way, it was regarded as a practice, or a test of the waters. "

"So, the most likely source of information that made the murderer feel targeted was Song Xue'an." Huo Yan now fully understood what Ning Shuyi meant.

"Yes, there are a lot of people in Song Xue'an's live broadcast room. This incident is obviously unintentional on the part of the speaker but intentional on the listener, but we still need to talk to him to see if he mentioned it during the live broadcast. Anything about Yan Dayuan, anything that has anything to do with dogs!" Ning Shuyi nodded.

Huo Yan looked at the time: "Check to see if Song Xue'an is live broadcasting. If so, we will go find him right now."

Ning Shuyi took out his mobile phone and found Song Xue'an's account according to the network ID he remembered before. Sure enough, he saw that he was live broadcasting the same house. This guy was talking eloquently to the camera, saying it was a house. It is estimated that it will be dismantled soon, allowing his fans to cherish this last "camping" time.

So the two people drove over immediately. When they got there, it was dark all around. The two people carefully walked down the deep ditch and up the other side, one foot deep and one foot shallow, to the front of the building.

Maybe he saw the light of the flashlights of the two people downstairs. On Ning Shuyi's mobile phone, Song Xue'an in the live broadcast room suddenly said "Hey".

"Brothers, sisters, I discovered something!" He said in a mysterious tone in the live broadcast room, "Outside my building! There is a flashlight!
Oh my god!In this deserted wilderness, in the dark, someone actually came?Who do you think this is?What are you here for?Let's all take a guess together, shall we? "

Although the volume of Ning Shuyi's mobile phone was not high, she could still hear clearly. She shook her head helplessly, and became more sure of her previous guess.

This Song Xue'an is indeed very good at mobilizing the emotions of the fans in the live broadcast room, but at the same time, it also exposes one thing, that is, he is really very casual during the live broadcast, with no plan or arrangement at all, he just says whatever comes to his mind. I "reported" everything around me during the live broadcast.

It is very possible that Yan Dayuan and some of Yan Dayuan's circumstances were accidentally revealed.

Thanks for the monthly pass of Qian Ranbai x2!

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